Eskom to deliver the world’s most visible electricity grid

Published: 25 May 2021

Cape Town: South Africa’s energy utility Eskom awarded its National Power Grid Intelligence Tender to Actom Smart Technology (Pty) LTD, who will be deploying Stellenbosch based CT LAB (Pty) LTD technology to deliver a world first in power grid technology.

The agreement will see Eskom install over 1,300 of CT LAB’s OTELLO edge computing devices into the power grid countrywide to upgrade grid monitoring and management capabilities in four provinces.

Once completed, CT LAB’s state-of-the-art OTELLO devices will join 3,600 of CT LAB’s existing power quality monitoring devices, to create the first integrated smart grid monitoring and intelligence platform that delivers real-time, grid-wide visibility to grid engineers and managers. The OTELLO system is the only intelligent grid monitoring and control solution on the market to install processing power throughout the power grid, preparing the way for Eskom to transition to a distributed smart grid management paradigm.

“OTELLO was developed to address the unique needs of the African power grid,” said Willie van Wyk, CEO of CT Lab and lead engineer on the OTELLO platform. “The challenges of delivering continuous, high quality power to the continent requires an innovative approach to monitoring. OTELLO focuses on bringing visibility to the edge of the network through the power of edge computing and broadband connectivity. We are honoured to be awarded this tender and excited to play a role in upgrading South Africa’s power network.”

“When assessing the proposals put forward within this tender, CT Lab’s innovative approach, cost-effective devices and comprehensive offering stood apart, even from some steep international competition. We look forward to enhancing the delivery of services to our communities with CT Lab,” said Thabeka Sonelu, chairperson of Eskom’s tender committee.

The first phase of the project will see 300 devices installed from Ezulwini Hydroelectric Dam to substations across the greater Gauteng area. 

About CT Lab
Established in 1993 in Stellenbosch, CT LAB has focused on delivering power engineering solutions aimed at solving Africa’s power quality and continuity needs. Now expanding into the EU, Canada and Australia, CT LAB’s flagship OTELLO platforms is unique in delivering smart processing power throughout the grid, and has the potential to play a significant role in responsibly integrating renewable power resources into grids the world over. 

MAN Energy Solutions Announces Their Topic For The Southern Africa Power Summit Next Month In Cape Town! #SSAPOW19

Published: 20 September 2019

Robin Watson, Managing Director South Africa for MAN Energy Solutions will deliver a keynote presentation next month at #SSAPOW19 and also talk about Man Energy Solutions range of engine and turbine-based power solutions.

The Southern Africa Power Summit will provide a platform to address some key challenges of improving ageing power infrastructure, developing new power infrastructure, renewable power innovations, gas to power technologies, transmission & distribution solutions, more cost effective temporary power solutions and much more.

We will bring together Ministries of Power & Energy, State Power providers, Public – Private partnerships (PPP), Independent Power Producers (IPP’s) and key solution providers to tackle some of the most pressing issues within the African Power industry.

In the Sub Continent region power companies will be looking toward the strategy for increased power capacity: Eskom, ZESCO, Electricidade de Moçambique (EdM), NamPower, TANESCO, Southern African Power Pool, Botswana Power Corporation, SNEL, RNT and many more.

Meet the key decision makers from The Southern Africa Power Industry for 3 days of panel discussions, workshops,1-2-1 business meetings and networking. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details to register. 

STEAG #Energy Services confirm as Roundtable Sponsor for #SSAPOW19

Published: 20 September 2019

STEAG GmbH Energy Services confirm as Roundtable Sponsor for the upcoming 5th Annual Southern Africa Power Summit 2019! #SSAPOW19 


The Southern Africa Power Summit hosted by Vale Media Group, the number 1 Africa Focused B2B events company, will provide a platform to address some key challenges of improving ageing power infrastructure, developing new power infrastructure, renewable power innovations, gas to power technologies, transmission & distribution solutions, more cost effective temporary power solutions and much more.

We will bring together Ministries of Power & Energy, State Power providers, Public – Private partnerships (PPP), Independent Power Producers (IPP’s) and key solution providers to tackle some of the most pressing issues within the African Power industry. In the Sub Continent region power companies will be looking toward the strategy for increased power capacity: Eskom, ZESCO, Electricidade de Moçambique (EdM), NamPower, TANESCO, Southern African Power Pool, Botswana Power Corporation, SNEL, RNT and many more.

29th -31st October 2019, The Vineyard Hotel, Cape Town. 

For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or go to

CNN’s Eleni Giokos to moderate African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa opening session and climate change debate

Published: 09 May 2019

CNN’s Business Africa Correspondent, Eleni Giokos, will be the moderator of the opening session of the African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa conference and exhibition that is taking place in Cape Town from 14-16 May.

The keynote addresses will be delivered during the opening session on Tuesday 14 May by:

09:40-10:00: Host Utility Welcome address Phakamani Hadebe, Chief Executive, Eskom, South Africa
10:00-10:30: Swedish Ministerial Address Niklas Johansson, State Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden
10:30-11:00: Host ministerial and VIP opening addresses Hon Jeff Radebe, Minister of Energy, Department of Energy, South Africa

Debate on climate change After the break at 12:15, Ms Giokos will lead the panel discussion on: “Advancing global efforts to address and manage the impacts and risks of climate change.”


  • Anton Eberhard, Professor: Management Programme in Infrastructure, Reform and Regulation, Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • Saliem Fakir, Head of Policy and Futures Unit, World Wide Fund, South Africa
  • Mark Swilling, Programme Coordinator, Sustainable Development Programme in the School of Public Leadership, South Africa
  • Kai Kaatra, DDG for Natural Resources in Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland

Earlier this year, the African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa entered into a media partnership with the global news organisation and broadcaster CNN. The 19th edition of this leading conference and exhibition is expected to attract more than 10 000 energy and water professionals this year.

International pavilions
Apart from the official U.S. country pavilion at African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa showcasing specialised technology and services for the utility, metering, renewable and water industries, country pavilions from Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India and Poland have also already confirmed their presence at the 3-day event in May.

Industry support

A multi-award-winning conference and exhibition, African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa has secured the support from industry stalwarts including Conlog, Dromex, GE, Landis+Gyr, SAP, Sumitomo and Utility Systems as platinum sponsors and Aberdare, ADC Energy, Rosatom, Sulzer and Toshiba as gold sponsors.

African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa is the flagship energy event organised by Spintelligent, a multi-award-winning Cape Town-based exhibition and conference producer across the continent in the energy, infrastructure, mining and agriculture sectors. Other well-known events by Spintelligent include Future Energy East Africa, Future Energy Nigeria, the Utility CEO Forums, Agritech Expo Zambia, Nigeria Mining Week and DRC Mining Week. Spintelligent is part of the UK-based Clarion Events Group and African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa form part of Clarion Energy, which runs over 40 events that cover the oil, gas, power and energy sectors, making it one of Clarion Events’ largest portfolios.

Dates for African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa:

Conference and expo: 14-16 May 2019
Site visits: 17 May 2019
Location: CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa

Twitter:    #AUW2019
Linkedin: African Power Forum

Contact: Senior communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3558 Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

WOMEN IN THE POWER SECTOR: You need a thick skin, a good sense of humour and it’s not so much an issue anymore

Published: 03 May 2019

“I still have a good laugh every now and then when I enter a meeting and they assume I am either our CEO’s PA or the ‘marketing lady’,” says Zelda Weitz, COO of Symbion Power LLC, an independent power producer on the continent. She has lived, worked and travelled in 29 countries in Africa and says while things are changing, there is still a certain perception of roles that women are expected to perform in the sector: 

“I was once at a project meeting where the client asked me to take the notes, because I was the only female present. He blushed afterwards when I gave him my business card. You develop a thick skin and maintain a good sense of humour. That said, I am not scared to make coffee for my colleagues and most of the time at meetings you will find the females taking minutes or arranging the logistics alongside their real day jobs. Women really are good with attention to details and are very good at adapting in challenging environments. “

She adds: “it is, however, a nice challenge to be in the sector and in Symbion specifically, women are given many opportunities to grow. Our Country Manager in Madagascar is a female and we have a lady in our control room at the Mandroseza power plant in Tana. In Kenya our team is 50% female, to mention but a couple of examples.  I remember the days of visiting our construction sites in remote locations and the guys being surprised that I visited those sites that the Construction Directors did not bother to visit.  I do see more female engineers, technicians and managers in the sector and at events nowadays. Things are changing.” Read full interview here.

The Symbion Power COO is a delegate at this year’s African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa conference and exhibition in Cape Town from 14-16 May where women in the sector are celebrated and making a valuable contribution to the programme. This includes a “Women in Power Lunch”, hosted by the Canadian government and USA’s Power Africa initiative, focusing on “Capturing the Value of Private Sector Investment in Generation, Transmission or Distribution” and how women are taking the lead in the power sector.

Breaking new ground
Sindi Mzamo, Director at Divaine Growth Solutions, says “my journey started as a COO and Head of Marketing of the Edison Power Group and I was the first and only woman among the five directors on the board of the Edison Power Group. My vision has always been to break new ground for South Africa’s black people, particularly women in the business and economic arenas particularly in the energy sector.” Ms Mzamo is an event ambassador for and partner of African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa. As part of this partnership, eight SMEs that are owned by women and are operating in the energy sector will be part of the Initiate! pavilion at the African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa exhibition floor.

She adds: “Divaine Growth Solutions is currently running an 18 month Female Development Programme focusing on emancipation and empowerment of women-owned businesses within the energy sector. The vision for the programme is to provide needed support to these SMEs from industry related information, access to market, access to financial information, network and possible venture opportunities. I think having a programme like this will not only encourage the current women in the sector but will also attract the upcoming young women leaders to pursue careers within the energy space.” Read full interview here.

“Not so much an issue anymore”
Penny Herbst, Strategy Director at Africa GreenCo and a 30-year veteran of the energy industry says that based on her experience at Eskom: “women have been making a contribution in the utility environment across various disciplines for quite some time and I think it has got to a point, especially from the utility’s point for view that it is not so much of an issue anymore.”

She continues: “I am not sure I can say as much for the private sector especially as it pertains to my across-discipline remark, but I stand to be corrected. However, from a visibility point of view it still seems to be a man’s world. I would like to qualify this statement in one respect, I see far more women being entrepreneurial in the energy space and starting businesses as opposed to there being a real visible change in the energy corporate / IPP space.  Progress has to include mechanisms to measure and monitor sustainability and further define what exactly is meant by gender parity and remuneration thereof. Regarding my remark re the private sector, perhaps I will be proved wrong and I hope so – let’s see what the mix is like at African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa!” Read full interview here.

At the upcoming event in Cape Town later this month, Ms Herbst will moderate a conference session on financing renewable projects.

Diverse status quo
“Gender diversity is a no-brainer,” says Miriam Mannak, a freelance energy correspondent and event ambassador, “particularly considering the large numbers of women graduating from university. What applies to companies, applies to entire sectors. Africa's energy sector will not be able to develop, progress, and remain competitive and relevant if it refuses to transform and move on from being predominantly male-based structure to a diverse status quo. This is 2019, after all.” Read full interview here.

The 19th edition of African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa, the continent’s leading sector conference and exhibition, is expected to attract more than 10 000 energy and water professionals this year.

African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa is the flagship energy event organised by Spintelligent, a multi-award-winning Cape Town-based exhibition and conference producer across the continent in the energy, infrastructure, mining and agriculture sectors. Other well-known events by Spintelligent include Future Energy East Africa, Future Energy Nigeria, the Utility CEO Forums, Agritech Expo Zambia, Nigeria Mining Week and DRC Mining Week. Spintelligent is part of the UK-based Clarion Events Group and African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa form part of Clarion Energy, which runs over 40 events that cover the oil, gas, power and energy sectors, making it one of Clarion Events’ largest portfolios.

Dates for African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa:
Conference and expo: 14-16 May 2019
Site visits: 17 May 2019
Location: CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa

Twitter:    #AUW2019   
Linkedin: African Utility Week

Senior communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3558
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

IBC SOLAR– The Expert for storage and off-grid present again on the Solar Show Africa

Published: 12 March 2019

After their first appearance in 2018, IBC SOLAR will be present again in 2019 with their own stand at the Solar Show Africa from 26 – 27th March in the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg.

IBC SOLAR opened its doors in Cape Town in 2017 providing the Sub-Saharan side of the continent with their solar products and systems. “Africa is an attractive solar market with rapid growth and high demand for self-consumption systems with energy storage solutions” says Daniel Haitzler, the Managing Director of the subsidiary in Cape Town. “Our business activities focus on commercial and residential systems up to 5 MW. We provide EPC companies and installers not only with solar products but solutions having our own design software PV Manager for instance” he refers.

Since the end of last year, IBC SOLAR also carries Victron products in the portfolio. Alex Joist, Business Development Manager adds: “This complements the SMA inverter portfolio and the company’s position as “The Expert for storage and off-grid solutions”. The flexible combination of IBC and GCL modules with our inverter portfolio, the handy IBC mounting and the BMZ storage solutions makes it possible to provide our clients with bespoke PV systems for their applications.

”Get Empowered by the Sun and visit IBC SOLAR at the Sandton Convention Centre, Level 2, Stand B15. 

IBC SOLAR is a leading global provider of photovoltaic and energy storage solutions and services. The company offers complete systems and covers the entire product range from planning to the turnkey handover of photovoltaic systems. The product range comprises solar parks, self-consumption systems for commercial enterprises and private households, off-grid photovoltaic systems and diesel hybrid solutions. As a project developer and general contractor, IBC SOLAR implements and markets major solar projects worldwide. The manufacturer-independent system house guarantees the highest quality for all projects and has currently implemented photovoltaic systems with an output of over 3 gigawatts worldwide. IBC SOLAR works with a close network of Premium Partners and supports them with their own software tools for planning and designing grid-connected systems including storage systems. IBC SOLAR offers customised packages for energy providers, municipal utilities and providers of photovoltaic solutions. The company ensure the best possible output of solar parks through technical management and monitoring.

IBC SOLAR was founded by Udo Möhrstedt in Bad Staffelstein in 1982 who has managed the company as the Chairman of the Executive Board to date. The system house is a pioneer of the energy turnaround in Germany and is especially committed to energy cooperatives with its own planned public solar parks. The company is active internationally with numerous regional companies, sales offices and partner companies in more than 30 countries.

African Utility Week returns to Cape Town in May with latest updates and success stories in power, energy and water

Published: 01 February 2019

Mother City to welcome back 10 000+ energy and water professionals

“The African Utility Week conference has a longstanding reputation of producing innovative, topical and high-level content, discussion and engagement” says event director Evan Schiff, adding: “the 19th edition of the event from 14-16 May in Cape Town this year will, once again, not disappoint.”

The new co-location of POWERGEN Africa in 2019 will add an expanded focus on generation, including renewables, off grid, fossil fuels and nuclear, while still concentrating on transmission, distribution, metering, new technologies including storage, mini grids, micro grids, IOT and ICT systems, as well as water.

Along with multiple side events and numerous networking functions the event boasts a five track strategic conference with over 300 expert speakers. An extensive Knowledge Hub programme that is CPD accredited and free to attend, offers hands-on presentations taking place in defined spaces on the exhibition floor. These discuss practical, day-to-day technical topics, best practices and product solutions that businesses, large power users and utilities can implement in their daily operations

.Keynote speakers confirmed so far are:

- Dr Mark Swilling
, Programme Coordinator of the Sustainable Development Programme in the School of Public Leadership; the Academic Director of the Sustainability Institute; and the Co-Director of the Stellenbosch Centre for Complex Systems in Transition.

- Prof Anton Eberhard, who the directs Managing Infrastructure Investment Reform Regulation In Africa (MIRA) at the Graduate School of Business at the University of Cape Town. He is also chairing a team appointed by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa to advise on turning Eskom around and restructuring the power sector.

African Utility Week connects experts from the entire power, energy and water value chain, including:

·         BEHAVIOUR TRANSFORMATION: “We are inspired to ensure quality utilities are provided to Africa to give the individual the opportunity to independently manage their use of power and water, ensuring a sustainable future.”
- Jodie Sherwin Hill, Executive Director, Jomat Investments Pty (Ltd), and African Utility Week Advisory Board member.

·         WATER: “We need for water sectorial practitioners to join hands and force Governments to put the sector in the position where it rightly belongs and that is at the front of all sectors. This would allow the sector to enjoy priority in terms of investments, which was required yesteryear across Africa.”
- Gift Sageme, CEO at Malawi’s Central Region Water Board in Malawi and AUW Advisory Board member.

·         HYDROPOWER: “We are contracted by New Africa Power (Mauritius) to develop a 5 project 70MW portfolio of hydro power plants in Zambia. These projects are prepared for qualification under the KfW (German) GETFiT programme. This is a significant step for us and it is exciting to have been able to move beyond South Africa, take a step up in scale and to drive the innovation around our third generation of hydro IPPs.”
- Anton-Louis Olivier, MD, REH, African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa Advisory Board member and previous winner of an AUW Industry Award for the top Small-Scale Sustainable Energy Project (under 5MW).

·         MINI GRIDS: “We have a very exciting project called ViDA (Village Data Analytics) around using satellites to streamline and optimise much of the mini-grid development cycle.”
- Dr Sam Duby, Africa Director, TFE Consulting and panellist at the upcoming African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa in the Energy Revolution Africa session on “Driving demand and facilitate access to financing in rural areas”.

·         SMART ENERGY AND WATER: “We are presently implementing a pilot smart electric water heating project on our CSIR campus in Pretoria, assessing the potential energy savings and benefits in creating a flexible load utilising the considerable energy storage inherent with hot cylinder water heating.”
- Dr Clinton Carter-Brown, Head: Energy Centre, CSIR and AUW Advisory Board member.

·         WATER: “Cape Town is a good example that Africa has started to face the effects of climate change by investigating alternative water resources and minimizing the loss of non-revenue water and general water use.”
- Jan Kürstein, Hydrogeologist and Senior Consultant Water and Natural Resources at Rambøll in Denmark and speaker at the upcoming African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa in Cape Town in May.

·         TECHNOLOGY: “At Dromex we see African Utility Week as a point of unity for the African energy sector and an invaluable connection point for innovation and technology within the industry”
- Stel Stylianou, CEO of Dromex, platinum sponsors.

International pavilions
Apart from the official U.S. country pavilion at African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa showcasing specialised technology and services for the utility, metering, renewable and water industries, country pavilions from Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India and Poland have also already confirmed their presence at the 3-day event in May.

Industry support
A multi-award-winning conference and exhibition, African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa has already secured early support from industry stalwarts including Conlog, Dromex, Landis+Gyr, Sumitomo and Utility Systems as platinum sponsors and Aberdare and Sulzer as gold sponsors.

The sixth edition of the annual African Power, Energy & Water Industry Awards also returns to celebrate pioneering utilities, projects and people in the energy and water industry on the continent during 2018/2019.

CEO Forum
The Utility CEO Forum is an exclusive, by invitation only, gathering of regional utility CEOs within the power and energy sector providing a unique, safe space for discussion and debate the modern day challenges of their roles in running African utilities in a fast developing market with high political expectations and low returns within aging or no infrastructure. Confirmed industry expert and technology partners for this strategic gathering are Conlog, Eaton, Nyamezela, Ontec, Oracle and Steinmüller.

African Utility Week and the co-located POWERGEN Africa is the flagship energy event organised by Spintelligent, a multi-award-winning Cape Town-based exhibition and conference producer across the continent in the energy, infrastructure, mining, real estate and agriculture sectors. Other well-known events by Spintelligent include Future Energy East Africa, Future Energy Nigeria, the Utility CEO Forums, Agritech Expo Zambia, Nigeria Mining Week and DRC Mining Week. Spintelligent is part of the UK-based Clarion Events Group and African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa form part of Clarion Energy, which runs over 40 events that cover the oil, gas, power and energy sectors, making it one of Clarion Events’ largest portfolios.

Dates for African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa:
Conference and expo: 14-16 May 2019
Site visits: 17 May 2019
Location: CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa

Twitter:    #AUW2019  
Linkedin: African Utility Week

Senior communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3558
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Sub Saharan Africa Power Summit 2018 17-19th October, Cape Town #SSAPOW18

Published: 01 August 2018

Sub Saharan Africa Power Summit 2018 #SSAPOW18 | 17th – 19th October 2018 | Cape Town, South Africa.

“Alleviating Power Challenges in Southern Africa through Innovative Investments, Technologies & Solutions” 

In October 2018, Cape Town, South Africa will play host to Sub-Saharan Africa’s No.1 Business to Business Power event. The SSA Power Summit hosted by Vale Media Group will provide a platform to address some key challenges of improving ageing power infrastructure, developing new power infrastructure, renewable power innovations, gas to power technologies, transmission & distribution solutions, more cost-effective temporary power solutions and much more.

#SSAPOW18 will bring together Ministries of Power & Energy, State Power providers, Public-Private partnerships (PPP), Independent Power Producers (IPP’s) and key solution providers to tackle some of the most pressing issues within the African Power industry.

The SSA Power Summit separates itself from traditional conferences and exhibitions. There are no booths or exhibition halls at the summit. They focus on delivering extremely high quality, high-level gatherings with some of the most senior executives in the power sector in an intimate five-star environment. All the themes and topics of the summit are end user driven and are put together by their content committee which consists of a delegation and government relations team, who set the hot themes and issues that are currently facing the power industry.  

More information is available by visiting or contacting Vale Media Group by emailing Claire Hewitson. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     

Energy and water sectors excited by solar PV, technology innovation and distributed generation but view corruption as biggest challenge

Published: 29 March 2018

African Utility Week industry survey yields interesting results

Solar PV is overwhelmingly seen as the most promising generation source for Africa while corruption, skills gaps and access to finance are some of the biggest challenges that power and water professionals face in their industries. This is according to a survey by the organisers of African Utility Week among attendees of the annual event in Cape Town last year. Other questions in the survey included what respondents think will have the biggest impact on the energy and water sectors, what future technology excites them and what the biggest challenges are that they face in their industry.

Of the 834 people surveyed, 696 are South African (71%), 199 are from 24 other African countries (63 Kenyan, 85 Nigerian) and 40 from the rest of the world, including Europe, USA, China, India and Canada.

Most promising generation source
Asked what the most promising source of generation is for Africa, Solar PV scored more than 54% amongst the respondents while nuclear was second with 11%. “The reason could be that rooftop PV, when measured against the other technologies, is easy to execute as a project and photovoltaic modules are becoming very affordable,” says Nicolette Pombo-van Zyl, editor of the energy trade journal, ESI Africa.

She adds: “it is also the most obvious technology to use in mini- and off-grid projects as well as for use in hybrid models. However, what is interesting but not surprising is that 11% of respondents feel that nuclear energy is the most promising generation source. Nuclear has its merits. What is disappointing is how few are in favour of biomass as a promising source of generation capacity, considering that this technology offers a distributed model and a measure of reducing the mounds of waste that Africa’s cities are confronted with. Another concern is the lack of interest in wind energy – only 8% of respondents felt this technology a worthy source; however, it does rank slightly higher than hydro where the continent’s impressive potential capacity is recorded. Wind energy is likely to make tentative steps towards market growth now that South African, Kenyan and Moroccan wind farms are making good headwinds.”

Nuclear scored the lowest amongst power and water professionals when asked what they think will have the biggest positive impact on the energy and water sectors in Africa within the next 5-10 years:  (Respondents were allowed to select more than one of the 12 options provided.)

  1. Technology innovation 59%
  2. Government commitment and transparency 55%
  3. Uptake of renewables 47%
  4. Expansion of mini grids 28%
  5. Distributed generation 25%
  6. Cross border partnerships 24%
  7. Investment in capacity building 21%
  8. Local investment 21%
  9. Direct foreign investment 20%
  10. Roll out of ICT systems 9%
  11. Nuclear 7%

“Even though nuclear made a spectacular appearance in the previous question, here it ranks lowest, with technology innovation taking the prime spot” says ESI Africa’s editor, adding that “Tech R&D in all spheres of energy, power and water are already advancing with enthusiasm. And sometimes the simplest of solutions can be developed for the specific needs of a local community making the most impact. This is made possible by various organisations that are investing in entrepreneurship programmes and providing support to local innovators.”

She continues: “the other key area that respondents are hopeful will make a positive impact is around government’s commitment and transparency. Now that there has been an increase in public and industry association monitoring groups, such as OUTA and SAWEA, along with the ongoing Eskom Inquiry and South Africa’s leadership changes – this area is set on the right path to make a noteworthy impact.” 

Future technology 

Asked which future technologies most excite the respondents, the results were as follows:

  1. Smart Grids 54%
  2. Energy storage 49%
  3. Energy trading 49%
  4. Connected/smart cities 37%
  5. Electric vehicles 36%
  6. Energy trading 14%
  7. Blockchain 14%

“These results show an interesting grouping around smart grids, energy storage and energy efficiency, which are intrinsically connected,” says Nicolette Pombo-van Zyl. “It’s disappointing that energy trading and blockchain are perceived as too futuristic to be the technology that respondents are most excited about. The African continent was able to leapfrog landline telephony straight to mobile; countries can do this again by becoming the leaders in energy trading and the use of crypto currency to fund projects and transact in the utility, energy and water space.” 

That the market has a healthy appetite for the futuristic technology was confirmed in a separate question whether the market is ready for the digital utility with a focus on smart meters, grids, Internet of Things and ICT – the overwhelming reply was a yes from 84% of the respondents.

Biggest challenge = corruption
At 49%, corruption was indicated as the biggest challenge that power and water professionals face in their industries but issues such as skills gap, access to finance, regulation and policy clarity, red tape and  economic slowdown were also perceived as important hindrances, scoring from 36% to 28%. 

Says the ESI Africa editor: “corruption is still perceived as a major obstacle and this goes along with respondents’ strong call for government commitment and transparency. It will take concerted leadership from all levels of government to rid the continent of this deeply entrenched challenge. The skills gap is also pinned as a high concern, putting development at risk – the loss of engineers, technicians and managers who are now retired or close to retirement age is a real factor; perhaps reviving apprenticeships along with attractive offers would make inroads to solving this risk.” 

The future lies in…
When asked the question: “The future lies in:” and given four choices only, namely distributed generation, mini grids, utility scale grids and storage, distributed generation was a clear winner at 40% with storage second at 27%, then mini grids with 22% and utility scale grids scoring the lowest with 11%. 

According to Pombo-van Zyl, distributed energy resources (DER) are top of mind as an imminent risk to the traditional utility and municipality business model – and not just in Africa. She explains: “it is being discussed at all levels of the utility business from its executive boards to internal auditors as it poses a threat to traditional revenue streams. However, the good news is that utilities have acknowledged a future that includes distributed generation – the challenge is in how to manage the technicalities around accommodating this on the national grid and its impact on revenue.” 

She adds: “it must have been a tough choice for survey respondents to choose between distributed energy, mini grids, utility-scale grids and storage. This is evident in the close percentages, with the obvious outlier being utility-scale grids; probably due to grid connected generation having made little inroads on increasing electrification rates across the continent.”  

Skills deficit in power and water sectors
Skills in finance, engineering/technical, people management and leadership all scored high (29%-33%) in a question on what power and water professionals perceived to present the biggest skills deficit in their companies. The ESI Africa editor’s take on these results: “it is a concern that there is a joint winner from this question: finance and engineering/technical skills. Without these two significantly important skills being resident within the utility market it is no wonder that companies’ cash flow is untenable and technical losses along the value chain are present due to maintenance challenges. A potential solution lies in leadership and people management, which also scored very high in this question.”  

Award-winning energy platform
The 18th annual, multi-award winning African Utility Week will gather over 7000 decision makers from more than 80 countries to discuss the challenges, solutions and successes in the power, energy and water sectors on the continent. Along with multiple side events and numerous networking functions the event also boasts a seven track conference with over 300 expert speakers.

The African Utility Week expo offers an extensive technical workshop programme that is CPD accredited, free to attend, and offers hands-on presentations that take place in defined spaces on the exhibition floor. They discuss practical, day-to-day technical topics, best practices and product solutions that businesses, large power users and utilities can implement in their daily operations.

Industry support
African Utility Week has already secured important industry support including Eskom Rotek Industries, Hexing and Landis+Gyr as platinum sponsors and Aberdare, Africa Utility Solutions, SAP and Sensus as gold sponsors.

Dates for African Utility Week:
Conference and expo: 15-17 May 2018
Awards gala dinner:  16 May 2018
Site visits: 18 May 2018
Location: CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa

Website:  &
Twitter:    #AUW2018  
Linkedin: African Utility Week

Senior communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone:  +27 21 700 3558
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

IBC SOLAR proudly launches the GCL-72 Cells Module in the market

Published: 21 February 2018

Family owned since 1982 and being in the solar industry for over 35 years, the IBC SOLAR's internationalization strategy reached the African continent. The Company Group has opened its doors for over one year now in South Africa providing the Sub-Saharan side of the continent with their solar products and system.

“Africa is an attractive solar market with rapid growth and high demand for solutions for its own power supply” says Daniel Haitzler, the Corporate General Manager of the subsidiary in Cape Town. “Our business activities focus on commercial and residential systems up to 5MW. We provide EPC companies and installers not only with solar products but solutions providing our own design software PV Manager for instance” he refers.

As newest addition to their product portfolio, IBC SOLAR proudly launches the new GCL-P6/72H Cells Module Range for the market at this year’s African Solar Show. With a maximum power output of 335W and a maximum module efficiency of 17.3 %, the panel is among the top performers in the industry and an ideal choice for large scale installations.

IBC SOLAR only works with the best! - GCL Group, together with GE and Panasonic New Energy, are the top three companies of the list of "2017 World’s Top 500 New Energy Enterprises", as well as the only Chinese enterprise on the Top Ten list. After 27 years of development, the GCL group has become one of the world's largest developer and manufacturer of photovoltaic materials, new energy operator and integrated energy services provider.

Visit IBC SOLAR at the Sandton Convention Centre, Level 2, Booth A42.

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