Published: 08 April 2018

The world of work is being propelled into the future faster than ever by a dizzying onslaught of new technologies and the demands of a workforce that is increasingly calling for a better work-life balance. The benefits of remote working include cost-savings, increased productivity and happier employees. But are business owners ready to let go of their pre-conceived ideas of employees sitting on the lawn sipping cocktails instead of working? Factors like overpopulation have meant that remote working has become a necessity more than a trend. In fact, a recent Regus study showed over 50 percent of workers now report that they work outside the main office 2.5 days a week or more. Despite the benefits, though, some businesses are slow to adopt a remote working model, concerned about a decline in productivity, team morale and how they will need to adapt their own management style.There is hope! Here are four ways to allay your fears and set up a successful remote working team from the outset: 

Communication It runs like a silver thread through the next points as well, because communication is the most important success factor in any relationship. No different with remote working. Clear, warm, relevant communication is imperative to the success of a remote working team.  Communicating exactly what you require from your team members, including clear KPI’s, allowing no task responsibilities open for interpretation and facilitating face-to-face or video conversation on all projects, saves time and frustration on both ends. The positive culture of a remote working team is also communicated, established and maintained in this way.  With tools out there like Slack and Google Hangouts and even Whatsapp, there is no excuse to keep any team members (or yourself) in the dark. 

Technology If you are going to set your team up for success, you need to make sure that technological glitches (which according to the study is a bane in all remote workers’ lives) are kept to a minimum.  Some companies offer their teams a budget to upgrade their technology at home. An even better option is to allow a budget for working at a co-working space with fast, reliable WI-FI. This will be half the battle for productivity and effective communication won.  

Employing the right people Different skills are required for permanent and remote employees. Your design guru may be great in the office where there is structure and he is constantly being fed with tasks, but may he may struggle to manage his own schedule in a way that ensures he stays productive. A good idea is to employ remote team workers on a part-time basis for short projects and giving them leadership on those projects. You will quickly see how they work with the rest of the team and how effective they are. Employing someone with a growth mindset, an A-player, with little experience and training them is another option, as a good mindset and attitude will outlast qualification in many cases. 

Team culture Creating a team culture of trust means that things get done. Of course it starts with employing the right people in the team, but it also means that the team trust each other to stay results-focused and trust that you have their best interests at heart.  Get together face-to-face where possible to foster relationships and build confidence and connection. You also don’t want remote workers working more (to exhaustion) than permanent workers otherwise you will lose talent, so it is important to foster a culture of work-life balance.  Once your team is set up and running smoothly, you will see what works best, but don’t let communication slip at any stage of the process. And don’t be afraid to ask for and expect updates on progress in your team. Or you could use a project management tool that will show you where all projects are at, at a glance. Remote working done well makes business sense. It saves on office costs (fewer bums in seats), time (fewer disruptions), salary costs (employees are willing to take a reduction in pay to be able to work flexible hours and remotely) and happier employees (no more spending hours commuting).  

Are you ready to take the jump?  

About Regus:

 Regus is the leading global workspace provider. We have built an unparalleled network of office, co-working and meeting spaces for companies to use in every city in the world. It’s an infrastructure to support every business opportunity - a global infrastructure built for businesses.Our network of workspaces enables businesses to operate anywhere, without the need for set-up costs or capital investment. It provides our customers with immediate cost benefits and the opportunity to fully outsource their office portfolio.It’s a network designed to enhance productivity and connect 1.5 million like-minded professionals: an instant global community, and a place to belong.Our network of office, co-working and meeting spaces covers 3,000 locations in over 1,000 cities and over 100 countries, and serves 1.5 million members every month.

Flexible Workspace Giant Regus Open For Business In 2 New Locations

Published: 06 February 2018

Regus, the global specialist in serviced office space, expanded their flexible offering to two more South African cities in December 2017, growing their presence to 3000 plus locations in 120 countries. The new centres in Bloemfontein and Pietermaritzburg Bird Sanctuary, will encourage and support business growth in the agricultural, manufacturing, services and tourism sectors these cities are known for.

Riding the global co-working wave and tracking the shift towards remote working worldwide, Regus has maintained its strategic objective to support growth in oft-forgotten areas. Grounded in rich history, both cities are centres for innovation, housing some of the top South African universities and base of growth for agriculture and manufacturing businesses.

A recent World Bank Report showed lagging growth numbers projected for South Africa compared to other emerging markets, but added that the agricultural sector as well as manufacturing and mining sectors showed strong growth. Regus provides co-working and meeting spaces to accommodate the increasing demand for flexible, technologically advanced, professional work areas.

The centres support corporates, start-ups, entrepreneurs, students, freelancers, business tourists and creatives with an affordable, all-inclusive package as they grow and tap into the agricultural and manufacturing opportunities in these areas. The new centres will provide cutting-edge business solutions for these cities with lucrative business interests and the opportunity for growth into areas like Durban and Johannesburg.

Bloemfontein, the judicial capital of the country, with economic hub Gauteng in easy reach by car or plane, will benefit from the professional meeting spaces, catering, fast internet, networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities provided by the business centres. Served by two airports, this centre is also an ideal location for business travellers.

The capital of and second-largest city in Kwazulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, is a hub to the aluminium, agricultural, manufacturing and tourism sectors. Its proximity to Durban, one of the busiest ports in Africa, results in promising local and international business opportunities.

According to Joanne Bushell, Country Manager Regus South Africa, “The two centres join an established network of professional centres supporting entrepreneurial, small business and corporate growth in South Africa. We identified the need for world-class working spaces that will support business growth, in these charming cities, straddling the world of cultural heritage and big business.”With more centres set to open in South Africa in 2018, Regus’ growth in South Africa is not slowing down.


About Regus

Regus is the leading global workspace provider. We have built an unparalleled network of office, co-working and meeting spaces for companies to use in every city in the world. It’s an infrastructure to support every business opportunity - a global infrastructure built for businesses.Our network of workspaces enables businesses to operate anywhere, without the need for set-up costs or capital investment. It provides our customers with immediate cost benefits and the opportunity to fully outsource their office portfolio.It’s a network designed to enhance productivity and connect 1.5 million like-minded professionals: an instant global community, and a place to belong.Our network of office, co-working and meeting spaces covers 3,000 locations in over 1,000 cities and over 100 countries, and serves 1.5 million members every month. For further information on Regus business centres, to find a global working environment near you:

VOLVO Ocean Race: Making Big Waves in the Race for sustainability

Published: 23 November 2017

The Volvo Ocean Race organisers are using their combined global clout to “turn the tide on plastic.” Arriving in Cape Town, South Africa, towards the end of November on Leg 2 of the global race, the world’s longest and most competitive professional sporting event has an inevitable environmental footprint, as well as an inescapable opportunity to raise awareness of the urgent need to combat plastic pollution and its effect on Ocean Health.  

By signing a Sustainability Charter, the Volvo Ocean Race leadership committed to the sustainable operation of all its activities, down to the first-time use of a hydro-generator to reduce the use of fossil fuels. Activities covered in the charter include the Race Village, transport, Greenhouse Gas emissions, engagement and advocacy. The campaign’s strategic objectives are to: 1. Maximise impact, 2. Minimise their footprint and 3. Leave a positive legacy. Their progress and success is monitored throughout the 9 month race. 

Volvo Ocean Race CEO Mark Turner explained the three pillars of the Volvo Ocean Race strategy. “Firstly, we have to minimise our own impact and that’s true right across all of our operations. Specifically, we are trying to reduce, or eliminate where we can, single use plastics in our Race Villages and our own operations because that problem in its own right is a major one for the health of our oceans.”  

Their call-to-action to businesses, governments and individuals in each port is to join them in amplifying the race’s efforts to reduce the approximately 8 million tonnes of plastic dumped in the sea every year, through local initiatives such as beach cleanups, education and the high-profile Ocean Summit in 7 of the locations.  

And Cape Town, known for its pristine protected coastlines, will be no different. Host, the V&A Waterfront, is paving the way for the various sustainability initiatives from 24 November to 10 December. The planned activities range from a beach cleanup, TEDX talks, craft-making and design using from recyclable plastics, to the esteemed Ocean Summit from 7 to 8 December and Ocean Life Festival in partnership with the Dutch Consulate General. 

Joanne Bushell, Regus country manager for South Africa says, “Regus has a particular interest in this race due to the Sun Hung Kai/Scallywag which we co-sponsor. Like the Volvo Ocean Race, we are a global brand with a global responsibility towards sustainability. Our Black River Park office in Cape Town, is one first office precincts in the country to receive the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) certified Green Star existing building ratings for all of its 8 buildings. Sustainability is fast becoming a key differentiator for companies and entrepreneurs alike and we are proud to be associated with the Volvo Ocean Race.” 

Find more details about the programme and sustainability initiatives from 24 November to 10 December here or at 

Louise Rebstein
Regional Marketing Manager – REGUS
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+2711 534 8697 | +27 766776397 

Gidgette Osborne
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+27 82 574 2308

2 New Spaces Centres bring much needed Workspaces to Economic Hubs of Cape Town and Sandton

Published: 07 November 2017

Disruptive work environment brand, SPACES, is expanding its South African footprint with two more prime locations opening in December 2017. The new centres in Long Street, Cape Town and Atrium on 5th in Sandton, bring SPACES’ innovative and inspirational office and meeting solutions to like-minded communities. This takes to 8 the number of branches opened since the global brand launched in South Africa in September 2017. 

Long Street, known as the Soho of Cape Town, complements perfectly the artful contemporary style that reflects the creative culture of SPACES. Wide walkways and casual seating areas, cultivate and present the opportunity to meet and collaborate with other professionals. Fast, unlimited WiFi and sophisticated technology is a standard SPACES offering to guarantee work efficiency. 

Local coffee bars, restaurants, craft markets, bookshops and backpackers’ lodges make for an interesting distraction whether you are a business tourist or a local. 

The second new centre is located in Atrium on 5th, previously known as the iconic Sandton Twin Towers. Having undergone major refurbishment, the building is cloaked in a revolutionary high performance double-glazed frontage to lend a modern feel and increase floorspace. Most notable, is the building’s sustainable and energy efficient initiatives, with developer Aurecon being awarded the ‘Best Quality Submission’ by the Green Building Council SA (GBCSA) in September 2014 for the project. An impressive green wall in the atrium houses a unique crate system made from recycled material.

Both centres provide high-energy, aesthetically pleasing environments perfect for entrepreneurs or business travellers needing a professional place to work and host clients. Started in Amsterdam, the SPACES brand and their motto, ‘Success breeds success’ attracts global appeal with entrepreneurs, start-ups, corporate and creatives who prefer their innovative approach to work.  

Their flexible contracts and memberships for progressive offices and fully equipped stylish meeting spaces are presenting a particular allure. To add to their holistic offering, they also host networking events, training, hobby and health events directed towards their immediate community. These range from salsa dancing to yoga classes.  

Another reality SPACES addresses, is the isolation that entrepreneurs and business tourists may often experience working at home or in hotels. Providing open areas where guests can mingle and activities they can join in on, breeds inspiration and a happier, more productive work environment. This can only be good news for the busy economic hubs of Cape Town and Sandton. 

SPACES offer an inspiring work environment for professionals and growing businesses.Next to office space, there are memberships and meeting rooms to help you think, create and interact with like-minded people. Spaces’ goal is to offer inspirational surroundings withan entrepreneurial spirit where ideas are born, a company evolves and valuable relationships are built. 

For more information or to contact a specific centre visit: 

CONTACT PERSON: Louise Rebstein
Regional Marketing Manager – SPACES
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+2711 534 8697 / +27 766776397

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+2782 574 2308

Regus supports Business Growth in 3 New Locations in South Africa

Published: 06 November 2017

Regus, the global specialist in serviced office space, are expanding their flexible offering to three more South African cities in December 2017, growing to 3000 plus locations worldwide with over 55 centres in South Africa. The opening of the new centres in Bloemfontein, Paarl and Pietermaritzburg, are part of a strategic focus to provide world-class workspaces and infrastructure, that will accelerate growth in small businesses and corporates in oft-forgotten, but booming areas. 

Since its expansion into South Africa, Regus has provided over 55 locations with co-working and meeting spaces to accommodate the increasing demand for flexible, technologically advanced, professional work areas. The centres support corporates, start-ups, entrepreneurs, students, freelancers, business tourists and creatives with an all-inclusive package at an affordable rate.

The new centres will provide cutting-edge business solutions for cities with lucrative business interests and tourism, the size of which, place a strain on local infrastructure. The timing of the opening provides start-ups and businesses the opportunity to commence 2018 with a fully equipped, professional working environment.

Bloemfontein, Free State

Hailed as legislative capital of the country, three major national highways converge in Bloemfontein, with economic hub Gauteng being the closest destination for travel by car or plane. The city’s relaxed atmosphere, bustling economy, busy university culture and lack of major corporates, place a strain on the local infrastructure. The new centre provides meeting spaces, catering, fast internet, networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities of global standards. Served by two airports, this centre is also an ideal location for business travellers. 

Paarl, Western Cape

This culture-rich, picturesque area in the Winelands, through no inclement of its own, has been identified as an area requiring support as a result of the local and international business travel born from the wine export industry. The new Regus centre will provide local businesses and international travellers with state of the art, professional, co-working spaces and impressive offices for corporates wishing to relocate from the busy mid-city or those implementing a flexible work policy.

Pietermaritzburg, Kwazulu Natal

The unsung capital of Kwazulu Natal, Pietermaritzburg is a hub to the aluminium, agricultural, manufacturing and tourism sectors. Its proximity to Durban, one of the busiest ports in Africa, results in promising local business growth while maintaining some of its sleepy charm. This made it an obvious choice for Regus, who identified the need for professional, world-class working spaces that will support business growth in the area. 

According to Joanne Bushell, Country Manager Regus South Africa, “The three new Regus locations were strategically chosen to support areas in our country integral to the agricultural, manufacturing and services growth, but which often don’t have commensurate support of much-needed technological infrastructure and services. We have seen our business centres boost economic growth in all the locations where we put down our footprint.

”With more centres set to open in South Africa in 2018, this footprint is steadily growing to include centres nationwide, after establishing their current business centres in the main economic hubs such as Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria and Johannesburg.

For further information on Regus business centres, to find a global working environment near you:

CONTACT PERSON: Louise Rebstein
Regional Marketing Manager – REGUS
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+2711 534 8697 / +27 766776397 

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082 574 2308