Reimagine your business operations through digital transformation

Published: 13 September 2021

Optimise your business with Microsoft Dynamics 365

In the near future, every business will be a digital business. C-Suite business leaders must now make explicit choices about their strategy to win in a digital economy

Organisations need to reassess business operations, aiming to adopt an agile and innovative digital transformation approach to achieve business resilience in a time of disruptive change. 

Leading through digital change requires leaders to have a vision of how to activate the whole organisation in the move from defence to offence to gain and maintain competitive advantage in a digital-first world, addressing the urgent opportunities now. 

Transforming your business to succeed in a digital world requires connected operating models from Finance, HR and IT to marketing, sales, and manufacturing. It means bringing together every function, reimagining your business operations by digitally transforming how you empower employees, engage customers, optimise operations, and data analytics, as well as automation. 

Business digital transformation

 Digital transformation does not happen overnight, even in the fast-moving environments in which we operate our businesses today. Any transformation process goes hand in hand with a potentially sizeable financial investment, as well as a considered and appropriate change management intervention to ensure overall success. 

This transformation will impact all industries and all areas of business going forward. Those businesses that fail to deploy and implement a successful digitalisation strategy will soon be faced with challenges they may find exceedingly more difficult to overcome. Each business should consider their own challenges and conduct thorough research on the changes expected to occur in their industries. 

Organisations and leaders will need to reorganise processes and strategies to obtain the benefits of implementing connected business applications across business operations. An effective enterprise-wide digital transformation strategy will drive business growth and operational efficiency as underlying business models evolve. 

Preparing your organisation for the future of work can no longer wait – the time for leaders to shift their thinking and implement strategies and connected digitalised business to operate like a digital company is now! It’s not about procuring a single solution and deploying only that solution.

The answer lies in a flexible suite of technologies and software solutions to reinvent your business in a digital world. Organisations need to identify scalable solutions that support the digital transformation of the business.  

The benefits of a reinvented digital business

  • Business and revenue growth through improved profit margins, increased productivity and improved processes.
  • Reduced operational costs and optimised operations.
  • Unlock talent and potential of people.
  • Allows for collaboration the flow of work with anyone, anywhere.
  • Enable organisations to operate as one business, everywhere.
  • Data-driven decisions and streamlined operational efficiency.
  • Elevate customer experiences – seamless and frictionless.
  • Drive connected commerce, providing increased cross-channel visibility. Improve customer retention.
  • Enhance financial decision-making.
  • Collect and analyse data for real-time insights.
  • Gain insight to offer customers and employees personalised experiences.

Technology is both a disruptor and catalyst for growth. The goal is not to simply add capability but to change the business model. In this fast-moving digital era, it is important to pick your technology partners carefully, making sure they not only have the capabilities you need, but that their approach empowers your agility, efficiencies, and differentiation.         

Microsoft Dynamics 365 – Business Applications   

Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers any organisation powerful flexibility and limitless possibilities with its options to tailor and-build on your existing solution using the Microsoft Cloud -Microsoft Power Platform, Microsoft Azure, and Microsoft 365 - or hundreds of other familiar business tools. You can also add mixed reality, artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) for innovative new experiences .

“In today’s fast-paced business environment, productivity is critical to success. Microsoft set out on a mission to increase business agility by creating a digital transformation journey roadmap. The Microsoft Dynamics 365 application stack is designed to enable that digital transformation journey across multiple industries. Parity, a Gold Microsoft Partner is geared to help businesses through the everchanging and improving world of digital transformation”, said Warren Williams, Parity Chief Executive Officer.   

With Microsoft Dynamics 365, you can tap into a connected commerce ecosystem of solutions which makes it easier to integrate and access information for smarter business decisions, greater customer satisfaction, reinventing your digital business. 

To book a demo or workshop session with one of Parity’s experts to take you on a journey to reimagine your business with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 offerings, that will digitally transform your business today. Visit  

What is Digital Transformation?

Published: 11 June 2021

Digital Transformation (DX) is the process whereby digital technology is integrated into all business areas to change the operations in terms of delivering better value to clients. This is not only an operation change, but also a cultural change that requires companies to analyse and adapt their processes constantly.

During the course of a digital transformation, strong leadership and vision are required to change the way employees work, collaborate and execute processes. This inevitably opens up new opportunities for companies to increase their competitiveness when it comes to best serving their clients.

Undoubtedly, the COVID pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation process by a new intrinsic need to provide contactless services. Workers were forced to work remotely from home, and companies have had to find innovative ways to alleviate the pressure caused by a rise in new technological requirements. Transformation technologies currently include the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and Wi-Fi 6.

Initial Drivers of the Digital Transformation Process

Pre-COVID, digital transformation drivers resulted from a need to physically move stock more quickly and effectively to various locations and counter any disruptions to business growth and operational efficiencies, albeit on a much smaller scale than during COVID.

Development of Agile Software

While there is now an abundance of online tools available, this has created a collaboration problem to ensure that all employees are on the same page and moving in one direction. Company executives have found themselves using the same digital transformation techniques for their staff that they used on their clients to ensure happy and productive employees, thus reducing staff turnover.

New Security Risks

As with any organisational change, digital transformation has presented IT departments with many data and network security challenges. Still, companies seem to be learning from their mistakes as an increased pace of data and network security upgrades are being implemented.

Planning and Targeting Digital Transformation Initiatives

Transformational initiatives will only succeed if carefully planned. While a transformation implies moving from one fixed state to another, digital transformation will need to result in a permanently agile state and not an inflexible one, as IT advancements established during COVID.

This will involve further IoT advances, new programming infrastructure, reimagined workflows, and possibly AI mechanisms that monitor and adapt to continuous changes. At the very least, the automation of routine tasks will need to be widely adopted to accommodate the demand for change.

However, the crux of digital transformation will be a balancing act – i.e. managing too much change happening too quickly or not fast enough. This can lead to the derailment of the entire process, as can poor leadership or employee engagement, cost-cutting drivers and substandard IT operations.

In instances such as these, it is best to approach an independent IT services provider that has experience with taking companies through this transformation process. Westech, an experienced IT service provider based in Gauteng, assists companies to future-proof their business by analysing their existing IT infrastructure and future requirements. They also advise on redundant equipment and cost-saving measures while prioritising and readying IT activities for migration.

Contact Westech to discuss a digital transformation strategy for your company.

MethodX Acquires Transfornation

Published: 31 August 2020

MethodX is pleased to announce the acquisition of Transfornation – a consulting agency that unlocks new growth and revenue for small to medium-sized businesses in the FMCG, Technology, Infrastructure and Finance sectors. 

MethodX, itself a newcomer in the management consulting space, has experienced success in the last few months.  It provides simplified digital transformation strategies which are driven by changing the way people engage with their work.  The use of data to strengthen decision making at every stage of the value chain and the deployment and use of smart scalable technology to produce better and smarter business results also form the key focal areas within which MethodX solves business challenges.  These types of strategic interventions have never been more pertinent than during these unprecedented times.  

Speaking on the acquisition, the Founder and CEO of MethodX, Lyndon Munetsi said “We are excited to start this new journey with the team from Transfornation. Their work aligns perfectly with MethodX’s overall digital transformation work and this acquisition opens the door to new opportunities within the mid-sized business space.  We look forward to adding value to these and many other sectors together.  Having worked with them on a few projects already we are very confident that all our partners stand to benefit significantly from the new status quo.” 

Clive Machingaifa, Founder and Managing Director of Transfornation, who now joins MethodX as Chief Operating Officer said “our stakeholders and customers see this as a natural fit given Method X’s brand traction, digital specialization resources and collective skills across a range of sectors. This is the type of win-win scenario for all our clients, present and future, that boards are always on the lookout for. We see great new initiatives coming to our customer segments because of this.” 

Transfornation will continue to trade as a separate brand, targeting the SME sector, while MethodX will continue to spearhead efforts within the enterprise sector, providing simplified solutions that drive positive change and growth for the organizations that we work with.

Going beyond traditional performance testing to drive competitive advantage

Published: 20 January 2020

The perception of performance and speed from the user’s point of view is what drives the quest of performance testing. It’s as simple as this: we know how quickly we’ll leave an app or a site if it doesn’t work. Even with this knowledge though, it seems that in many quarters performance testing is still considered a reactive process, something that’s done after a system or website is built as a way to troubleshoot problems and make things ‘work better’.  

But I’d like to suggest that performance testing, in this very traditional definition of the term, also has the capability to be enhanced and bolstered, to boost your competitive advantage in a highly mobile, 24/7, 100 per cent digital world.  

While there is certainly a case to be made for the role of traditional performance testing, it can be a stop-start process. This doesn’t always make sense in an Agile environment, where new builds and features are added almost hourly, let alone daily. Ironically, Agile is also a reason performance testing sometimes takes a back seat:  it’s not easy to test something when the goalposts are continually shifting.  

Which is why we have to stop and rethink the entire concept if we’re going to use performance testing to our advantage – to build faster websites and e-commerce engines and transactional environments that not only perform optimally, but do so while serving tens of thousands of simultaneous users. 

The best way to do this is to focus less on the systems and more on the results. How do we want our systems and websites to function? What metrics can we use to measure a satisfactory user experience, rather than just pointing out potential pitfalls? It’s a subtle shift, but a shift nonetheless, and requires not only testers but also engineers and performance experts to get us there.  

What’s more, the evolution of traditional performance testing, and the tools we need to make that jump, are already here and waiting for us.  

I’m not talking about ‘new age’ next-generation technology either. Take NeoLoad, for example, which happens to be the continuous performance testing tool we already use extensively across all our client sites in the UK and around the world. The focus here is on ‘continuous’, because that’s how we must approach performance testing if we expect it to deliver performance-driven results.  

But even continuous performance testing is not enough on its own. We need to be able to deconstruct what it is that clients want their systems to do, from their users’ perspective. Load times, response times – the way information appears on a webpage and how soon it starts to appear – these are all intrinsic parts of the human experience that can’t be measured with traditional tools.  

We may be able to simulate how stable a server will be under extreme load, but can we say how quickly the first lines of text appear on a page when the user clicks it? Users don’t care how many other users are online at the same time, only about their own individual experience. The secret is not only to enhance speed in reality, but also to enhance the perception of speed. So, part of the performance testing evolution is engineering how websites are coded, getting text to appear before graphics, getting the first line of text to appear within a second, and making sure text and graphics are continually loaded as the user interacts with the page, keeping them engaged for longer. 

This very idea is what tools like Lighthouse are made for - open-source, diagnostic tools designed for the sole purpose of auditing the quality of web pages, with scores for performance, SEO, accessibility, best practices and its level of progressive. It’s not rocket science either; for example, you can run Lighthouse in Chrome DevTools, from the command line, or as a Node module.  

You can use any of the top web performance tools against any web page, like we did for globally renowned shoemaker Jimmy Choo. Working with a web performance expert, we utilised a selection of tools to create a highly-responsive web experience for the company, worthy of its premium brand.  

Web performance is an art on its own, where we look at the code within a website and how it can be optimised. We call this our Inspired Performance Testing methodology and it demonstrates, without doubt, that taking performance testing to the next level in our highly mobile-centric digital world is where the future lies. We have the means; we just need to shift our way of thinking and start using these very important and very useful tools as part of our existing processes. 

The evolving industry of digital banking is another perfect case in point for optimal user experience. Banks like Monzo and Revolut are built on the premise that the traditional rules of banking are being turned on their head. Now, the customer – the user - is in control of their own destiny – and if they don’t like the rules of engagement, they can go elsewhere at the click of another app. Three seconds is all it takes for impatience to set in. Perhaps the site is broken, they think, as they grumpily log off. Let that happen a couple of times and your customer will be out of there – permanently.   

If the above makes you think that new-age performance testing is far more complex than the cookie cutter approach of old, that’s because it is. There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to digital transformation, and the same goes for performance testing. As developers and testers, we are beginning to realise that continuous performance testing at the DevOps and API level is more important than signing off a system that can withstand short bursts of extreme traffic. We have to balance the needs of the client with the wants of the user; it’s no good to us or the client if we deliver a rock-solid system to a digital bank that hemorrhages users to a competitor because the user experience is less than ideal.     

Yes, the usual performance testing suspects are still relevant. Capacity testing, load testing, volume testing, stress testing, soak testing and spike testing all fall under the performance testing umbrella, as does identifying bottlenecks and breaking points - and they’re all important. But they’re not enough. We have to ‘shift left’, to start performance testing much earlier in the development cycle, and continue long after the system is delivered, to take user experience into account.  Performance testing should be part of our daily sprints, and with the right tools correctly implemented, it becomes easier and simpler to find user paths to track and optimise UX. Ultimately going beyond performance testing becomes a client retention strategy. If your site or app isn’t responsive, fast, usable and stable, your clients will switch to your competitors, and once they do, they will be gone forever.  

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About Inspired Testing
Inspired Testing’s disruptive global testing model offers a revitalised alternative to outdated traditional offshore models. With a scalable pool of 260 SQA professionals in the UK and South Africa, the company’s strength lies in knowing how to structure, execute and automate testing. The company’s ISO 27001 certification and its alignment to the UK/EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) ensures full protection of critical personal data. Inspired Testing uses a unique combination of experience, technique and blended onshore offshore delivery capabilities to provide expert software testing across most platforms, devices and environments.

Inspired Testing is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dynamic Technologies, a software and technology group with 1 100+ staff and 14 group companies across the UK and South Africa, providing a diverse range of technology solutions, digital services and related core competencies. Dynamic Technologies’ group companies comprise Blue Pencil Consulting; Blue Pencil Creative; CloudSmiths; DotModus; DVT; DVT Academy: Dynamic DNA; Dynamic Talent; Emerald Consulting; EventSmiths; IndigoCube; Inspired Testing; SparkSmiths; and

Unlock the full potential of your finance department with OCF

Published: 28 June 2018

Is your finance department ready to manage unpredictable change? 

Financial transformation has a new buzzword – OCF – the outperforming CFO Framework that enables finance organisations striving to focus more effort into driving business outcomes. 

WNS, a leading global business process management company, will be introducing this cutting-edge framework, designed to manage and handle unpredictable changes, at two events aimed at CFOs and finance leaders in Cape Town on the 21st of August 2018, followed up by an event in Johannesburg on the 23rd of August 2018. 

Targeting outperforming CFOs 

These two exclusive events will provide valuable insights to CFOs and finance leaders into how they can improve shareholder value by revealing market insights and a competitor landscape assessment that will demonstrate the “Art of Possibilities” in enhancing working capital management.  

The event will also focus on how to build an agile business model by analysing future readiness of the industry, taking into account multiple business disruptors and readiness levers. Last, but not least, it will explore how to build a best-in-class finance organisation through a benchmarking and maturity assessment for defining the transformation roadmap to enhancing business outcomes of the finance organisation.  

Challenging the norm 

WNS offers business value to 300+ global clients by combining operational excellence with deep domain expertise and is ideally positioned to help clients assist and transform their finance and accounting (F&A) function through their proprietary Outperforming CFO Framework (OCF).  Their Proprietary OCF tool defies the traditional model of benchmarking with maturity assessments that encompass the overall end-to-end finance environment. It is executed by experts spanning across domains to analyse, build and implement a robust transformation roadmap to achieve optimal results with minimal effort from an organisation’s day-to-day resources. The OCF tool includes over 250 best practices of F&A processes and has successfully served multinationals by implementing F&A transformations and operations management in partnership with leading market analysts for benchmarking performance.   

Delivering real value 

The two events will include finance domain leaders sharing their experience with OCF and will reveal how they reduced manual processing through automation by 40%, optimised cost with automation, digitisation and process re-engineering by 33% and achieved an incremental free cash flow of $53 million.  For more information about the event and to book your complimentary seat please visit: 

About WNS

WNS (Holdings) Limited (NYSE: WNS) is a leading global business process management company. WNS offers business value to 300+ global clients by combining operational excellence with deep domain expertise in key industry verticals including Travel, Insurance, Banking and Financial Services, Manufacturing, Retail and Consumer Packaged Goods, Shipping and Logistics, Healthcare and Utilities. WNS delivers an entire spectrum of business process management services such as finance and accounting, customer care, technology solutions, research and analytics and industry specific back office and front office processes. As of March 31, 2017, WNS had 33,968 professionals across 48 delivery centres worldwide including China, Costa Rica, India, Philippines, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States. For more information, visit 

About WNS South Africa

WNS Global Services SA (Pty) Ltd has been in operation since 2003 and has built a reputation as the industry-leading Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Company in South Africa, with a growing footprint into Africa. We are a strategic partner for delivering a full range of basic to complex business processes from our eight delivery centres across South Africa, employing 4 000+ people. 

Editorial contacts
Taryn Weldon
Senior Group Manager: Marketing (+27) 21 819 6283
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Top IT Challenges of 2018 and how CIO's can slay them

Published: 23 May 2018

Many South African CIO’s today are stuck. This is the view of Nick Truran, CEO of AgileIT, a lean consultancy which assists corporate IT shops to transition from legacy and vendor commitments to highly effective partners able to deliver on the business strategy.

“We call this mired state “CxO paralysis”,” Truran says, “and the causes are not easily unravelled especially given huge investments in technologies and vendor relationships that are not deriving intended value.

Pressure to deliver on these and address growing demands from the business for IT to lead in innovation and growth, makes the role of the CIO an exceptionally challenging one,” he added.

Of the 178 of South Africa's top public and private sector CIOs surveyed in the 2017/18 ITWeb CIO Survey, 56 % believe their roles are changing faster and more drastically than any other industry. The key drivers for this change are digital migration, competition and globalisation.

Furthermore, 80% of these CIOs cited their inability to move fast enough among their chief concerns, followed by lack of available skills, inadequate budget and compliance pressures. Similar findings were listed in Gartner’s 2018 CIO Agenda Report, with growth topping the list of business priorities reported by CIOs for 2018.

South Africa is no different with 87% of local CIO’s giving more focus on driving business growth and less on cutting cost.

“Using IT to drive business growth is not as simple as it sounds,” Truran says, “Technology is evolving at such a rate that only the most adept of organisations have managed to keep up. This is aggravated by the fact that most IT executives have only three to five year contracts.During these short contractual periods, they are employed to deliver on very specific needs that the organisation may have at that point in time. Chances are by the time the executive has managed to get to grips with the organisation and forged a plan to address the original requirement, its needs have changed and as such a new plan is required. It’s little wonder that IT executives are becoming overwhelmingly fatigued by the constant turbulence.

Furthermore, massive cost pressure from the business results in their being paralysed by circumstance and crippled by environmental factors,” he added.As a former IT executive of a large financial services business, Truran is well familiar with these challenges.

“This is why when I started my consultancy I determined that our approach, which we have termed the ADAPT execution framework, would offer an agile and flexible engagement framework and process that produces technology solutions, which align the client’s IT infrastructure with the strategy of the business.

Our approach is both designed to reinforce the foundations of the client’s IT infrastructure, while providing its IT team with the tools and the time to help the business innovate – often in parallel. AgileIT’s team of specialists will help clients to identify ‘cracks’ in the existing infrastructure, determine the future business ‘bricks’ that are required, and then draw on the correct ‘architecture’ knowledge to forge a corrective plan of action that will deliver the much-needed IT stability.

Thereafter, attention can be given to the business strategy and the transformation technology needed to support it,” he said. The result is a lean, cost conscious and highly effective IT landscape that has the agility to evolve as the business demands.

“Technology thus can be nimbly deployed to assist the business to address the rapid shifts that digital transformation brings, rather than becoming a reactionary resource that is playing continual catch up,” Truran concluded.

-- ends --

About AgileIT
AgileIT is a South African agile consulting firm providing strategy, execution and operational level IT consulting that drives a value-based experience. AgileIT sees technology departments as technology service providers to their respective businesses, and views its purpose as assisting these service providers to deliver agile and flexible technology solutions to drive business. We bring a range of specialist skills to assist clients in the development of their technology strategy. This includes defining a roadmap, facilitating its execution and evolution. AgileIT facilitates client operational optimisation, with a focus on driving down cost and driving up stability and efficiency.

Issued on behalf of: AgileIT
Client contact: Nick Truran
Cell No.: 083 362 2449
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Editorial Contact: Kerry Botha
Cell no: 083 263 0644
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Transformation a critical discussion point at the IT Leaders Africa Summit

Published: 22 May 2018

“Embracing change in an era of ‘business unusual’” #ITLA18

The 9th Annual IT Leaders Africa Summit was recently hosted at the brand new, green star-rated CTICC East Wing in Cape Town on 9 & 10 May 2018. Over the past decade of existence, the event has quickly established itself as the premier gathering of CIO’s and business IT professionals on the continent. Attendees from across Africa congregated in Africa’s tech hub to share best practices, and discuss the strategic roadmap to managing the evolving challenges, opportunities and risks associated with the IT departments’ ever-increasing scope of technology implementation and its related oversight.

Brett St Clair, CEO of Siatik and renown international speaker – delivered a powerful warning to the audience; “disruption is happening incredibly quickly; especially in the IT space – there are so many technologies that are hitting IT, wave after wave – and each technology generates another wave of technology, which can be very scary as the rest of the world feels like it is doubling efficiency and leap-frogging ahead whilst we continue to lag behind in Africa – constantly having to catch up.”

A common thread shared by the audience and speakers alike was that digital transformation is turning the industry on its head, and the CIO of the future needs to be well ahead of the curve to be able to deal and effectively counter the effects of prospective disruption to organisations. Transformation was also discussed on a higher level and resulted in a robust and thought-provoking debate regarding the duty of leading IT professionals to not only upskill existing staff as opposed to looking outside for talent; attendees also challenged the IT industry as a whole to work towards the development, mentoring and nurturing of millennials and more importantly women in the IT field.

Nithen Naidoo, Managing Director of Snode, who participated in the newly introduced sponsor hot seat panel discussion, encouraged the IT industry to invest in the development of future IT practitioners as this will set organisations on a sustainable path to success, “Millennials are looking for purpose – they want what they do to mean something; they want to add to something greater than themselves - and if you give them that, your organisation will be able to attract the right kind of talent…desire and [corporate] cultural fit is really important”.

This was a sentiment shared by Jamie Whittaker, Deputy CIO at Discovery, who encouraged organisations that want to succeed where others have failed, to take an ‘out-of-the-box’ approach, “In order for organisations to be successful, they need to understand that they should embrace change – It’s not business as usual but rather business as unusual”. Whittaker further elaborated that “IT is not about technology; it’s not about apps, databases or mainframes, nor the cloud – what it’s about, is People – they are the most valuable resource – they should be mentored and nourished, when you find these individuals; they should be treated correctly from the very first interaction with your organisation. Make sure that we invest in developing our people, so that they can leave at any stage, but treat them well so that they choose to stay.” The overarching message was that, change may be scary, but it should be embraced and seen as an opportunity as opposed to a threat.

The array of IT experts present at the event discussed other critical themes which are affecting the IT profession, including improving organisational cyber resilience in a world of evolving and increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks through continuous collaboration between big companies and SME’s in order to create a sense of community around the issue of cyber security. Naidoo cautioned organisations to stop viewing cyber security protection as a grudge purchase “cyber security wins battles in boardrooms, it’s a competitive advantage”.

Harnessing the true potential of data was also on the top of everyone’s minds with Collin Mamdoo, Principal IoT Specialist at Vodacom calling for “data democratisation”, with many others echoing this sentiment and encouraging both anonymous and visible sharing of data between companies. Overall, everyone acknowledged that data analytics is a key part to business success; the question rather centers on how you put that data together; which is contextual to your environment, industry, company and maturity according to Peter du Plooy, CIO of Engen, futurist and former Visionary CIO of the Year Award recipient.“Organisations that are winning; are organisations that are doing immense amounts of data analytics – they’re understanding their broader ecosystem…their customers, understanding their business inefficiencies and they are improving all of these things”.

This was a sentiment shared by Greg Groenmeyer, Head of IT Strategy & Architecture at Sanlam, “it is important for IT to be aligned to the business agenda and the overall business strategy; IT departments must always evaluate whether anything that is introduced has a business narrative – activities must be centred around mitigating the risks or improving the bottom line”

The IT Leaders Africa Summit has been providing IT executives with practical knowledge from industry experts and thought leaders since its inception 9 years ago.  With the assistance of an advisory panel of experience C-level IT executives, the summit covered the most current trends translating business strategies into IT functions, as well as many controversial and interesting debates on the future of IT in business.

“It has been exciting to witness the growth of the event as the IT industry matures. Kinetic is committed to strengthening the IT industry across the African continent through our involvement as a key information provider and business facilitator. We are encouraged by the number of companies who have already expressed interest in anticipation of the next edition later in 2018 which will be co-hosted alongside the Afrisecure Cyber Security Summit in Johannesburg” says Terry Southam, Managing Director, of Kinetic – the conference organisers.

In closing, Whittaker cautioned attendees that “Companies need to be looking for a business strategy for the digital age; if there are companies that consider business and IT to be two separate elements; they’re ripe for disruption”. 

Follow @ITLeaders on Twitter and join the conversation using the #ITLA18 hashtag

For more information about IT Leaders Africa, visit:

About IT Leaders Africa
The IT Leaders Africa Summit has been providing IT executives with practical knowledge from industry experts and thought leaders since its inception 8 years ago. With the assistance of an advisory panel of experienced C-level IT executives, the summit encompasses the most current trends concerning translating business strategies into IT functions, as well as cyber security, governance, and disruptive technology. We have recruited the top IT executives in Africa to present on the issues concerning IT leaders in today’s rapidly evolving market to ensure that you are ahead of the curve. 

About Kinetic
Kinetic is an international conference and exhibition company established as a key strategic information provider to the IT and Telecoms sector, our mission is to equip senior management executives with knowledge, market intelligence and viable commercial opportunities.