7 East Londoners take on the Iron Man to raise funds for 10 year old Amputee.

Published: 23 January 2019

Ubuko Mpotulo (10), from East London, was diagnosed with Meningococcal Septicaemia, at the age of 3 years old, Ubuko underwent a Bi-Lateral Amputation and finger amputation, when the lining of his blood vessels became damaged and obstructed his narrow arteries and eventually cut off his blood supply.

Despite coming from a disadvantaged background, Ubuko has been awarded a Bursary to attend Selborne Primary, after the Educators and Governing body saw his resilience and perseverance shine through his Disability.

Ubuko’s disposition has also captured the hearts of his medical team.

“I finally met Ubuko and those of you who have had the privilege to meet him will understand that he only has to look at you once and you are done, the mischievous smile and determination in his eyes caught my heartstrings.” – says prosthetics specialist, Marissa Nel, who has personally committed, jointly with Ossur, to cover Ubuko’s medical costs that are amount to about R148 000 a year.

Until Ubuko turns 18, his prosthetic sockets will need to be refitted and changed at least 14 to 16 times until he stops growing. Unfortunately this will still be long-term struggle for him.

According to Nel, because Ubuko is growing, his socket will likely need to be changed in the next 6 to 8 months, when he will require alignment adjustments, and replacement of some of his prosthetic parts.

Ubuko has also inspired a group of 7 Round Tablers from East London, who have decided to take on the 70.3 Ironman challenge on the 27 January 2019 to contribute towards Ubuko’s ongoing medical costs, through a campaign launched on donations based crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy.

“Ubuko’s character and perseverance to improve himself are unmatched. He isn’t simply adapting to his prosthetics, he has relished the opportunity to seize his moment and make it count. Not only has he taken each step in his progress with enthusiasm, he has flourished.” Says Round Tabler, Ryan Baisley (37).

For the past 6 months, the team met 3 to 4 times a week, starting at 4 am, to do triathlon specific training to prepare for the one of the toughest endurance events. The event, organized by the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC), consists of a 3.86 km swim, 180.25 km bicycle ride and 42.20 km marathon without breaks.

"Out of the 7 athletes competing, 4 are novices to the Triathlon world and many of us started off as being really unfit. On the days when our legs were in pain from 60km cycle sessions into blistering hot headwind, we would remind ourselves how Ubuko feels everyday and the discomfort he has lived with his whole life.” – says Baisley.

To wish the team luck, Ubuko will meet the whole team, many for the first time, at the Ironman Expo, where he will also have an opportunity to view the latest triathlon gear and equipment and experience the exhibition before the event takes place.

“We hope the public will continue to support our BackaBuddy campaign. We may not be able to change the entire world, but by trying to change Ubuko’s world, we might make a difference in his life that inspires him to pay it forward to the next person that deserves it.” – says Baisley

The BackaBuddy campaign went live on the 15 of January 2019 and has thus far raised R 13 166.78 with contributions from 24 donors towards the fundraising target of R50 000.

Support Ubuko by donating on BackaBuddy here:
https://www.backabuddy.co.za/steps4ubuko or on the www.backabuddy.co.za.

Funds raised will be managed by Round Table and used for Ubuko’s ongoing medical procedures.

Meet the Round Tablers: Jethro Penny (34) - Toby Nzuza (37) - Daryan Rowe (33) - Warren Bigara (28) - Ruan Jordaan (31) - Bazil Frewen (33) - Ryan Baisley (37)

About BackaBuddy:
- BackaBuddy is a proudly South African crowdfunding platform where individuals have the opportunity to raise funds for causes they feel passionate about.
- BackaBuddy has raised over R90.4 million for various charities, individuals and causes across South Africa.
- Website: https://www.backabuddy.co.za/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BackabuddySA

For more info, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 082 602 0735

Rewards-Based Pay It Forward Web-Traffic Creation Project

Published: 17 November 2018

PRETORIA, Gauteng, November 17, 2018 – A new Web-Traffic Creation Project announced today that it is raising funds via a rewards crowdfunding campaign on Jumpstarter Crowdfunding.  The fundraising project is called the Pay It Forward Web-Traffic Creation Project, running to develop more web-traffic generation products.  The business set out to raise R100,000 on Jumpstarter Crowdfunding to finish development to produce and publish within three months, the next batch of its web-traffic generation properties that is going to change the web-traffic generation market in South Africa.

Responding to the market gap created by the difficulty experienced by most businesses to be found easily by their target market on Google, the Web-Traffic Creation Project sprang into action to bring about an effective way to help all businesses in need, especially in South Africa, to also experience similar success. “All businesses who give out their website name to customers that they get in touch with, can of course be easily found on Google by those specific customers, and indeed anyone else who comes across that business’ website name.  However, this limits any business being found by the majority of its potential customers i.e. all the rest of its potential customers who are actively searching in various ways on Google, every day, for the very services that they offer.  Through my schooling, we have noticed that most businesses, due to no fault of their own, don’t know how to get themselves in a position where they pop up, when services that they offer, are searched for on Google.  Ideally for the very services they offer, a business should appear on page 1 of Google search results particularly the top spots on page 1, which is really where sales occur the most.

This situation opens up an opportunity for web-traffic creation products like ours, to step in and be of valuable assistance to any business owner”, says the Pay It Forward Web-Traffic Creation Project owner, Mosima Kekana.

According to Kekana, the vigilance exercised by Google together with their regular software updates geared toward ensuring the best search experience for its users, is the underlying reason that businesses are increasingly finding it difficult to be discovered by the majority of their ideal target market on Google.  “We face it, the unfortunate reality is that even with the best products and services, and wonderfully set-up websites and search engine optimisation, most businesses are still stuck beyond Google search results that the average searcher is willing to scroll down to.  Worse, the majority of businesses are languishing near the bottom of search results on Google”, adds Kekana.

Kekana says that despite being new in the business, her Web-Traffic Creation products have achieved in three months, more than most web-traffic creation products have ever done, having consistently produced top search results for services in the markets the products have been set up for.  Kekana believes they represent the secret ingredients that produce fast web-traffic and sales.

Participation in this rewards-based Pay It Forward Web-Traffic Creation Project will attract a varied audience from those who love tech products and services that jumpstart growth for new and small business owners, to those who love fast web-traffic and sales results.  Not excluded from the rewards listed in this project are also those who would love free websites and website content done for them.  Kekana says the rewards for pledges towards the fundraising campaign, include answering personal burning questions about the art of progressing a website to ultimately land on the first page of Google search results.  Amongst the rest of the attractive rewards, backers for this project will also get an opportunity to nominate anyone or any business to have a website built for them as part of this Pay-It-Forward Web-Traffic Creation Project.  There are multi-tiered pledge levels that go with the relevant rewards.

The fundraising and rewards portion of the project closes on 14 December 2018.  For more information about this project as well as the rewards and how to contribute, go to Jumpstarter at https://jumpstarter.co.za/projects/pay-it-forward-web-traffic-creation-project/

Media Contact
Mosima Kekana
Project Owner
081 389 9571
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Campaign Page URL - https://jumpstarter.co.za/projects/pay-it-forward-web-traffic-creation-project/  

5 year old suffers serious burns after falling into boiling water

Published: 20 September 2018

On the 27 June 2018, Boitumelo Ngidi (5) from the Mpophomeni Township, in Howick, Kwazulu Natal, was playing with her younger brother Quintin (2), when she accidentally fell backwards into a bath of boiling hot water.

Boitumelo was then pulled out of the water by her mum, Nonhlanhla (29) and immediately rushed to Hilton Life Hospital, the closest emergency hospital approximately 25 minutes away.

Upon arrival, Boitumelo was placed into ICU, after sustaining superficial burns on both her upper limbs and neck as well as ‘full thickness burns’ on her back and buttocks.

“Boitumelo presented with decreased range of motion in the neck, right and left shoulders, oedema in the left hand, poor pain management, inability to sit upright without back support, poor in-bed mobility and poor functional mobility.” – says Occupational Therapist, Nadia De Barros

After 2 weeks, Boitumelo was placed into the Paediatric Ward before being discharged on the 19th of July, as their medical aid could no longer cover the cost of ICU.

“The family has suffered a tremendous ordeal, with Nonhlanhla, carrying a burden of guilt for what has happened to her daughter and the lifelong scars she will have. She has so much love for her daughter and has taken unpaid leave to be at her daughter's side as often as she can. To make matters worse, the family car was involved in a car accident as a result of the stressful situation” – says Boitumelo’s beloved Teacher and Principal at Heritage House Preschool, Karen van Lelyveld

Unable to take public transport due to her fragile state and for risk of infection, the family rely on friends and family to take them to the hospital to change Tumi’s dressing every 2 days, which sometimes isn’t possible.

“Boitumelo has endured so much for such a young child and every time she starts making progress, she gets another infection and skin grafts need to be redone, which sets her back.” - says van Lelyveld

Hoping to raise funds to support Boitumelo’s ongoing medical costs, extensive occupational therapy as well has the psychological therapy her family will need, Boitumelo’s teacher, Karen, set up a campaign on donations based crowdfunding platform BackaBuddy, to appeal to the public for support to overcome the shortfalls of the family’s basic medical aid plan.

The campaign went live on the 17 August 2018 and has thus far raised R 2 604.35 towards the fundraising target of R100 000 with contributions from 7 donors.

Funds generated by this campaign will be directly managed by BackaBuddy NPC and paid directly to the relevant medical practitioners to ensure transparency with donors.

“With surgical intervention that is to follow, Boitumelo will require continued occupational therapy focusing on upper limb rehabilitation and functional rehabilitation until she is independent in the home and school environment. In order to achieve this, she will need to attend occupational therapy sessions 1-2 times a week, purchase pressure garments which cost about R16 000 each, skin therapy products, and possibly splints.” – says De Barros

“Last friday, Boitumelo came to school for an occupational therapy session and stayed for about 2 hours. She is still having difficulty walking and the exercises were noticeably painful for her.” says van Lelyveld

“It has been heart wrenching to see this bubbly little girl in such anguish, but she continues to put on a brave face for her friends who adore her. We hope the public will support our BackaBuddy campaign, so Tumi can get the treatment she needs and return to school full time” – adds van Lelyveld

Support this cause by Donating on BackaBuddy here:

About Backabuddy
BackaBuddy is a proudly South African crowdfunding platform where individuals have the opportunity to raise funds for causes they feel passionate about.

BackaBuddy has raised over R73.5 million for various charities, individuals and causes across South Africa.
Website: https://www.backabuddy.co.za/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BackabuddySA/

For additional information please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bianca Ackhurst on the Road to Recovery after GBD Diagnosis

Published: 20 September 2018

On the 16 August 2018, Bianca Ackhurst (22) was transferred to the South Rand Rehabilitation Centre in The Hill, Johannesburg to continue her fight against Guillain-Barré Disease, an extremely rare autoimmune disorder that left her paralyzed at the beginning of July.

“Bianca’s condition is improving daily and she is at the point where she can sit with little to no assistance and can stand unassisted for about 3 seconds at a time. She remains positive despite dealing with this soul destroying illness ” – says Bianca’s father, Jeffrey Ackhurst

Bianca currently does about 3 hours of physical, speech and occupational therapy a day. While she is making progress, doctors suggest her recovery could take up to 6 months.

“When I took my first step with my walker, I reminded myself, that you have to keep fighting when you get knocked down. I am determined to get better and get my life back” – says Bianca Ackhurst

Bianca’s treatment has been made possible through generous contributions to her campaign on donations based crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy. The campaign went live on the 6th of July, shortly after Bianca’s diagnosis and has thus far raised over R108 065.41 with contributions from 165 donors.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to Bianca’s BackaBuddy fund and for the kindness and compassion we received as a family. Your thoughts and prayers have been a pillar of strength for us during a very difficult time” Says Jeffrey

Bianca’s ongoing medical treatment is estimated to cost a further R200 000.
Support Bianca’s crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy by donating here: https://www.backabuddy.co.za/bianca-treatment-guillain-barre

Watch a video of Bianca walking here:


About BackaBuddy:
BackaBuddy is a proudly South African crowdfunding platform where individuals have the opportunity to raise funds for causes they feel passionate about.
BackaBuddy has raised over R73.5 million for various charities, individuals and causes across South Africa.
Website: https://www.backabuddy.co.za/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BackabuddySA/

For more information please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Or call: +27 60 956 22 36 (parents of Bianca)


Published: 20 September 2018

Cape Town, South Africa – The highly esteemed EFC athlete Sibusiso Mdoko was attacked in a vicious car-jacking attempt in the Cape Town suburb of Dunoon on Sunday, 02 September.

Mdoko was set upon by multiple assailants with knives and broken bottles. They attempted to steal his car and gain his bank account information. Mdoko lost consciousness during the attack.

Mdoko was transported to hospital where Constantia Insurance Group, official partner to the EFC organisation, have agreed to assist with Mdoko’s medical costs.

Although injured with multiple stab wounds, Mdoko is in a stable condition.

“We were shocked to hear the news,” said EFC president Cairo Howarth. “Sibusiso has competed with us for many years, he is a courageous athlete and role model to many. He had also just begun a new career as an electrician, a double blow to an already horrendous situation.”

Howarth went on to thank Constantia Insurance Group who have kindly assisted Mdoko with his medical costs, despite their partnership agreement being tied to in-competition injury only.

“As soon as we heard we contacted Constantia and explained the situation,” said Howarth. “Constantia didn’t hesitate, making funds available to assist Sibusiso.”

Mdoko has undergone several scans which have revealed no permanent internal damage, although a potentially severed tendon in his hand will receive further assessment and treatment tomorrow, 6 September.

“We are extremely glad to be able to assist such a remarkable man and athlete,” said Constantia Insurance Group CEO Volker von Widdern. “We wish him an excellent recovery, and are monitoring the situation.”

Mdoko recently qualified as an electrician, and is currently working in an intern capacity to gain experience. His injuries have stalled both those aspirations and his continuing career as an athlete.

Friends have created a BackABuddy campaign, where those that would like to assist can make a contribution toward helping Sibusiso as he recovers. To assist Mdoko with any amount, please donate here: https://www.backabuddy.co.za/lets-back-mdoko

“This has been a very difficult time,” said Mdoko. “I appreciate everybody’s support and concern, and would like to thank Constantia Insurance for helping me to get the right medical care. I’m looking forward to getting back to fitness, and back to doing what I love.”

“We are in contact with Sibusiso, and can’t wait to see him back to full health,” said Howarth. “This is an awful situation, and once again Sibusiso has shown the courage and determination that make such a wonderful person and athlete.”

Further details on Mdoko’s condition will be released when they are available.


About EFC® – The Extreme Fighting Championship®:
Headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, EFC is a world leading mixed martial arts (MMA) organisation. The Extreme Fighting Championship produces 10 live events annually at sold out arenas. With over 150 athletes exclusively contracted to the organisation, EFC showcases the greatest warriors on the planet.

EFC events are broadcast live in over 120 countries around the world on numerous television networks in multiple languages. EFC programming is available weekly in 600+ million TV households worldwide, making it one of the most recognisable MMA brands on the planet.

Capetonian focused on empowering young students in his hometown of Malawi

Published: 20 September 2018

In 2015, Henly Kumwenda (30) and the Kingfisher-Sekanawo team from Malawi, set out to develop an arid piece of land near Lumemo into a camping site to empower the local community.

The community of Lumemo currently faces a number of challenges. Many students are forced to learn under trees due to the lack of infrastructure. Those who are fortunate to have a classroom face over crowdfunding and aren't afforded basic necessities such as desks and chairs.

“Many young girls are entering marriages as young as 13 and a lot of the young men work in tobacco farms as child laborers. With our volunteer programs we hope to address these key issues to allow these 460 students an opportunity to reach their full potential” – says Kumwenda

Henly adds that a lack of education also makes these students vulnerable to their environment.

“In the rainy season, a number of individuals are affected with cholera due to the lack of education around boiling water before consumption that poses a huge health risk.” – says Kumwenda

Hoping to develop the Kingfisher campsite in Thekelo, Henly set up a campaign on donations based crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy, to appeal to donors locally and abroad for support.

Funds raised will be used to build 2 bathrooms, 3 sleeping rooms and a communal kitchen area for volunteers and is estimated to cost approximately R250 000.

“My vision is that this piece of land will not only be a camping site, but a space where volunteers from all over the world can come to Malawi and invest time into developing and improving our vibrant local community through their efforts. We will also welcome holiday makers for a small fee, which will contribute to paying school fees of orphaned children in our village” says Kumwenda

The campaign went live on the 19 November 2015 and has thus far raised R 193 643.50 with contributions from over 103 donors.

It hass taken nearly 3 years to fund the project, which still needs approximately R60 000 to complete, but Henly hasn’t lost sight of his goal.

“I have a vision to help my people and show them what can be achieved when people work together and the many doors that can be opened through education. I reluctantly had to drop out of college because I couldn’t afford to study further and I wish I had been given an opportunity like this” says Kumwenda

In anticipation for the long awaited campsite, Henly, together with his 5 volunteers have developed a number of programs to teach art, maths, English and physical education.

“From the bottom of my heart, I am forever grateful for the generous donations to our BackaBuddy campaign and for the impact it has had on my community. We hope the public will continue supporting our project so that we can continue building our dream brick by brick and introduce the world to Malawian hospitality.” - says Kumwenda

Kumwenda currently manages a hostel in Muizenberg in the Western Cape.

The Kingfisher team is currently assisting 27 high school students and 1 university scholar with their education fees and has thus far provided over 2400 school students with stationery equipment.

The Kingfisher team have raised over R93 127 for their campsite building this year.

Continue supporting this campaign by donating here: https://www.backabuddy.co.za/kingfisher-volunteer-campsite

STEPtember Campaign to raise funds for over 2000 SA Children born with Clubfoot

Published: 20 September 2018

Around 2000 children are born with clubfoot in South Africa every year.

Children born with clubfoot are unable to walk, run or play due their feet being rotated inwards or downwards or legs being unequal lengths. Left untreated, the child will live a life of disability, and face further psychological and socio-economic burdens. But it doesn’t have to be this way, clubfoot can be treated with the highly effective and non-invasive Ponseti method.

“A child born with clubfoot needs effective and early treatment. Neglected or untreated clubfoot leads to permanent disability and is a barrier to participating fully in economic and social life.” – says Luke Engel, marketing manager of non-profit organization STEPS.

Founded in 2015 in the Western Cape, STEPS has ensured that thousands of children have access to effective treatment, who would otherwise have lived with a preventable disability.

“As the only organisation working to assist children born with clubfoot in South Africa, STEPS responds to a huge regional need where it is estimated that 2000 children are born every year with clubfoot, but only 8% of those children will have access to health insurance or means to pay for treatment.” says Engel

For the month of September, STEPS, have launched a national “STEPtember” campaign to raise R 50 000 to assist in funding clubfoot operations; training of doctors, parent education, clinic support and clubfoot brace distribution.

With the campaign on donations based crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy, supporters are encouraged to set up their own campaigns to support the organisation and commit to walking 10 000 steps a day, to stand up for those affected by clubfoot.

“We currently reach about 50% of children born with clubfoot and have a goal to make that 100% by 2022. Accurate diagnosis, early intervention and referral is critical. For every R2500 we raise, we're able to support these initiatives with full treatment support for one child. We hope the public will support our BackaBuddy campaign through a direct donation or by signing up to our STEPtember challenge” - says Engel 

Join the STEPtember Challenge:

Sign up for the STEPtember challenge on BackaBuddy here:
https://form.jotformeu.com/72543433309353 and decide how much you would like to fundraise!

Motivate why you are passionate about this cause by writing a short story or put together a short video to let your friends and family know what you are doing!

For more information on raising funds for this cause please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PLNK Watches:From wooden watches to changing the world

Published: 30 August 2018

The PLNK watches team is burning with a desire to help leave a good footprint on earth. With Climate being such a looming problem for humankind PLNK Watches decided to design a watch with a purpose bigger than status and style, a watch that will bring as much value to the world as possible. PLNK Watches partnered with Food & Trees For Africa to help plant fruit trees and food gardens to communities that are in need. Wooden watches being so rare in South Africa there is an opportunity for such a unique niche if executed really well.

 PLNK Watches which is 100% black Female owned was founded with an aim to offer quality wooden watches that are stylish with a greater purpose driving it which is giving back to the communities that they serve.“It has always been a dream of mine to start my own business, the thrill of building something from scratch and making it a success while in the mist of challenges has been a driving force for me,”- PLNK Watches Founder, Boitumelo Jegeh 

For every sale PLNK Watches receives from the 1st of September 2018 a certain percentage will be donated to Food & trees For Africa. Food & Trees for Africa (FTFA) is South Africa's social and environmental enterprise improving lives and landscapes towards healthy people on a healthier planet, since 1990. Over 4.2 million trees, 1000's of permaculture food gardens, bamboo projects and organic farms have been planted for poor communities. They have the potential, we have the knowledge and you are the key.

PLNK Watches is deeply rooted in nature thus their watches are made out of reclaimed or recycled wood. They pride themselves with the uniqueness of their timepieces and believe that you will love owning one or two of them. As recent winners of The Shoprite Hustle Entrepreneur of the Month it's shows that PLNK Watches has a product that is well thought-out and crafted for the unique person you are.  

You can show your support to PLNK Watches by heading to their Thundafund Campaign, just like Shoprite believed in their hustle you can also be a part of this significant project by donating a minimum of R100 or more towards the growth of their business. Every backer(Donor) can stand a change to WIN a His & Hers Wooden watch set Valued at R1400. All the backers will also be put on the wall of fame on PLNK Watches website and Social media,  they will also receive a 10% discount code towards the purchase of their very own wooden timepiece from PLNK Watches. 

4 Reasons why to invest in PLNK Watches

  • Affordability

We work with the best suppliers but we are able to offer our watches for an affordable price by cutting out the middlemen, rental costs and excessive marketing costs and we pass the savings to you. That's why we are mainly an e-commerce store and you can find us on www.plnk.co.za

  • Environmental friendly 

Our watches are made of 100% natural wood that is recycled or reclaimed, we guarantee you that it's checked for quality and we have the best.

  • Continually improving

We have plans of increasing our product range and introducing new designs while retaining our core values of quality,style,affordability.

  • We serve our community

With your help we aim at donating towards planting trees, food garden and Fruit trees to communities that are in need. We believe that food security and a healthy environment are fundamental human rights essential to our prosperity. These Efforts help families feed themselves and also planting trees remove megatons of Greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and restore Biodiversity.

Click here to find out more about PLNK Watches and get one step closer to winning your very own wooden watches for investing in this proudly South African wooden watch brand. 

You can follow PLNK Watches at:












22 year old left paralysed after rare diagnosis affecting 1 in 100 000

Published: 17 July 2018

Brackenhurst resident, Bianca Ackhurst (22) was admitted to Netcare Clinton Hospital Intensive Care Unit in Alberton after experiencing flu-like symptoms and “Tingling” in her fingers and toes on the 3rd of July.

In a few short days, Bianca went from the bubbly and energetic personality her family and friends know and love, to being completely paralyzed, relying on a ventilator to breathe.

After close examination by Dr Adri Kock, Bianca was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome, an extremely rare and serious autoimmune disorder which attacks healthy nerve cells in the peripheral nervous system.

The incurable syndrome affects 1 in 100 000 individuals, while there is no known cure, doctors say the severity of the symptoms can be reduced through extensive physiotherapy and special treatment called Polygam and plasma.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that the disorder may be triggered by an improper immune response to previous illnesses such as diarrhea or a respiratory infection.

Without medical aid, Bianca’s hospitalisation has already amounted close to R300 000. She has since been transferred to the Chris Hani Baragwanath hospital, a government institution, where she remains in I.C.U. on a ventilator. Once released from I.C.U she will be transferred to their neurological department and then begin extensive physical rehabilitation.

“We as a family are absolutely shocked and devastated at the speed at which and the way this illness has affected our daughter, it breaks our hearts to see her laying unable to move or talk when just 2 weeks ago she was perfectly healthy” - says Bianca’s father, Jeff Ackhurst.

To help cover outstanding medical costs and ongoing treatment (costs of which are unknown at this point), the family has created a campaign on donations based crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy to appeal to the public to support Bianca’s recovery.

The campaign went live on the 6th of July and has thus far raised R72 574.00 with contributions from 106 donors towards the fundraising target of R300 000.

“We are overwhelmed by the donations on our BackaBuddy campaign as well as the support, prayers and well-wishers we have received. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.” - says Ackhurst.

Bianca’s family remains positive as Bianca shows signs of progress.

“There has been slight movement in her fingers and toes and doctors are presently attempting to reduce assistance from the ventilator. We know it’s going to be a long journey ahead, but we firmly believe she will make a full recovery.” - says Ackhurst.

Support this campaign by donating here: https://www.backabuddy.co.za/bianca-treatment-guillain-barre or visit www.backabuddy.co.za

About Backabuddy
A proudly South African crowdfunding platform where individuals have the opportunity to raise funds for causes they feel passionate about.

BackaBuddy has raised over R70 million for various charities, individuals and causes across South Africa.

Website: https://www.backabuddy.co.za/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BackabuddySA/
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Duo Paddle 67km to save Shongweni Reserve after Land Claim

Published: 17 July 2018

In honor of International Mandela day, together with a specialized them, founder of Conservation Guardians, Greg Vogt (57) and Italian-born, Sara Agostini (28) have taken on the mammoth challenge of rescuing the Shongweni Resource Reserve which has deteriorated since the land claim in 2013.

The reserve situated in Outer West, Ethikweni is 1700 hectares of pristine biodiversity and is currently home to 12 Giraffe, 12 Buffalo and a number of other species.

Conservation Guardians founded in 2008, cooperates with local structures, Conservation Authorities and global tourism organizations to achieve biodiversity targets, improve the welfare of wildlife, and the integrity of tourism and aims to inspire a community of conscious travellers.

“Conservation Guardians is mandated with the task of restoring the Shongweni Resource Reserve back to its original splendour and we will not be able to achieve this without the right attitude, the right people and the necessary resources.” - says Greg.

Hoping to raise funds to maintain the reserve for the next 3 months, Greg and Sara have committed to paddle for 67 km’s on what would have been Nelson Mandela’s 100th Birthday and have set up a campaign on donations based crowdfunding platform, BackaBuddy to appeal to the public for support.

The campaign went live on 13 July 2018 and has thus far raised R8 398.54 towards their fundraising target of R350 000 with contributions from 20 donors.

The funds will be used to cover vital operational costs and combat various threats to the sustainability of the facility as well as protect the ecosystem from poaching, vandalism, copper and brass theft from the dam wall.

“The fences that keep these animals safe have never been maintained and today the beautiful herd of giraffes, and the other animals are at risk and are exposed to various threats. Since the previous managing company has been operating the reserve, it has deteriorated and it’s been really upsetting to the Zwelibonvu community” – says Greg

Sara, who joined Conservation Guardians in October 2017, has fallen in love with South Africa. As a student studying foreign languages and international relation she has visited SA a number of times and hopes to protect its beauty.

“This beautiful country offers one culture, ancient and modern architecture and diverse natural experiences, from the ocean to the mountains. This place has nourished my soul since I was a child and believe our BackaBuddy campaign can make a difference. if our Madiba has taught us anything, is that nothing is impossible”- says Sara


Donate to this campaign here:


About Backabuddy

A proudly South African crowdfunding platform where individuals have the opportunity to raise funds for causes they feel passionate about.

BackaBuddy has raised over R70 million for various charities, individuals and causes across South Africa.

Website: https://www.backabuddy.co.za/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BackabuddySA/

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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