Changing the world one dance class at a time

Published: 12 March 2019

Every music video and every concert have a single common thread that runs between them, dance. We’ve all watched in awe as someone moves perfectly in sync to the rhythm and beats of our favourite songs.

Music feeds the soul and sets your feet ablaze with boundless possibilities. Every moment and every beat allow you to explore movement and sometimes, with a little direction those movements turn into a masterpiece. Delta Webster-Choshi, better known as Delta The Leo, shares her knowledge of dance with youths across various landscapes of South Africa.

Combining her passion for dance with that of children, she continues to give of her time to teach the children at Thusong Youth Centre through her company Live.Learn.Inspire Dreamworks and #ChabaRebone movement. Each class is not simply a lesson in dance but is a holistic approach to life focusing on good health, building character and confidence, team spirit and hard work. Mentored by Delta and business-partner Sherole Webster-Choshi and various guests, the two hope to help each child envision and begin to pave the way to a future that not only sees them being academically groomed but well-rounded young adults. “The aim is for us is to give each of these talented children the tools to follow their dreams and instill in them the belief that their dreams are valid,” says Sherole of their passion for the Thusong Youth Centre.

#ChabaRebone has become more than just Delta The Leo’s latest single; it has given rise to a movement that aims to have people exude their talent (wherever it lies) and show it off for the world to see. “Giving every person who enters the class the room to be their truest selves without care or concern for the opinions of others, for me is a blessing. Helping them find their inner confidence is an experience I cherish as I get to watch them blossom weekly,” says Delta. “The most heart-breaking part of getting to know each of these individuals is to learn that often they attend class on an empty stomach as this is often their only option.”

Thusong Youth Centre could really use your help. If you have cleared out your closet recently or can donate food to assist in providing towards meals, your assistance would be most appreciated. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.

Join the #ChabaRebone dance workshops:

Every Saturday morning from 11:00 – 14:00 Thusong Youth Centre in Alexandra. All are welcome; young or old, professional and non-professional dancers.

Charming graduation day for aspiring magicians in Cape Town

Published: 21 November 2018

The College of Magic, Cape Town’s only magical arts organisation, honoured its top students at two charming graduation ceremonies held at the Rondebosch Boys High School on Saturday 17 November 2018.

More than 160 aspiring magicians were awarded their various course diplomas,signifying their successful mastering of different levels of training in magic and its allied arts, including juggling, puppetry and drama, mime and clowning.

Now in its 38th year, the College of Magic is the only organisation of its kind in the world and offers a six year on campus diploma that covers all aspects of the magic theatrical performing arts.Each year, the College of Magic, based in Claremont, honours its exemplary students at two graduation ceremonies, one for the junior and one for the senior students. The Student of the Year trophy is awarded to the best all-round junior and senior students with a record of excellent performance and participation in College life and events.

In 2018, Jessica Williamson and Duncan Shelver were awarded Junior and Senior Student of the Years awards respectively.

Williamson (13), from Plumstead, is a dedicated student of the magical arts, having competed in and placed 2nd  in the Junior Clowning Contest, 3rd in the Junior Puppetry Contest, 2nd in the Junior Stage Magic Contest and 3rd in the Puppet Idols Finals contests. This young lady of magic is thrilled with her Junior Student of the Year trophy:

“I am so happy that I’ve won this incredible award! I love magic because it helps me to express myself. Studying the art of magic is unlike anything else and I cannot wait to further my studies!”

Shelver, who also won the 2018 Children’s Entertainment Trophy, has recently returned from a whirlwind magical and educational tour to Las Vegas and New York in the United States in early October.The 16-year-old Bellville resident was one of six students chosen to represent South Africa’s budding magical talent at a series of workshops, demonstrations and meet and greets with some of magic’s greatest entertainers including David Copperfield and Penn and Teller.

The teenage magical allrounder,who graduated from his final year at the College of Magic in 2018,  is ecstatic about his multiple awards:

“Wow, what an incredible honour to be recognised for my achievements with these awards! What I loved most about studying at the College of Magic is the sense of belonging to a magical family and the atmosphere and I am going to miss it. I’d encourage anyone who is thinking of studying magic, to join the College! ”

Each year, the College of Magic also honours staff, students and graduates for long service, community service and excellence in magic theatrical performance and its allied arts. The 2018 honourees include: Ann Pawley and Dion Wabanie, Seniors: Alfred Baba, Sesona Gagana, Anela Gazi, Liam Hewitson, Emma Hutchison, Dale McManus, Lukhanyo Mpondo, Luvo Mrolota, Jonah Poole, Thando Rala, Sahil Samlal, Jenna Shorkend, Zeta Wanamaker, and Juniors: Gabriella Mans, Ruby Park and Anja Steyn.

Experience the impossible with the College of Magic in 2019:

An enchanting new learning adventure awaits aspiring Harry Potters as the College of Magic welcomes new wizardry recruits to its beginners' programme, Course One, from Saturday 26 January 2019!

Course One will see the magicians-in-training explore the world of magic through a 15 week exciting and intensive diploma course which includes rope magic, card tricks and coin effects as well as an introduction to the allied arts, namely  juggling, mime, clowning and puppetry.

This entry level course is suitable for learners aged 10 to 13 years old. Course One will run at the College of Magic, 215 Imam Haron Road (previously Lansdowne Road) in Claremont each Saturday for six months from Saturday 26 January 2019 with classes at 09h00 and at 12h00. Fees are R 2950 and include all course equipment and notes, as well as participation in any or all of the allied arts on offer.

Registration for the College of Magic’s 2019 Course One is now open.

Call +27 (0) 21 683 5480 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to secure your booking.

For more information about the College of Magic, please visit

Six easy-to-implement ways of being an inspiration to your children

Published: 12 July 2018

To become inspired, we need to inspire others.

Remember that what we teach others, we teach ourselves. Imagine, then, the benefits of being an inspiration to your children!  It is a win-win in that what you give, you will receive!!  Cindy Glass, Director and Co-founder of Step Up Education Centres says “Parents tend to forget that they wish to be happy, joyful and inspired as much as they wish this for their children-and yet, who could be a greater source of inspiration to your children than you, the parent?”

Cindy goes on to explain “As a parent, you are your children’s first and longest-lasting teacher.  When you are inspired you will find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. You will want to become a source of inspiration for others - and most especially - for your children. Living from a place of inspiration will result in a life where there are no limitations to what you could achieve. Love, joy and peace will become the building blocks on which you create possibilities, meaning and purpose! You do not need any qualifications to become an inspiration to your children (or others). You need only be human, with a willingness to give to others the inspiration you wish for yourself!” 

Inspired people

  • Stay detached from the negative opinions of others
  • Seek positive solutions to inevitable life-challenges
  • Are self-aware, self-motivated and are able to positively manage their emotions
  • Are more productive, enthusiastic and passionate
  • Seek ways to be of service to others-joyfully and without expectations of reward Inspire others 

Cindy gives the following, easy-to-implement steps to inspire your child by being the inspiration

Inspiration through kindness. Random acts of kindness- a gentle word of encouragement, helping someone in need, a friendly greeting to the car guard, helping an animal-will inspire you and your children in ways you cannot imagine!

Inspiration through gratitude. Make it a daily habit to voice what you are grateful for. Take a look at your life—yes you have difficulties, hurts and challenges—but look deeper.  Teach your children the powerful gift of gratitude.  It will change your life!

Inspiration through generosity. Find ways to be generous. It does not have to be monetary. Giving of your love, joy, time and compassion are beautiful ways to inspire your children to do the same.

Inspiration through listening. Listen to understand, without having the need to interrupt or negatively impact the trust you want to build with your children. Inspire your children to listen, without judgement to others as you do with them.

Inspiration through being peaceful. Find ways to teach yourself to seek peace in your life. Yoga, meditation, exercise, reading uplifting books—whatever it takes.  There is no greater gift than peace!

Inspiration through passion. Being excited about life is infectious. Voice your excitement for positive progress in your children’s lives-no matter how small- and seek to find positive growth points in your own.

Cindy concludes by saying “You need to BE inspired to inspire others.  What you teach your children, you teach yourself.  It is a win-win for all!”

About Step Up
Established in 2016, Step Up Education Centres is a dynamic after-school remediation and tutoring franchise with a difference. Step Up offers children an opportunity to succeed in a schooling system that is, at times, very unsympathetic.  From the moment, a child walks through a Step Up Education Centre door they feel different.  They no longer feel silly or stupid. They no longer feel misunderstood. They no longer feel judged. After just one lesson they feel hope. They see possibility. After a few sessions, they walk taller, feel smarter, do better. Why? Because Step Up believes that every child has potential… and our passionate educators will not give up until they reach it!                                                                                                                                               

Press release disseminated on Behalf of
Cindy Glass
Director and Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres

Disseminated by
Carmen White
Account Manager
Sam Watt Marketing Communications
081 260 4011

Five priceless gifts that you can give your child this Christmas

Published: 20 November 2017

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Many of us are familiar with Cliff Richard’s classic Christmas song, ‘Mistletoe and wine’. The chorus goes something like this:“Christmas time, Mistletoe and wine, Children singing Christian rhymes. With logs on the fire and gifts on the tree, A time to rejoice in the good that we see.” Christmas time is a few weeks away, department stores have been suitably decked out for over a month, and thousands of children are dreaming of family gatherings, delicious food and, of course, Santa Claus!  “Christmas time is associated with the buying of gifts and it, not unlike a shark feeding frenzy, elicits a culture of must-buys and massive overspending. Unfortunately, gifts are equated with stuff – toys, gadgets, computer games – the options are endless. This ‘stuff’, in turn, is temporarily exciting to receive but that joy is short-lived and soon, more stuff is demanded in order to fill the hole that is left.  ‘Stuff’ does not provide lasting fulfillment and long-term happiness!” says Cindy Glass, Director and Co-founder of Step Up Education Centres. 

Cindy adds, “Think about it for a moment: Our children are being starved of positive human connections, uplifting fulfilling experiences and the opportunity to grow into leaders who embrace life to the fullest! It is time for a change of mind-set when it comes to defining what gifts best serve our children during this holiday season.” 

Cindy offers a few novel, cost-effective gift ideas to consider:

GIVE THE GIFT OF TIME: Your children value your time, your encouragement and your engagement in their lives way more than a gadget!  By giving of your time, you give them a part of yourself!  In addition, you are better able to provide a sincere, non-judgemental ear to listen and understand.  

GIVE THE GIFT OF GIVING: Use this time to involve your children in choosing interesting gifts, wrap them with love and give these to the less fortunate. The very act of giving joy to others gives priceless joy to yourself!

GIVE THE GIFT OF COMPASSION AND GRATITUDE. Why not join your children in visiting and supporting an animal shelter – walk the dogs at the SPCA, for example. Visit an old age home with something special to give.  Encourage an attitude of love, compassion and gratitude by what you do and not just what you say!

GIVE THE GIFT OF EXPERIENCES. Do something you have not done before—zip-lining, hiking, playing a board game together and getting out into nature. Have fun together! Laugh, play and be silly together! Create positive memories that will last forever!

GIVE THE GIFT OF CREATIVITY. Make Christmas gifts, decorations and treats instead of buying them. There are thousands of easy-to-do, low-cost Christmas treasures on the internet! Creativity is exciting, fun and soul-fulfilling! “Christmas time is, indeed, the season for giving and sharing.  By exploring some of the ideas above, you will add great value to this time and the rewards of increased happiness and fulfilment will be worth the effort!” Cindy concludes.  

About Step Up
Established in 2016, Step Up Education Centres is a dynamic after-school remediation and tutoring franchise with a difference. Step Up offers children an opportunity to succeed in a schooling system that is, at times, very unsympathetic.  From the moment, a child walks through a Step Up Education Centre door they feel different.  They no longer feel silly or stupid. They no longer feel misunderstood. They no longer feel judged. After just one lesson they feel hope. They see possibility. After a few sessions, they walk taller, feel smarter, do better. Why? Because Step Up believes that every child has potential…and our passionate educators will not give up until they reach it!                                                                                                                                               

Press release disseminated on Behalf of:
Cindy Glass
Director and Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres

Disseminated by:
Carmen White
Account Manager
Sam Watt Marketing Communications 

Teach your children the art of making mistakes!

Published: 24 October 2017

Imagine if babies were afraid of making mistakes. Learning to walk, holding a cup and speaking a language would be nearly impossible skills to master. For how would they learn to do anything new? How could they achieve any level of skill at anything if they didn’t stumble and fall?

Why, then, have we developed a fear of and a loathing intolerance for our best friend, the mistake? Why are our children so afraid of making mistakes that they often prefer not to even try? Why do we allow ourselves to feel enslaved by the very thing we should embrace?

Cindy Glass, Owner and Founder of afterschool remediation franchise, Step Up Education Centres looks to shake up our thinking in terms of mistake making. She says, “Generations of people have passed on the untruth that making mistakes is to be avoided at all costs and worse, making mistakes, even minor ones, mean punishment and humiliation. Mistakes, for so many children are a constant source of anxiety and fear. Surely it is time to consider the merits of making effective mistakes! After all it is ONLY through making mistakes that we are able to learn anything new!”

Bill Gates and Richard Branson are examples of modern day businessmen who used their devastating mistakes to learn valuable lessons which would eventually catapult them to success. Thomas Edison failed a whopping 9000 times in his quest to create the electric lightbulb. He is famous for saying that he would never give up because he had simply learned 9000 different ways of how not to make a lightbulb!

So, if the path to success is paved with mistakes, how do we master that art and instil this learning in our children?

Cindy sheds some light:

You need to embrace mistakes: There is only one effective way to teach our children to embrace their mistakes and use them as valuable opportunities to learn. As parents, WE need to own and embrace OUR mistakes. We need to acknowledge them for what they are and find effective solutions as we learn better ways of doing things. We need to teach our children to be comfortable with making mistakes because we are comfortable in making our mistakes.

Teach them to own their mistakes: One of the most valuable tools that you can give your child is to teach him to own his mistakes. To achieve this, we need to remove the fear that is associated with making mistakes by finding it within ourselves to be tolerant of the imperfectness of our children. After all, we are no strangers to making mistakes. As parents, our reaction to any mistake will set the tone for ownership and positive learning. This does not mean that consequences are no longer important-quite the opposite! Choose your battles. Accidents are accidents and deliberate mistakes are choices.

“Children who are taught to use their mistakes as learning opportunities are considerably less anxious and are significantly more confident in their exploration of the world they live in, and this is beautiful!” Cindy concludes.


Published: 06 October 2014

Maya Keel, Director of COACH is the Acting Chairperson for the Gauteng Welfare and Social Services Development Forum and the Deputy Chairperson for the National Welfare and Social Services Development Forum. In September, the National Social Development Portfolio Committee invited the Forum to present input into how the non-profit sector can support the work of the Committees and the challenges that the NPO sector faces.

Based on the input from various provincial forums, COACH presented this to members of parliament. The presentation was very well received and many questions were posed about the funding crisis experienced by the NPO sector and how best it can be resolved.

Many recommendations were given, the main one being the legislation being put into place that determines the partnership between the Department of Social Development and non-profit organisations. This can determine the funding model to be used, with special emphasis on; parity of social worker and social auxiliary worker’s salaries, and to ensure that the state meets it’s statute obligations with regards to the Children’s and Older Persons Act.

This in turn will lead to the sustainability of Child and Youth Care Centres and Old Age Homes respectively.  It can also lead to improved infrastructure to deal with children in crisis by becoming proactive and preventative as opposed to only being reactive. Some serious concerns about the survival of the NPO Sector were noted by members.

To this end, Maya Keel received and open invitation to Parliamentary Social Development Portfolio Committee meetings in the future. This is a great honour for COACH as it has always strived for the advocacy of better opportunities and safer environment for children and has been an active partner in the transformation of services and developmental approach to child and youth care.    

Fake Stokke Products Flooding the Classifieds

Published: 18 August 2014

Promises of a bargain leave several victims penniless

South Africa, August 18, 2014:  In recent weeks, a group of unscrupulous individuals operating under the company name ‘Baby Care Limited’ are posting adverts in various classifieds claiming to sell brand new Stokke strollers.  These are in fact fake listings and what may seem like a bargain is in fact a ploy to part the interested parties from their cash.

As the official distributor for the Stokke products in South Africa, it saddens us that the brand is being used for such malicious purposes. We urge all individuals interested in Stokke products, to check our listing of approved retailers to ensure that they do not fall victim to this scam.         

Call our offices on 011 823 6592

Visit our website to find a list of approved retailers: