Dr Penny Webster - Clinical Psychologist

Published: 04 January 2018

Modern life can be characterized as more stressful and complex than ever before. Major life changes are incurred at a faster pace and can be accompanied by couple and marital conflicts, parenting issues, trauma, and bereavement. The pressure to perform can lead to depression, substance abuse, and sexual problems and disease.

Dr Webster offers a range of psychological treatments for anxiety, depression, marriage conflicts and family relationship problems, parenting issues, life trauma: including sickness, disablement, bereavement and aging, as well bi-polar disorder.

The psychological treatment offered is aimed to integrate short term approaches to psychotherapy with long-term psychoanalytic therapy. The approaches include:

Short and long term therapy: how to find out who you are and your goal in life

Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy

Couples therapy and sex therapy : how to make the most of your intimate relationships

Parent training & child assessment

Adolescent psychotherapy

Family therapy: at all times a flexible approach is adopted and different members of the family can be seen depending on the needs of your family

ADD and ADDHD in adults and children

Long term Psychoanalytic psychotherapy

Bereavement counseling

Trauma counseling

Supervision for other psychologists and counsellors

Dr Webster will work with medical practitioners if you require it, to help you deal with medication.All psychotherapy will integrate medical approaches to psychological and psychiatric distress if necessary.