Council of Events Professionals Africa to become part of SACIA

Published: 11 December 2019

The South African Communications Industries Association (SACIA) has announced that the Council of Events Professionals Africa (CEPA) will be reconstituted as a special interest group under the SACIA umbrella. 

CEPA was established in 2014 as the events industry’s Professional Body to develop and award professional designations to individuals working in the events industry. Originally formed as a three-way partnership between the Exhibition and Event Association of Southern Africa (EXSA), the International Festivals and Events Association (IFEA) Africa and the Southern African Association for the Conference Industry (SAACI), the Council (CEPA) has broad buy-in from members of all three associations, and the CEPA Board members appointed by the founding associations will continue to oversee activities through their appointment to a governing council. 

SACIA has been instrumental in establishing and implementing professional standards and ethical business practices across the Communications Industries for the past 10 years. The journey has included the development and roll-out of professional designations for practitioners in the Audio-Visual, Broadcast and Live Events sectors – traditionally areas in which experiential learning is more prevalent than formal qualifications. SACIA’s objective is to provide clearly defined career pathways for individuals working in these areas, to encourage a commitment to lifelong learning, and to protect the public against unethical and/or unprofessional behaviour from certified members. 

Along with the professional designations already available, SACIA will now proceed to develop and register new professional designations for the Event Management sector as well. This will provide for a formal recognition of competencies for professionals working as Event Co-ordinators, Event Managers and Event Directors, including related service providers across both small- and large-scale events in southern Africa. The events industry includes conferences, exhibitions, festivals and awards functions but also extends to weddings, funerals, sports days, social excursions, fund-raising events and much more. The baseline standard outlined in the various Professional Designation levels can be applied to all industry professionals working in the events industry, thereby creating new opportunities for individuals who may have been marginalised and/or denied access to commercial opportunities in the past.  

Events practitioners will soon be able apply for a designation to suit their level of expertise by submitting the relevant documentation and undertaking an online competency assessment through SACIA. Demonstrable proof of competency affords their clients’ peace of mind, knowing that they will receive a professional standard of delivery.  

“This is a fast-growing industry and we are excited to be moving forward with SACIA’, says Sue Gannon, ex GM of EXSA and now Director/Treasurer and Chair of the Skills, Certifications, Ethics and Disciplinary Committee for CEPA. “Many of the people working in the events industry do not have a formal qualification but they’ve built up their core knowledge by attending short courses and learning on the job. Why should they not have a formal designation if they have the competencies required? We need to recognise the value of prior learning and provide for career paths within our industry.”  

Melanie Sillince, Director and Chair of Marketing & Secretariat, CEPA, says, “I believe that joining SACIA will fast track our dream of certifying our industry, offering a platform for creating jobs and providing much needed skills transfer and development without it costing those who wish to professionalise themselves, time and large sums of money.” 

According to Glenn van Eck, CEPA Board Chairman, the pioneering work done by the Board of CEPA has created a wonderful foundation for its successful incorporation under the SACIA umbrella. “At the end of the day, our primary objective is to give events customers a greater opportunity to be assured of world-class delivery for their investment in professional businesses. It will also provide an opportunity for first-time entrants into the industry to be exposed to the knowledge and experience of mentors in the Events Industry and enable them to fast track their expertise as a new generation of event professionals.."   

The merger with CEPA positions SACIA for coverage across the full spectrum of the events industry – including technical, operations and management, and opens up opportunities for SACIA members to tackle new challenges and prepare for industry advancements with a unified voice. The Association’s expanded structure will deliver enhanced value to all its stakeholders across the broader events industries, including live sound, audio-visual, event safety, cinematography, outside broadcast operations, lighting design, film and television, content creation and events management.  

“Incorporating CEPA into our existing SACIA structures will allow us to expand our footprint and deliver real value to all stakeholders working in the events industry, from event organisers through to the technical crew responsible for turning dreams into reality,” concludes SACIA executive director Kevan Jones. “It’s about an entire industry sector coming together in the shared pursuit of excellence.”

The Africa Digital Entrepreneurship Event Live in Johannesburg

Published: 22 October 2019

The main challenge entrepreneurs are facing in Africa is not the lack of great ideas but the fear of turning ideas into reality. With unemployment in South Africa at an all time high, more and more people are trying to make their own way in the economy.The Africa Digital Entrepreneurship events are about turning dreams into action. The series of events aims to enable digital entrepreneurship and the upcoming ‘Bitcoin Nights’ meet-up in Johannesburg on Thursday, 24 October at The Business Exchange Morningside, 150 Rivonia Road is a must-attend event for anyone interested in the digital assets space.

Business networking is the fast track to success and event sponsors such as Zcoin and OVEX believe that entrepreneurship is the way forward for South Africans. Jonathan Ovadia, Co-Founder and CEO at OVEX, a company helping to create an open, trustless and more efficient financial system says “the vision is to break down the barriers that prevent people from entering the traditional financial system. We believe that wealth-creating investment opportunities shouldn’t only be accessible to the wealthy, but should be available to all.”

The event is facilitated by the United Africa Blockchain Association (UABA), a non-profit leading blockchain education and adoption in sub-Saharan Africa. With the help of sponsors, The Africa Digital Entrepreneurship Series’ goal is to provide relevant content on business and technology that helps people learn and grow professionally and personally.The meet-ups provide a conducive environment for networking and ideas exchange, and attendees can look forward to free drinks, giveaways and prizes. Other sponsors include Divi, which makes it possible for anyone to participate in securing blockchains through their one-click masternodes, challenging the notion that you need technical expertise to participate in the blockchain ecosystem. Centbee, a digital wallet company that believes in the power of people to create an abundant future and æternity, a new blockchain technology, designed to deliver efficiency, transparent governance and global scalability are also part of the sponsors who see huge potential in Africa and are actively championing the digital asset revolution.

The theme of the Johannesburg event focuses on the Digital Asset Economy and anyone interested in tech is welcome to attend FREE of charge and benefit from the networking opportunity and inspiring discussions. Speakers will include Adi Kaimowitz, President and CEO of Virtual Actuary, Maushami Chetty of Novate Legal; Mpho Dagada – Commisioner, 4th Industrial Revolution at the SA Presidency; and Yaliwe Soko, Chairperson at UABA.The event aims to inspire participants to increase their appetite for entrepreneurship and get more knowledgeable about the growing trend in digital assets. Africa is a market ready to adopt new technology but lack of emphasis on digital entrepreneurship opportunities in Africa might result in missed economic opportunities for the next generation.

“It’s important to encourage the youth to explore the option of entrepreneurship as a career path instead of waiting for employment opportunities which may never be available to them.Initiatives such as the Africa Digital Entrepreneurship Series focus on creating awareness and demystifying what it means to run a digital enterprise,” said Heath Muchena, Founder of Proudly Associated, a company working with companies developing blockchain-powered technologies that have use cases focusing on emerging economy development to gain adoption across the continent.Whether you’re a student, professional or fledgling entrepreneur, this event will provide valuable insights and an opportunity to learn, grow, network and be inspired all in one. The meet-up will be a relaxed, no-suits-or-ties sort of event so expect to learn and be entertained. 

"The Africa Digital Entrepreneurship Series connects up-and-coming entrepreneurs in all fields. It’s a fantastic way for those interested in tech and online businesses to build a solid support network,” said Grey Jabesi, host of the Grey Ave Podcast, Africa’s top rated podcast which focuses on survival skills for the 21st century.

By attending this FREE event, attendees will:

Learn about new frontiers in digital innovation

Find out how to leverage technology to broaden participation in the global digital economy

Boost digital asset knowledge including digital asset acquisition and management

Learn how to build a fully remote businessDiscover mentorship opportunities

Interact with other entrepreneurs and build business networks

Meet like-minded innovators and go-getters

Be empowered!


Event details: 

Admission: FREE (Limited space so make sure you get there early.)

Date: Thursday, 24 October, 2019

Location:  The Business Exchange, Block 4, 150 Rivonia Road, Morningside, Sandton, 2057 Johannesburg.

If you want to sponsor this event or for more information, contact:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Introducing COMMTREND

Published: 25 June 2019

On 22nd-24th October 2019, the South African Communications Industries Association will be hosting its not-to-be-missed, multi-track Conference and Gala Dinner at Gallagher Estate.

COMMTREND is celebrating the Association’s achievements over the past 10 years and bringing its members together in a gathering that aims to deliver relevant insight and real value to the broadcast, AV, technical production and content creation markets. COMMTREND has been under discussion for many months and the result is a comprehensive 3-day programme of curated, educational content, tailored specifically to the industry sectors within SACIA.

As the recognised professional body for the industry SACIA can attract some of smartest minds available, so members can expect high-level presentations across a range of pertinent topics. However, it is also an interactive platform giving guests the opportunity to dig deeper into the issues shaping the future of the communications industry. There is plenty of opportunity for face-to-face engagement with experts willing to share their extensive knowledge and insight.

The conference aims to provide content to stimulate strategic thinking to negotiate the extreme rate of change within our sectors, examine the influences on our industry and assist us with planning for future directions. The previous SACIA conference was run alongside a small conference with around 30 exhibitors. In 2019, the exhibition component has been removed and the conference expanded to offer multiple streams of content.

The venue has also changed to a space that can accommodate the 500+ delegates expected from across the SADC region. COMMTREND kicks off with the first day being dedicated exclusively to SACIA’s Youth Development programme and pre-conference workshops. The Youth Development programme will feature several presentations focused on career opportunities for young people.

SACIA is already actively working with several Universities active in the communications sector but the youth content at COMMTREND will strongly focus on SACIA's vision for the future of the youth within the Association, exploring how the changing work environment will require new skill sets and instilling a commitment to continuing professional development.

The next two days are aimed at members already active within the industry; starting with a review of the mega-trends shaping our future before drilling down into the five different breakaway streams keeping discussions industry and individual-specific. Delegates have the choice of attending whichever knowledge track is of greatest interest to them and which will give them the most valuable take-away.

There are also sponsorship packages to allow sponsors to engage and interact with a highly targeted audience hungry for information. SACIA has created bespoke packages, across different price-points, all of which will include both pre and post-conference engagement. The objective is to secure sponsors with whom SACIA can build a long-term relationship that benefits the Association, the members and the sponsors in a WIN-WIN-WIN package.

Bringing the Students On Board

Published: 25 June 2019

The Student Development project launched by SACIA in 2019 is already bearing fruit. Mpho Buntse was contracted in early 2019 to manage youth engagement within SACIA, in line with the Association’s vision of addressing the succession and skills shortage issues we experience in the Technical Communications industries. As the Project Manager for Youth Development; Mpho is the liaison point between higher learning institution stakeholders (students, academics and support units like student affairs), and the Association, to launch active chapters within all institutions relevant to the broadcast, film, media, sound, AV and live events sectors.

His role includes all youth engagement aspects of the association, including setting up a Young Professional’s Forum, driving and facilitating networks, community engagement, raising awareness amongst students about the professional designation opportunities available to members and instilling ethical as well as professional conduct amongst youth members.

The initiative is forging ahead with the establishment of on-campus Student Chapters. There are already Chapters on-site at six major Training Institutions around the country, namely: The North West University (Mafikeng Campus), the North West University (Vaal Campus), The Academy of Sound Engineering, AFDA, The University of the Witwatersrand and the University of Johannesburg; with more planned as the platform expands.

The aim is to gain input from these academic institutions and integrate with their offerings to provide the practical components (today commonly known as service learning programme) that make for well-rounded, employable industry-entrants. “Although we only started the process of engaging institutions about 3 months into the 2019 academic year, we have received overwhelming interest from both institutions and students," says Mpho.

“Students within the scope of SACIA’s mandate have demonstrated an eagerness to facilitate a single, non-partisan voice that will see them flourish as ethical professionals, post-graduation. There is a sense of relief that, finally, their sector has a professional body represented by a force of intergenerational, experienced role players, highlighting ethical standards.”

A Youth Development Day at Blandford Manor in April, which hosted champions of the initiative and students from partner institutions, uncovered a healthy appetite for technical development and set the stage for further engagement. As well as being the official launch of the Student Council, the day created opportunities for young people driving transformation in the industry to interact, share challenges faced by the youth and make recommendations on how to advance youth engagement.

It also gave chapter leaders the chance to meet, greet and network with some of the members and board of SACIA. SACIA’s student development plan operates in two ways. The Association, through the Student Chapters, facilitates the placement of Broadcast, Live Event, AV, Media, Film and TV student members with relevant industry players for their Work-Integrated Learning/Service Learning Component while they are still studying, so that the theoretical elements come to fruition on site. It also provides for engagement with industry, opportunities for mentorship arrangements, internship potential and future preferred employment opportunities.

The outcome will be an industry-backed student population, receiving practical support from industry leaders and graduates that are work-ready with access to industry networks. These students can interact with major players and form networks necessary for future partnerships. It gives them access to Mentorship, Work-Integrated Learning, Service Learning and Internship opportunities as well as the chance to hone their leadership skills to contribute towards the vision of the industry.

To make this benefit accessible to this section of the market, SACIA has discounted the Student Council membership fee to R100.00 (ex vat) per annum for Student Members. Already the Academy of Sound Engineering has registered their entire complement of Final Year students as SACIA Student Members, at no cost to the students. Mr. George Hattingh Junior, Director of Marketing and Communications for Academy of Sound Engineering (ASE) provides SACIA with the resources they need to make an impact within the student body.

“ASE is the largest training institution for Audio Technicians and Sound Engineers in South Africa and produces technicians in the Television and Screen Arts field. Our impact on the industry is significant and must form part of the professionalisation of the industry, so we welcome the opportunity to engage with SACIA at this level.” “Although it is still early days, our students have begun talking about the programme and are excited at their prospects.

The realisation that they are part of something bigger than just an institution and that the industry’s professional body recognises them and offers the space for growth and support, is invaluable,” he says.“We are also excited about the possibility of our professional staff to be involved and to gain their professional designations. As SACIA grows and its relevance and impact in our industry becomes more important, we hope to be a part of that successful growth.”

The Student Council anticipates tremendous growth in youth-oriented membership and the development of a SACIA membership that reflects the demographics of the country as well as the changing face of the sector. “We aim to have launched 50% of our national chapters within the first 5 years and to have obtained a clear mandate from the student and youth population about the future of the industry” says Mpho.

“By the end of 2019, we anticipate a fully-fledged Student Council and Young Professional’s Forum as strong components of SACIA. We are at the centre of the fourth industrial revolution, and we need to demonstrate our commitment to addressing the changing face of our future workforce by investing in the youth.”

Property ownership ripe for exploration for Western Cape investors and first-time home buyers

Published: 26 February 2019

Cape Town get ready: ‘There is never a bad time to buy property…there are only bad investors who don't know how to take advantage of the opportunity.’

With pivotal elections on the horizon and a daily news stream fraught with negative economic sentiment, it is no surprise that South Africans are tiptoeing around potential investments and adopting a ‘wait and see’ approach.

Yet with recent claims from the City of Cape Town that homes in Cape Town have increased in value by 34% in the past three years, there is undoubtedly no time like the present for would-be property investors.

Wealth Alliance, an organisation that empowers individuals to change their perspective on traditional wealth creation, offer property investment seminars, masterclasses and mentorship programs. These programs will now be available in the Cape Town area, starting with ongoing free seminars* for anyone interested in the key to building wealth through property, regardless of industry experience.

These programs are carefully designed to assist entrants in the property sector, and therefore cover key aspects of the property market:

  • Areas in South Africa where you’re likely to find the best property deals, and which finance strategies will help you finance your investment;
  • Best Cape Town neighbourhoods to invest in as well as informal settlements ripe for investment
  • Various investment strategies including back-to-back deals, capital flips and how to invest in property without any of your own capital
  • Different types of properties to invest in, from residential to Airbnb and commercial
  • Building your network, finding and financing property deals

According to property specialist and Wealth Alliance co-founder, Sylvia Koketso Milosevic, ‘there is never a bad time to buy property…there are only bad investors who don't know how to take advantage of the opportunity.’

As an entrepreneur who has boldly entered the property market and reaped the rewards, Sylvia now actively shares her learnings and provides people with practical tips and advice.  Drawing inspiration from Napoleon Hill’s legendary bestseller, ‘Think and Grow Rich’, she runs a series of dynamic property investment seminars and training sessions. The seminars apply the 13 classic principles of ‘Think and Grow Rich’ to the local property market, and demonstrates how new investors can successfully negotiate the property sector.  

“While it is certainly a difficult economic environment for investors right now, we believe that with the right tools and knowledge, South Africans can benefit from the current downward trajectory in property prices - and turn their financial goals into reality,” she says. “We teach our students that by applying the right strategy, regardless of the market conditions, they can achieve outstanding returns.”

According to Milosevic, “investors should combine strategies that will have you making money from day one, so it doesn’t matter if the market declines, you are still making money every single month, down the line, until there is an upswing again.”

Moreover, declining house prices are not necessarily so negative - as it allows first-time homebuyers to enter the housing market at cheaper prices. They can then benefit from the uptick when it comes. Notably, the recent budget speech highlighted some positive socio-economic investments on the horizon which speak to a brighter future ahead for savvy investors.

Regardless of the current political status quo, however, it is critical that potential investors arm themselves with the knowledge and know-how to turn property into smart investments – despite difficult macroeconomic conditions. “We are thrilled to be able to share our knowledge and experience with potential investors in and around Cape Town, and to unlock the infinite opportunities that lie within the local property sector,” says Milosevic.

Wealth Alliance seminars are now available in Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, Polokwane and Venda, with new markets to be launched soon. To find out more about Wealth Alliance and to book for a complimentary Think and Grow Rich property seminars visit and 

Media Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

FORBES International Business Coach Launches Southern Africa Tour for National Women’s Month

Published: 08 July 2018

Johannesburg, Gauteng – 9 July 2018 - American Founder of Pursue Your Purpose LLC and Forbes Coach, Tamiko Cuellar, will be launching a 4-city "Own Your Brilliance! Tour throughout South Africa and Namibia for aspiring and emerging women entrepreneurs from 11-20 August 2018 in honor of National Women's Month. The first-of-its-kind tour will be a series of Master Class workshops taught by Cuellar and are based on her 3rd book release, "Own Your Brilliance! - A Woman's Guide to Hiring Herself." Aspiring and emerging women are strongly encouraged to attend this event.

The tour will commence in Johannesburg on August 11th, then to Windhoek, Namibia on August 14th, to East London on August 18th, and end in Cape Town on August 20th. "South Africa and Namibia have some of the most talented and capable professional women who are seeking to be empowered to start or run their own businesses successfully. As an International Business Strategist, I am coming to help them get to their next level," says Cuellar. Attendees will leave inspired and equipped to own their brilliance and with ways they can prosper by using their gifts, talents, skills, and abilities on their own terms as entrepreneurs.

Notable sponsors including the University of South Africa (UNISA) and the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) have joined forces with this powerful event. East London-based firm Epitomely PRM, has also partnered with the event to market it in Eastern Cape and has brought on Cape Town based NGO Womandla as the official Corporate Social Initiative client so that a portion of the ticket proceeds can benefit the Womandla Foundation for women in Africa. Mamoyo Media House in Johannesburg is an official media partner of the event.

Details of the Master Class and registration can be found on the registration page.   A special opportunity for discounted coaching with Cuellar will be made available to a select number of women who register early. Spaces are limited.  During the Master Class, Cuellar will share her personal journey that inspired her to write the "Own Your Brilliance!" book and teach practical lessons and strategies from the book to equip women to run successful businesses.  A free copy of the e-book will be provided to every woman who registers for the event. Tamiko Cuellar is the CEO and Founder of Pursue Your Purpose LLC, a global coaching firm based in the U.S. for aspiring and emerging women entrepreneurs internationally. She is a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, a regular contributor to and a former Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship. A proven leader in the global marketplace,

Tamiko has been invited to speak at corporations, conferences, churches, on several radio and TV programs, and more. Cuellar coaches high performing, purpose driven women globally with strategies to transition into entrepreneurship and to grow their businesses. For more information on Cuellar and her company, visit the company website.

Your license to Rage goes on sale soon

Published: 02 May 2018

Like any 16-year-old, rAge (the really Awesome gaming expo) is breaking the mould and exploring new ways to shake things up!

As South Africa’s largest video gaming, computer, technology and geek culture exhibition, the annual rAge event delivers all that is awesome in gaming, including the usual NAG LAN BYOC experience, and a redesigned show floor! To lock in your #escapetoplanetrage, get your tickets at Computicket from 01 May 2018.

At R150 for a day pass (access for one day only) and R300 for a weekend pass (access for all three days), your rAge ticket gives you access to the entire expo: all the displays and activities on the show floor, all the latest in gaming hardware and software, all the stage entertainment, all the esports spectating, Cosplay competitions, geek arts and culture, all the home-coded locally developed games, all the board games, and a wide variety of gaming apparel and accessories.  There’s so much to see and do, guaranteeing a full weekend’s worth of entertainment!

Tickets to the NAG LAN BYOC will go on sale on Saturday 28 July 2018 and, with some exciting developments here, loyal NAG LAN gamers are advised to watch this space.

Our long-time visitors call this the event of the year. We invite you to make it yours as well.

For more info visit 

Dates: 5 October – 7 October 2018

Expo times:Friday: 10:00-18:00 | Saturday: 09:00-18:00 | Sunday: 09:00-16:00

Day ticket: R150 per person (tickets available at the door or via Computicket outlets)

Weekend ticket: R300 per person (tickets available at the door or via Computicket outlets)

Kids under 6: Free

Venue: Ticketpro Dome  | Cnr Olievenhout Avenue and Northumberland Road | Northriding, Johannesburg | GPS: 26 03’48.39”S / 27 56’35.54”E 

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Issued By:The Lime Envelope
On Behalf Of

For Media Information:Kerry Oliver or Sarah Martin
Telephone:011 467 9233/8998
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   

Massive Outdoor Zumbathon event set to take place in the Mother City this March

Published: 06 February 2018

An annual Zumbathon event, which aims to showcase a gigantic outdoor Zumba class in Cape Town while some of the proceeds benefit a worthy cause, is set to take place in March this year.

The Zumbathon For A Cause sport and recreation event will see participants engage in a two-hour Zumba session on Saturday 3 March, at Good Hope Seminary School in Vredehoek.Zumbathon For A Cause attracts Zumba enthusiasts from all ages and walks of life to participate in what is considered as the biggest Zumba class in South Africa.Some of the proceeds of this year's event will benefit Hope Cape Town – the Cape Town-based organisation that dedicates its efforts to fight against inform about and help victims of HIV and Aids).

According to Zumbathon For A Cause organiser, Didier Moestus, this year's event is looking to create more awareness around World Aids Day and people affected by or living with the disease in The Western Cape.“Our team conducted research regarding who the best organisation was involved with informing, helping and preventing HIV and Aids education and we were touched by Hope Cape Town and the work that they do. We actually met with some of the children who come from families devastated by this disease and it was an eye opener for us. Hope Cape Town's dedication to save lives is authentic and touching but also, they are doing it with a smile on their face,” he says.

Tickets for this year's event are priced at R100 each for online purchases while tickets purchased on the day will cost R130 each. Children under 15 accompanied with an adult, or with an ID, will enter for R50 each.Group tickets (10 tickets minimum), are available at R75 per person.

The theme colour of this year's Zumbathon For A Cause event is purple and pink, and all Zumba lovers, fitness fans, moms, and personalities who want just an excuse to smile and dance in the morning, are encouraged to join in on the fun on the day.

Says Moestus: “Participants can look forward to two outdoor classes of Zumba, as well as a great opportunity to meet new faces and network in the process. We have a number of great prizes on offer too, so all around the family-centered event will be a fun day out for the entire family.”Moestus adds that Zumbathon for A Cause is targeted at people who relate to wellness and health, as well as everyone who wants to make a contribution to fight for Aids awareness.

Renowned SA Zumba instructor, Lucas Mthenjane, will spear-head the event as the main Zumba instructor on the outdoor stage.“Lucas is like a Zumba guru on this continent, and he has travelled the world to learn new aspects of that discipline throughout the years of his practise and is the only one who gives license to Zumba instructors in South Africa. We are very proud to have him involved with us. He is the engine of this event and we are really impressed with his passion, enthusiasm and creativity for this discipline,” says Moestus.

For more details about Zumbathon For A Cause, you can email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or more details about Hope Cape Town, visit:

Do also check out Zumbathon For A Cause on social media:


Instagram: @zumbathonforacause

Twitter: @ZumbaForACause

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Please forward requests for further information, hi-res photographs or interview opportunities to:

Clayton Morar (Publicist)
Mobile: + 27 74 194 1766
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Marketing to South Africa's Youth - reaching and engaging with next generation youth

Published: 21 June 2017

In South Africa, approximately half of the population is under the age of 25. Due to the size and buying potential of the youth market, the segment is of great significance to brands planning to stimulate new demand and reach and engage with a highly diversified collective of young sub-cultures.

Miguel Correia of The Zinto Marketing Group comments, “Research conducted by our team of field marketers indicates that South Africa’s youth want authentic, meaningful experiences and interact with real people in their homes and communities. For this reason, youth marketing has become more about engagement and dialogue and less about pushing product information and talking at them. We realised this trend and adapted our approach and marketing efforts to keep pace with youth culture through active and dynamic engagement and carefully constructed, interactive promotional drives.”  

Brand activation can be used to create new approaches and unexpected, chance encounters between brands and young consumers. An experiential showcase gives youngsters the opportunity to interact with (and be part of) the consumer journey. Correira highlights trends for marketers to consider when targeting the youth market in South Africa:

Participatory culture

The evolution of consumer to creators and disseminators of information means the youth view themselves as extensions of important and popular brands and that they have played a role in creating connections and forming perceptions of well-known brands. The interaction is personal, and rather than imposing product information on them, they expect brands to facilitate authentic connections and real experiences.  

Truth seekers

Real relationships are important to the youth and brands’ consumer promises must be perceived as open, honest and transparent. With an abundance of brands, communication and touchpoints competing for their attention, the youth is growing increasingly sceptical of advertising and media messages and marketers’ attempts to capture their loyalty. The young people are socially aware and will not support brands that contradict their personal values and beliefs – attributes  such as integrity, truthfulness and trust are held in high regard and they will not support brands that are perceived as dishonest or do not live up to expectations.  It is important to achieve a more authentic role in these consumers’ lives using technology and social platforms but understand that young consumers will expose any false claims using  the same communication channels and  networks to make their ‘voices’ heard. 

The power of connection – driving brand and peer engagement simultaneously

Not only is technology a true enabler for Millennials – connection and experiential appeal extends beyond digital mediums and the ability to share with peers and others around them, it also creates a sense of belongingness and relationships within the community.  From a marketing perspective, the brands that have been most successful in capturing young consumers’ attention and imaginations are those that have leveraged and facilitated the sharing of experiences utilising young consumers’ voices and participation. 

For more information about Zinto, visit  

The 1st Mzantsi Jazz Awards

Published: 20 May 2017

#zajazzawards01 Today we are excited to announce the kick off of the first Mzantsi Jazz Awards (MJAs) season which will culminate with awarding the deserving South African jazz artists.

If you are fan of Jazz, you will know that South African jazz has grown in leaps and bounds and we also know that the jazz music even in its richness doesn’t enjoy the same publicity as its contemporaries within the South African music industry. The purpose of the awards is an effort to remedy the aforementioned situation.

The MJAs will be an annual event that recognises and appreciates Jazz music in the country. Artists and recording companies are invited to submit work produced during 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017 for an award. Nominations may be submitted online by completing a nomination form on or download nomination form and email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Nominations are open from 19 May 2017 to 7nd of June 2017.
An official announcement of nominees will be made through direct communication with the artist, recording labels, producers and also announcement through media and website publishing by 27 of June 2017.

The AWARDS are scheduled to take place on the 11th of August 2017. All nomination process enquiries can be directed to Douglas Maximus at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 012 751 7608.

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