indaHash proud partner of Cannes Lion Award winning #NoExcuse campaign

Published: 03 July 2018

(Johannesburg, South Africa) June 28, 2018 - indaHash, a global technology influencer platform with an extensive user base, worked closely with AB InBev Carling Black Label to ignite conversations around their #NoExcuse campaign.

The carefully crafted and brilliantly constructed campaign by Ogilvy Cape Town and MSports Marketing won a Cannes Lions 2018 Grand Prix. The campaign kicked off, literally, at the Soweto Derby where the client, Carling Black Label, decided to take a stand against women abuse. “As the match was about to begin, a group of women formed a circle in the centre of the field and raised their voices into song,” says Federico Dedeu, indaHash Business Development Leader, EMEA. They sang “Asambe Nono” - the song that has become South Africa’s soccer anthem and they changed the lyrics to highlight the abuse of women, especially after soccer matches. The chorus sang words that emphasised how there was no excuse for the abuse of women.

“We had positioned carefully selected indaHash influencers at the stadium capturing the event as it unfolded, posting reactions, photos, videos and stories across Instagram and Twitter amplifying this whole experience past the stadium boundaries.” adds Federico Dedeu, indaHash Business Development Leader, EMEA.

These influencers played a significant role in sending the hashtag #NoExcuse viral and in raising awareness around the crucial issue raised by the campaign, publishing 130 pieces of content with more than 7,000 interactions across platforms and 1.7 million more people heard the Songs of Change making the hashtag #noExcuse trend at the top spot in South Africa. Why soccer? Because 40% of South African men assault their partners daily [South African Medical Research Council 2017] and this number spikes dramatically after soccer games. AB inBev Research and Insights found that alcohol abuse was the leading excuse for this behaviour.

We are acutely aware of the link between men who abuse alcohol and men who sometimes abuse women,” says Andrea Quaye, Carling Black Label Vice President of Marketing, “We chose to present one of the world’s most important messages at one of the country’s biggest events. We reached a greater audience than the opening ceremony of the 2010 World Cup. It is not a campaign for men. It is a societal one.” The campaign saw brand mentions rise by 823% and brand sentiment achieve an 86% positive increase with a total reach of 45 million. It is now being rolled out in five other countries.

To view the  of the campaign Canne entry video visit here:

To view the indaHash case study video visit here: