Hop on to this empowerment train to your desired success!

Published: 02 March 2015

Limitless Social Club

Mobile: 076 4024 936



5 March 2015



Save the date! 14 March 2015 is the date worth to save on your diary because you obviously don’t want to miss this empowerment train to your desired success. Due to popular demand, Limitless Social Club (LSC) once again invites you to another exclusive women empowerment talk hosted by Thandi Hlatshwayo, the CEO of LSC. This talk is all about Global Success and you! It will take place at Clico Boutique Hotel, 27 Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank.  LSC is a social club that drives empowerment among the South African youth.

It is committed to create an environment for the youth to partake in constructive activities as well as to learn how to sustain themselves through socialising. At this event you will learn:
• How to take your businesses from a local level to a global level
• Effective methods to adopt in order to attain global success
• How to effectively position your brands in a competitive international market
• The importance of innovation and how to efficiently implement innovation in your businesses
• What is global success, and how to consistently achieve it as a woman in business.

The line-up of speakers is made up of experts in global business and personal development fields.

Palesa Makanda is a CEO of Enziafrica (www.enziafrica.co.za), a black women owned organisation that is built on the philosophy that Africa holds great opportunity and has the potential to thrive even further if African solutions are applied to build the continent, particularly through sustainable entrepreneurship. She has extensive experience developing SMMEs which includes both funding entrepreneurs as well as providing non-financial support with multi-national companies.    

Pontsho Manzi is Executive Chairman and CEO of Botlhokwa Group; a holding company for three subsidiary companies called Recrutrain, FabImage and Bonisa Media. She is a qualified HR practitioner by training, an author, a nationally and internationally recognized professional business and inspirational speaker, facilitator, coach and image consultant. She is the founding editor and publisher of Fabulous Woman magazine and author of arguably the first South African black female created and owned annual inspirational diary for women called Diary for Fabulous You.

Colleen Larsen is CE of Business Engage Association NPC, a South African based organisation at the forefront of strategic thinking on gender mainstreaming in the private sector. As a speaker and an author on the subject, Colleen is one of the leading voices for the sustainable advancement of women in the corporate and entrepreneurial space in South Africa today using the business case as a basis for transformation. She was the first chairperson of the South African Women Entrepreneurs Network Ltd., an initiative of the Department of Trade & Industry.

Don't miss this opportunity to network with dynamic women; learn effective practical methods on how to achieve your true success and kick start your year with a high level of motivation. Investment is R380 per person. Pre-booking is essential as tickets are very limited. To reserve or purchase your ticket, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 073 963 4369. Follow @LSC_2014 or Thandi_LSC on twitter. 

Notes for editor
CEO Thandi Hlatshwayo is available for interviews about Limitless Social Club. We would like the event to be covered in the media. 

Contact Details:

Nompumelelo Cele
Mobile: 076 402 4936
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Somerset West’s Own Indie Game Studio

Published: 17 June 2014

Indie games are fast becoming a trend in South Africa, catching on from the overseas markets. These days, children and adults alike are playing mobile games as never before. People are always hungry for something different, which is where indie games – or ‘independent’ games – come in, providing players with something other than the mass-produced mainstream products.

Now, Somerset West can boast with its very own game studio that started turning its cogs in February this year. For its first month of existence, the studio was run out of the founder’s mother’s basement – typical indie game studio protocol, if history is anything to go by. Now, running from a house close to De Hoop Primary School, the studio focuses on creating mobile games (such as their recently released Afrikaans game, Fanie de Beer) and has oodles of style, creativity, skill and initiative.

While the Apmil Game Studio has only been up and running for a few months, the people who daily put their shoulders to its wheels have been building up relationships for the last three-and-a-half years. Even though the studio officially started up in February, the idea of an indie game studio had been brewing in the mind of Studio Head, Pierre Bezuidenhout, since 2011. Pierre started lecturing in the Animation Department of Cape Town’s City Varsity in 2011 – and this is where he met the three students who would later join him in this grand venture.

Pierre, as leader of the team, is Apmil’s Programmer and Technical Director. He has previously worked in advertising and animation for Wicked Pixels in Woodstock and held the position of lecturer at Concept Interactive as well as at City Varsity. His impressive skill set includes a sharp eye for detail as well as design flair and programming aptitude in different digital languages and platforms – he is also quite the people-person. Altus Barry is the Technical Lead, taking charge of rigs, renders and other related tasks. Mabet van Zijl did her major in 3D Narrative and, as Generalist, leads Apmil’s marketing and writing in between her usual workload. Louren Hattingh takes the roles of Lead Animator and Concept Artist. While each person has their area to lead, the workflow runs with a ‘rock-paper-scissors’-style in which one falls under the delegation of another while dealing with respective area-specific tasks. Sitting around a whiteboard, each armed with a marker, they discuss character design, story line, player motivation, level arrangement, time constraints and load division before jumping in with the actual development.

The first released game, Fanie de Beer, is a 100% physics-driven, full 3D, indie puzzle game with a distinct South African flavour. Playing as Fanie de Beer, a 12-year-old farm-boy, the player utilizes simple little rocks by tapping once on the screen to clear best friend Jaco Kriel’s fields of strategically placed, ancient landmines. Built in Unity, the game takes place in a single day – with the story starting early in the morning and ending in the evening – transporting the player through a dynamic day/night cycle and colourful, saturated farm fields as they progress through the 84 levels, meeting new mine types and increasingly difficult challenges as they go along. Written and designed in Afrikaans, then carefully translated into true farm-style English, this game is unique, fun and proudly South African. The demo is available for download from the Google Play Store, while the full game can be purchased on Samsung Apps and Amazon.

The next game in the pipeline is different from Fanie de Beer in virtually every way. Where Fanie is a very colourful 3D puzzle game with just enough back-story to set the player up for the context and flavour of the game, the current project is a heavily story-driven platform-game that takes place in a fictional world made up of parallaxing silhouettes and strange characters.

Apmil Game Studio has not only been created as a platform to build games, but also as a springboard for fellow animators, developers, designers and illustrators. It’s a breeding ground for collaboration, ideas, innovation and learning. Each person hones their skills while doing fun and challenging work through creating games and stories as well as fulfilling the creative needs of small to medium-sized businesses in the Western Cape and Gauteng.

Apmil Game Studio services include animation, app creation, game creation, rendering/stills, asset creation, video editing and UX. The creative division of Apmil, led by artist Janet Botes and writer Michelle Albinson, offers logo design, graphic design, online/web design, interactive design, writing, editing, proofreading and illustration.

Apmil prides itself on being different: Fresh ideas, innovative applications, strange and wonderful games – they are all things that receive the studio’s love and attention to detail. To find out more or to get involved, contact Pierre Bezuidenhout at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him on 082 499 3133

Studio ingredients:[A]ltus makes the bus and [P]ierre drives the bus; [M]abet takes the bus t[i]ckets and [L]ouren makes the bus move. Thus, [apmil].

Free demo: Google Play – bit.ly/fanie_demo 
Full version: Samsung Apps – bit.ly/fanie
Official Trailer: Youtube – bit.ly/fanie_trailer 
Apmil page: Apmil/Fanie – apmil.co.za/fanie-de-beer 

Exciting holiday Adventures has never been so affordable then with QVC – Quality Vacation Club.

Published: 23 July 2008
{pp}Whether it’s South Africa’s Big Five, bora bora Islands tropical beaches or just a romantic getaway to Paris QVC provides the best and cheapest prices.