Carbon Tax Training 07 November 2019

Published: 31 October 2019

Join us as we unpack the provisions of the new Carbon Tax Bill.

The Carbon Tax Bill which has been debated for the past 8 years has finally been signed into law and has been effective since 01 June 2019.   The Bill imposes a liability on the greenhouse gases emitted during the production of goods and services. The nominal tax rate is R120 per tonne  of carbon emitted, although with the various tax-free allowances the rate could drop to between R6 and R48 per tonne.

 Allowances included are:

  • a basic tax-free allowance of 60 percent for all activities,
  • a 10 percent process and fugitive emissions allowance,
  • a maximum 10 percent allowance for companies using carbon offsets to reduce their tax liability,
  • a performance allowance of up to five percent for companies reducing the emissions intensity of their activities,
  • a five percent carbon budget allowance for complying with the reporting requirements,·and
  • a maximum 10 percent allowance for trade exposed sectors.  

Our 1 day workshop will assist you to understand:

  • Who is liable for carbon tax   I The Greenhouse Gases  I The tax base - Scope 1 emissions   I  Rate of tax·Tax Period  I  Calculating emissions   I  Tax allowances and offsets  I  Sectors not covered by the tax  I  How to calculate tax liability and use allowances to maximise tax reductions 

Date:   07 November

Time:   9h00-15h00

Venue: 36 Wierda Road West, Sandton

Cost:   R2 950.00pp

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to reserve your seat

5Inc Unpacks the Carbon Tax Act

Published: 08 August 2019

Lets Unpack the Carbon Tax Act   

Why was it implemented? 

South Africa is the 15th largest pollution emitter in the world! This is contributing hugely to climate change which is affecting many South Africans, particularly the poor and those in the agricultural sector. It is clear that we need to change this figure and putting a price on carbon is one way to do this.  

What is the Carbon Tax? 

Carbon tax will be levied on the sum of greenhouse gas emissions from fuel combustion, industrial processes, and fugitive emissions which are above the threshold for that activity.  Who will the Tax be paid to? Companies liable for the Tax will submit a report to the Department of Environmental Affairs and pay the tax to SARS.

  When is it due?

The first submission is due on 31st December 2019 and will be payable by 31 March 2019. Thereafter, the tax period will be January-December with payment having to be made 2-3 months after period end. 

 What is the tax rate?

 The nominal rate is R120 per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent. However, with the numerous tax-free allowances, the rate could reduce to R6-R48 per tonne.

 Why should your company start planning for a low-carbon future? 

The period 2019-2022 is the introductory period for the Tax and the regulations are relatively lenient. However, this will probably change in 2022 with the COe rates being higher and more companies being liable.

Lower-carbon options will be become more competitive, because they are subject to less tax and therefore priced lower.  Many companies paying the tax will add it to the cost of their products. Customers will then choose cheaper, lower-carbon goods and services.In business, 95% of the value of the business is vested in its brand. Eco-conscious customers will support the company with the strongest ‘green’ brand. 

Carbon Tax Workshop 08 August 2019

Published: 09 July 2019

Join Us as we unpack the provisions of the new Carbon Tax Bill

The Carbon Tax Bill which has been debated for the past 8 years has finally been signed into law and has been effective since 01 June 2019.

The Bill imposes a liability on the greenhouse gases emitted during the production of goods and services. The nominal tax rate is R120 per tonne of carbon emitted, although with the various tax-free allowances the rate could drop to between R6 and R48 per tonne.

Allowances included are:

  • a basic tax-free allowance of 60 percent for all activities,
  • a 10 percent process and fugitive emissions allowance
  • a maximum 10 percent allowance for companies using carbon offsets to reduce their tax liability
  • a performance allowance of up to five percent for companies reducing the emissions intensity of their activities

Time: 09h00-16h00
Address: 36 Wierda Road West, Sandton
Cost: R2950.00 excl VAT
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a booking form

Included in the cost

  • Comprehensive course manual
  • Legislative documents
  • Refreshments and lunch
  • Certificate of attendance

About Your Expert Presenter

Yasmine Miemiec is a qualified Carbon Tax Analyst and a Director of 5 Inc, a waste transformation and BEEE project implementation organization.

Yasmine has a qualification in Environmental Management and Third World Development from the Open University (UK), is a Climate Leader in AI Gore's Climate Reality Corp and is a graduate of the International Labour Organisation's Green Jobs training.