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Company legislation and you – Get the Inside Scoop!

Published: 22 July 2014

As a Director or Shareholder, it’s important that you are familiar with the changes that the Consumer Protection Act (CPA), Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI), National Credit Act, Companies Act, 2008 and King III has on your business. Get to grips with what is required of you as a director in your business. The International Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW) in partnership with the Department of Trade & Industry (the dti) invite you to attend their Empowerment seminar that will educate and inform you about how to comply with these regulations.  Delegates will receive a Certificate of Attendance from the dti and BPW confirming their participation of the event.

The seminar will take place in Johannesburg from 1-3 October from 09h30 to 17h00. Attendance at the seminar will cost R12 000 for the 3 days excluding VAT, transport and accommodation.  Please note that cancellation fees will be incurred once you have confirmed your booking.   

In keeping with its core aims, and due to popular demand, BPW has garnered the support of top legal experts to assist you in gaining valuable insight into a rapidly changing branch of corporate law. Both men and women are encouraged to attend.  

BPW is an international businesswomen’s organisation founded 81 years ago in Geneva, Switzerland. BPW is recognised as the largest and most influential international network of business and professional women, with affiliates in 100+ countries on five continents. We have over 500 000 members internationally which include women leaders, entrepreneurs, business owners, executives, professionals and young career women.  BPW has had Consultative Status with the United Nations through the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 1947 and participatory status with the Council of Europe and works in partnership with the Commonwealth Business Council.  BPW South Africa has partnered with the dti in South Africa.  

BPW has the ambition to make the equal participation of women and men in power and decision-making roles a reality through capacity- and confidence-building. Through hosting this seminar together with the dti, BPW is leading the way by enriching the knowledge base of directors and stakeholders when it comes to taking responsibility in a corporate setting.

For more information on topics or to make your booking
visit: http://www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za/index.php/events/30-future-events/98-business-training-courses

Toni Gomes
Tel: (011) 794-4991
Cell: 083 212 9134
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za

Grow Your Business Expo heading for Polokwane.

Published: 17 July 2014

The Grow Your Business Expo, supported by the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (LEDA) and MTN Business will take place on 30 July 2014 in Polokwane at the Jack Botes Hall.

The expo brings together small business owners and corporate role players to communicate a process of helping to run and grow successful entities.   Role players that support Limpopo’s Enterprise Development are provided with a platform to connect business owners with resources and tools needed to start, learn, manage and grow their companies.  This will create employment and contribute positively to families and the community, which will ultimately increase the vitality of the local economy.

The Grow Your Business Expo is the ideal opportunity for corporate role players to share their products and services that will match with small businesses that need access to skills, knowledge, finance and markets.  

Funama Productions are hosting the expo; CEO Masetha Serakoana says “the expo is a vital platform for small businesses to link with institutions offering funding, financial assistance and business related products and services. We will also have representatives from the institutions presenting their company offerings. The Business Lounge area will cater for one-on-one meeting sessions offering free advice and consultations with specialists during the expo. My Success Story corner will share achievement stories; this area will also serve as an opportunity for corporate companies to showcase thriving SMEs that they have empowered.  SARS will also be there offering free tax workshops.

Entrance to the Grow Your Business Expo is R25.00 per person, doors open at 08h00.


For further information, please contact: Masetha Serakoana E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Telephone 086 111 1471 - www.funama.co.za

Live and in person Dr Dave Norton, Internationally acclaimed co-architect of the Balanced Scorecard - HBR rated BSC as one of the most influential management ideas for the past 75 years

Published: 07 July 2014

Business Results Group and GIBS presents The 10th Progress Conference on Balanced Scorecard Essentials, with Dr David Norton, Live and in Person. Dave Norton will present a one day programme in JHB on the 11th September 2014. In 2012, over 500 executives participated in his colleague, Professor Kaplan’s event in South Africa.

Dr Norton has most recently been honoured by Thinkers 50 in their Hall of Fame sharing this acclaim with Tom Peters, Warren Bennis, Howard Gardner, Charles Handy, Philip Kotler, Henry Mintzberg, Kenichi Omae, Ikujiro Nonaka and his colleague Professor Kaplan, for their mammoth contribution to business management and leadership. Harvard Business Review recognised the Balanced Scorecard as one of the most influential management ideas in the past 75 years.

The 2014 programme includes the latest findings and experience in Strategy measurement, leadership, human capital and cross functional priorities and solutions.  

This is what his clients have to say,

“Our BSC helped us to deliver superior performance, consistently and predictably in all facets of our organisation.” Kris Gopalakrishnan, CEO, INFOSYS

“BSC is the strongest tool I have seen in 22 years of my career, to align people in the organisation to the corporate objectives.” Sunil Wahwa, CEO, New Delhi Power

“I am convinced that implementing the Balanced Scorecard has helped us to deliver record-breaking progress over the past 5 years.” Bill Padfield, CEO, Data Dimensions

To acquire access to Dr Dave Norton’s latest thinking, findings and solutions to execute strategy in a new economy, call Angela on 011 463 9898. For further information visit www.theprogressconference.com

South Africa businesses and government biting the hand that WILL feed it!!

Published: 01 July 2014

With the current recession and reportedly South Africa in billion’s rand of debt including major corporations and banks feeling the pinch it has left our economy in bad state of financial affairs, which business owners and government aren’t willing to admit. The solution XTI Recoveries a debt collection firm with a unique approach to debt collection believes that businesses and government need to use debt collection as a means of recovering debt.

After a recent survey XTI Recoveries has found speaking to accountants and ex directors how businesses are dealing with losses and the shocking response? They either write off debts or hand over matters to attorneys which take months to recover adding on thousands of rand’s to have the debt recovered which is leading to liquidations and insolvency indicators of unpaid debt. The number of voluntary business liquidations increased by 71 % in 2014‚ while compulsory liquidations increased by 20 % over this period. This left XTI Recoveries puzzled why, would a business that currently has debt, create more debt, and the answer?

Business owners aren’t educated about the benefits of debt collectors nor do they trust them with their “bad books”.In the USA the leading economy President Obama has included in legislation the grave need and financial benefits of debt collectors towards the economy. “U.S. debt collection agencies were estimated to directly create $495 million of federal tax, $289 million of state tax and $221 million of local tax, for a combined tax impact of more than $1 billion.”XTI Recoveries believe that their unique business model and approach to debt collection is the future to minimize debts for the economy.

South Africans especially SME’s and start ups need to be educated about the benefits of debt collection. As SME’s and start ups are crucial future economic contributors to the economy. SME’s currently contribute 70% towards job creation, XTI recoveries feels strongly about assisting SME’s in minimising debt. 

For queries contact XTI Recoveries on:
Notes for editor Christi will be available for interview or any further queries upon scheduling

Contact details:
Christi Du-Plooy (owner)
Tel: 011 794 9877
Mobile 082 073 0594
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dave Norton Live in South Africa - Sept 2014

Published: 01 July 2014

Business Results Group and GIBS presents The 10th Progress Conference on Balanced Scorecard Essentials, with Dr David Norton, Live and in Person. Dave Norton will present a one day programme in JHB on the 11th September 2014. In 2012, over 500 executives participated in his colleague, Professor Kaplan’s event in South Africa.

Dr Norton has most recently been honoured by Thinkers 50 in their Hall of Fame sharing this acclaim with Tom Peters, Warren Bennis, Howard Gardner, Charles Handy, Philip Kotler, Henry Mintzberg, Kenichi Omae, Ikujiro Nonaka and his colleague Professor Kaplan, for their mammoth contribution to business management and leadership. Harvard Business Review recognised the Balanced Scorecard as one of the most influential management ideas in the past 75 years.

The 2014 programme includes the latest findings and experience in Strategy measurement, leadership, human capital and cross functional priorities and solutions.  

This is what his clients have to say,

“Our BSC helped us to deliver superior performance, consistently and predictably in all facets of our organisation.” Kris Gopalakrishnan, CEO, INFOSYS

“BSC is the strongest tool I have seen in 22 years of my career, to align people in the organisation to the corporate objectives.” Sunil Wahwa, CEO, New Delhi Power

“I am convinced that implementing the Balanced Scorecard has helped us to deliver record-breaking progress over the past 5 years.” Bill Padfield, CEO, Data Dimensions  

To acquire access to Dr Dave Norton’s latest thinking, findings and solutions to execute strategy in a new economy, call Angela on 011 463 9898.
For further information visit www.theprogressconference.com


Published: 30 June 2014

They are in South African companies and industries right now, although they may not be part of traditional networks and are unlikely to be present at the higher levels of management in the same numbers as men.  It is for this reason that BPW SA and the Department of Trade & Industry (the dti) have partnered in an unrivalled “Women on Boards” director development programme to create a pool of female leaders in SA who are excellently trained and are therefore highly sought after by Boards.  

Most people today have no knowledge about the makeup of corporate boards, even in the companies they work for. These people would be surprised to learn how little diversity of thought and experience exists in the corporate boardrooms and executive suites of South African businesses. Why should you care about board composition? Boards of directors make decisions that can impact you, your community, and the country.  That’s why it’s important that membership on corporate boards be representative of a company's constituents.

Boards of directors choose CEOs. They make decisions about executive compensation, whether to buy, sell, or merge with other companies, where corporate offices close and relocate, and how much priority a company gives to issues other than profits, such as social responsibility.  

Our Women on Boards programme will give you the expertise and exposure needed to be part of the right networks.  It is an eight-part program — strategically placed over the course of 8 months, due to the complexity of the material — equips women with the knowledge and tools needed to elevate themselves to the C-suite and beyond.  In a supportive and highly interactive atmosphere, an impressive roster of top government and corporate experts will guide skilled female executives through a rigorous program of intensive classroom instruction, case studies and simulations. Every element of the program is focused on strengthening and broadening the leadership talents of the participants and delivering positive results for their companies and organizations.  They will improve their understanding of the responsibilities of board membership and develop the skills and strategic insight needed to become a more effective director.     They will improve their understanding of board governance while heightening their financial literacy and increasing their understanding of relevant legislation.  Amongst others, specialist training is also provided by the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) with regard to corporate governance and understanding of JSE terminology and the Commonwealth Business Council (CBC) (London) who will impart their expertise on personal and reputational risk.  The dti will convey their expectations of board members and corporate experts will present, and execute simulations, on media and presentation skills to enhance leadership effectiveness. The programme is certified by the dti.  

For more information, please visit our website at www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za  .or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 011 794-4991.


Published: 30 June 2014

Business & Professional Women (BPW SA), and the Department of Trade & Industry (the dti) are hosting a business breakfast on 7th August 2014 to launch a unique 3-day Women’s Empowerment Programme in South Africa to provide registered SME’s with the legislative knowledge required to effectively run their business within the parameters of South African law.  

The breakfast is hosted by DDG Mr Mojalefa Mohoto and DDG Mrs Pumla Ncapayi from the DTI and BPW South Africa as well as senior representatives from the JSE and UN-Women and the Commonwealth Business Council.  Various international Ambassadors and High Commissioners will host tables at the event.  A sponsorship fund will be launched at the breakfast for qualifying enterprises.  

Organisations of all sizes in South Africa need to develop and apply sound governance, risk and compliance principles and institute high ethical values. Failure to do so will have devastating consequences for the organisation, including penalties.   For SMEs, the biggest challenge is a lack of understanding around the difficulties associated with becoming compliant.   Understanding the ever-changing regulations makes the difference between a small business thriving – growing the economy and creating jobs – or closing its doors, and thus closing the door on job creation.  

Simply put, you need to know your laws. Know your rights and obligations. In this way you mitigate risk to yourself, your business, your employees and your customers. If done well, it helps to improve business performance and ensure financial success.   If you would like to be part of this Women’s Empowerment Programme, we invite you to join us at this Business Breakfast – tickets are R500 per person or R5000 per table of 10.   

For more information, or to attend the Business Breakfast,
please visit our website at http://www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za/index.php/events/30-future-events/98-business-training-courses.
Website: www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za


Published: 26 June 2014

A season of optimism and growth, such as what Africa enjoys at the moment, is at the same time a season for ethical leadership and wise stewardship.  The Business Ethics Network of Africa (BEN-Africa) speaks to this imperative by strengthening the commitment and competence of Africans to do business with moral integrity.  This is done through robust dialogue and collaboration amongst Africans sharing a commitment to sustainable development through ethical and responsible business practices.

The dialogue takes the shape of many engagement initiatives such as the annual conference hosted by the Business Ethics Network Africa (BEN-Africa).  

As BEN-Africa convenes in Stellenbosch South Africa this year (2014) the conference theme will be Equal in an Unequal World.  The aim of the meeting will be to pursue answers to the question on how to guide business in eliminating unjust inequalities, and promoting sustainable development and an economy based on fundamental ethical values. The conference programme is planned around the following activities:  

  • Keynote addresses that will focus on Quality Education in an Unequal Society; Bridging Inequality through Philanthropy and Global Responses to Inequality from a Business Ethics Perspective.
  • Panel discussions on Inequality Challenges in the African Context and Business and Business Education:  Stretching or Bridging inequality?
  • Learning journeys to sites where conference participants will engage with the manifestations of inequality in the South African society
  • Papers based on the conference theme presented by scholars from various countries.
  • A gala dinner where thought and practice leaders in business ethics will be honoured.  

The 14th annual BEN-Africa conference will take place at the STIAS Wallenberg Centre, Stellenbosch Cape Town, South Africa from 1-3 October 2014. Registrations are currently open online via http://www.benafrica.org/join-us/ben-africa-conference-registration-2014.  

Conference costs applicable are in accordance with the following registration categories:

Full Conference – R2 400.00

Full Conference for students & NGO’s – R1 800.00

Day visitor – R800.00 Gala Dinner only – R500.00  

All information regarding registration and the conference programme is available on www.benafrica.org.  For any enquiries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Released by: Gecko Connect Stacy De Villiers | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 061 448 6433 On behalf of: BEN-Africa www.benafrica.org

Actis to invest in Africa’s largest independent credit bureau

Published: 24 April 2014

[24 April 2014] Actis, the pan-emerging markets investor, has today announced that is has established Credit Services Holdings (CSH), a buy-and-build credit services business. CSH’s first investment will be acquiring 100% of Compuscan, the largest independent credit bureau in Africa. Actis will be investing in CSH alongside the Compuscan management team, who will continue to manage the Compuscan business. Actis plans to invest $100m into the platform. To assist in the build-out of the platform, Michael Jordaan, formerly CEO of South Africa’s First National Bank and a leading figure in the African financial services industry, has been appointed as Chairman of CSH. 

Founded by CEO Remo Lenisa, Compuscan is the fastest growing bureau in South Africa and one of the largest on the continent. Headquartered in Stellenbosch, with offices in Johannesburg and Kampala, it provides multiple credit data, decision analytics services and training, to over 3,500 clients including banks, telcos, retailers, microcredit institutions and insurers, across several countries including South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Uganda and Ethiopia. The Data Analytics team in Compuscan operates under the Scoresharp brand and is led by Pieter Van Heerden.   

Actis has a proven track record of buy-and-build financial infrastructure investments. In 2010, it established Emerging Markets Payments Holdings (EMPH), which offers payment processing services across Africa and the Middle East. Today EMPH has the broadest footprint of any payments company in Africa, contracting with 130 banks and operates in 40 countries across the region. 

Commenting on the transaction, Jonathan Matthews, Director in Actis’s Johannesburg office, said: “Actis is backing an excellent and entrepreneurial management team led by CEO Remo Lenisa and we are delighted to attract Michael Jordaan to help build the brand and take it to the next stage of growth. Only 5% of adults in Africa are covered by credit bureaus compared with 64% in OECD countries, and many countries are still without the necessary bureau infrastructure. We are excited to be investing in Compuscan and making the first steps towards bridging that gap.”   

Ali Mazanderani Actis’s Africa Financial Services lead added: “There is huge potential in the emerging market credit services industry. We see this as the first in a series of investments in the space and the natural next step after EMPH and Paycorp, in building financial infrastructure in the region.  Credit bureaus have the potential to reduce loan interest rates as well as decrease the number of non-performing loans, while increasing financial access, credit expansion and ultimately economic growth.”  

Commenting on the investment and Actis’s investment thesis, Remo Lenisa, CEO of Compuscan, said: “Actis’s experience combined with its global footprint and sector specialisation, means that it is uniquely positioned to support us and to grow CSH both organically and through acquisitions.” 

The transaction is subject to regulatory approvals. 

About Actis
Actis invests exclusively in the emerging markets with a growing portfolio of investments in Asia, Africa and Latin America; it currently has US$7 billion funds under management. Combining the expertise of over 120 investment professionals on the ground in nine countries, Actis identifies investment opportunities in three areas: private equity, energy and real estate. Over 40% of Actis’s investments are located in Africa with over $1.9 billion invested  across 18 countries on the continent. Actis is proud to actively and positively grow the value of those companies in which it invests and in so doing, contribute to broader society.www.act.is  

About Compuscan
Compuscan is a full service credit bureau. Established in South Africa in 1994, Compuscan has become the leading provider of credit management solutions in emerging markets. The company currently operates in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Uganda, Lesotho and Ethiopia. Compuscan provides credit managements services in three parts: as a credit bureau operator, providing credit scoring and data analytics and as an expert credit training academy. Being a reputable and trustworthy provider of customised and innovative applications, Compuscan helps people to make smart business decisions throughout the credit life-cycle to minimise risk and maximise profits, while at the same time educating the consumer to prevent over-indebtedness and reckless borrowing.

With over 120 years combined experience in the operation of credit bureaus, Compuscan’s highly skilled, knowledgeable and passionate group of directors, management team and staff have what it takes to provide world-class credit management services.www.compuscan.co.za

For more information:

Gillian Findlay


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+27 82 330 1477
+27 11 486 3561

Confusion about BEE self-assessments after 31 July 2009

Published: 16 July 2009
{pp}Since the publication of Government Notice #354 on 9 April 2009, there have been many online and email statements which have pronounced that BEE certificates produced after 1st August 2009 will only be valid if produced by an Accredited Verification Agency or one that has received a pre-assessment letter from SANAS.

The NABC believes that this interpretation has misled thousands of businesses as it is only partly correct. In addition it has caused many businesses to incur large expenses through agreeing to obtain expensive BEE verification rating certificates which are actually not required by law.