Hirsch's visits East Rand Stereo!!

Published: 11 March 2017

Hirsch’s Jenny-lee McDonald recently popped into the studio of East Rand Stereo to visit DJ’s Danny Painter and Karen Augusta who present the Morning show on 93.9fm. She brought some Croissant’s and muffins for them to have with their coffee – and wanted to know what kept them going in the morning to give them the energy they needed.

Karen Augusta said “ I have a protein shake at 4am in the morning and only have breakfast after 9am when the show is finished. That will be something healthy like tuna” Danny Painter said “ I have coffee and I always have apples in my bag, which I never eat.”

Danny and Karen present the morning show from 6am to 9am. Karen is a makeup artist by profession and goes to her other job after the show ends and Danny does a lot of voice overs. Visit your nearest Hirsh's store to get your copy of the Hirsch's magazine.
