The Rhinos are Coming!!! Rhinos Paint The Town Red at V&A Waterfront and Cape Town International Airport!

Published: 19 January 2018

Eight gorgeous life-sized Rhino sculptures are wowing the crowds at the V&A Waterfront and Cape Town International Airport this January through to February 2018.

The Rhinos Are Coming!!! have announced that their Sponsors’ Rhinos are getting fantastic exposure in the many places they have been since they embarked on their Great Rhino Roadshow in April 2017. The main event is the three-month long world-class outdoor art exhibition which will be coming to Cape Town from mid-December 2018 to mid-March 2019. It will feature 60 or more life-sized painted Rhino sculptures which will be exhibited on street corners, parks and public spaces all around the city centre and surrounds. The exhibition will raise funds and spread awareness for the plight of South Africa’s endangered rhinos.Talented artists from our local communities transformed the first nine pioneer life-sized blank Rhino sculptures into valuable works of art.

Eighteen Sponsors have already signed up. The City of Cape Town supports this initiative by enabling Art Rhinos to be exhibited at many of the most-visited iconic tourism sites in Cape Town. The first nine painted Rhinos are already creating huge exposure for their Sponsors with the Sponsor’s brand name and mission statement emblazoned on a plaque attached to the heavyweight base on which the Rhinos are anchored.  These famous, as well as up and coming artists volunteered to paint the pioneer Rhinos: Beezy Baily, Lionel Smit, Nardstar*, Jade Waller, Nasser Zadeh, Peter Gray, Andrew Hart Adler, Clair Homewood and the children of the Lalela Project.

These Rhino ambassadors have already been doing the rounds at well-visited events such as the 2017 Gartner Symposium held at the CTICC, where they were hosted by MTN Business SA. The Rhinos started on their travels with their spectacular presence at the Cape Town Stadium for five days by the invitation of the Organisers of the We Are Africa conference in August 2017. Then they moved to Spier for three days. The ‘Penguin Rhino’ is gracing the entrance to The Two Oceans Aquarium. The other four can be seen at the Flag Pole and the Watershed areas located inside of the V&A Waterfront.

The Radisson Hotel Group have been using their Rhino since December 2017 to be on display at the entrances to their various hotels during the run-up to the Exhibition in December 2018, enhancing their social media and PR presence.These first nine Rhinos were sponsored by The One & Only Hotel, Belmond Mount Nelson Hotel, The Radisson Hotel Group, African Secrets, Timeless Africa Safaris, The Alphen Boutique Hotel, Welgevonden Game Reserve, Motswari Game Reserve and Pamela Isdell, in her private capacity. Janice Ashby, Founder of The Rhinos Are Coming!!!!, is appealing to organisations and individuals to get involved by sponsoring a Rhino. There are great marketing benefits for sponsors.

The Rhinos are Coming!!! Exhibition will promote Cape Town as a top tourist destination and an international centre for the arts. It will offer local artists the opportunity to showcase their work to an audience of hundreds of thousands while inviting the general public to join the war on poaching and to save our rhinos. In the first quarter of 2018, eight of these uniquely painted sculptures will make their appearances at The Cape Town Carnival on Saturday 17 March and at the World Travel Market Conference at the CTICC from 18 – 20 April. 

If you want find out more about this great initiative and how it works, you can do so by following on social media, reading more on the website or making contact via email. Details below.

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Third annual Attractions Africa conference heads to Cape Town

Published: 12 May 2016

The third annual Attractions Africa conference, the continent’s premier attractions management event, heads to the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Cape Town – Upper Eastside from Wednesday 8 to Thursday 9 June, 2016.  

Delegates of the conference will be treated to a two day programme, comprising international speakers sharing trends, benchmarks and best practise, as well as local examples of excellence, cases studies and white papers presented by local attraction managers.  

This year’s thrilling presentations include a case-study of the Homo Naledi discovery by Michael Worsnip of Maropeng a’Afrika Leisure; a talk by the Cape Town Cycle Tour’s David Bellairs about the marketing, communication and reputation management needed for the world’s largest cycle tour; a look into community participation in Attractions building by the rising star Siphiwe Ngwenya of the Maboneng Art Experience and more.  

An educational opportunity for attraction managers as well as a platform for information sharing and the recognition of common challenge, Attractions Africa is a collaborative effort between some of the continent’s top attractions including Table Mountain Aerial Cableway, National Zoological Gardens of South Africa, Two Oceans Aquarium, SAB World of Beer and Cape Point.

  Now in its third year, the Attractions Africa conference has become a highlight of the tourism calendar:

  “A conference of this magnitude brings together leaders and their peers within in the attractions management industry and provides invaluable learnings for those on the frontline of providing amazing visitor experiences at their establishments. Whether you are a museum, an art gallery, a hotel, a mega event, a restaurant or a theme park, we want you to join us for this must-attend educational event, “says Sabine Lehmann, Attractions Africa chair.  

Join us at the Attractions Africa conference:  

Registration for Attractions Africa 2016 Conference is OPEN. A discount rate for early registration is offered and will run until Friday 13 May 2016, so be sure to get in there fast and book your spot. Register online with a credit card or request an invoice.   To register and for more information about the Attractions Africa conference, please visit or call +27 (0)21 683 2934.

Asking For It? | an exhibition by Maria Patrizi at StateoftheART

Published: 10 October 2014

StateoftheART is proud to present 'Asking For It?' an exhibition of paintings by Maria Patrizi on the Exhibition Wall.

This series of work is the artist's response to the excuse often given that clothes are responsible for rape. Women displaying their femininity and/or sensuality, are considered to be handing out open invitations to being verbally or sexually abused.

"By moulding clothing into evocative and anonymous female forms, the artist has given the clothes a voice, "we are just clothes, so what exactly are we asking for?"" - Maria Patrizi

Patrizi's work has often been compared to photographic negatives. "At first the comparison surprised me but after some thought, I couldn't believe I hadn't made the connection myself" she says.

The starting point for all her paintings are photographs that she have taken and then manipulated. De-cluttering and reducing the images so that she can focus solely on the shapes she finds relevant.

Opens 6th November @6pm

06.11.2014 till 15.11.2014


61 Shortmarket Street, (between Loop & Bree)

Cape Town.

Gallery hours:

10am-5pm weekdays,

10am-2pm Saturdays.


The exhibition will be available to preview online through the StateoftheART website from the 4th of November. 

For more information please contact Jennifer on 0724709272 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contra Natura | (Against Nature) by Werner Ungerer at StateoftheART

Published: 05 August 2014

StateoftheART is delighted to present 'Contra Natura' (Against Nature) by Werner Ungerer. This work consists of 18 loose sheets of calligraphy and text, contained in clamp-shell box.   Contra Natura is a short story hand-illuminated in a medieval calligraphic hand "gothic textura quadrata". The digital and the archaic worked hand in hand in the production of this work which took Ungerer two years to complete.

The story follows a modern day priest teaching at a Catholic school. He confiscates an image torn from a fashion magazine from one of his pupils. The image is of a semi-naked man. The Priest is completely taken over by this image and undergoes a crises of faith. He exiles himself to an island retreat in the hope of re-connecting with his faith. In complete isolation, the power of the image grows stronger and its hold over the Priest more intense. As the depression of the Priest escalates we are drawn deeper into his internal struggle and ultimate psychological collapse. In the end he confronts himself and the story takes on a more surreal turn. He survives a violent attack by an unknown assailant (The Devil?) on the beach. He has a near death experience during which he encounters mythical versions of his mother and father. His mother is the Veiled Woman in Black sitting in a dead cornfield in the heat. His father is Legion – a mad prophet sitting on a dune in the desert, overlooking a fallen city. They serve as the Priest’s guide as he travels through the underworld and moves closer to resolve and acceptance or farther away from it.

"The title “Contra Natura” or, Against Nature was selected not only for subversive reasons. It also had a more direct meaning in that I needed to invent a new work-process for myself. I normally work very much on an intuitive level, often abandoning works mid-way and going off on different tangents. With this work I wanted to go against my own nature and submit myself to severe processes of order, structure, tradition and discipline." - Werner Ungerer

Opens at 6pm on the 4th September

04.09.2014 till 20.09.2014

61 Shortmarket Street (between Loop & Bree)
Cape Town

10am - 5pm week days
10am - 2pm Saturdays or by appointment  

For more information contact Jennifer on +27 (0)724709272 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tell Me A Story | an exhibition by Mila Posthumus at StateoftheART

Published: 05 August 2014

StateoftheART is proud to present 'Tell Me A Story' an exhibition of paintings by Mila Posthumus on the Exhibition Wall.

There is a sense, in this collection, of having stumbled upon a private moment. The moments captured are small and unposed, the subjects caught up in their own thoughts; distracted.  Although they are often painted looking directly at the viewer, drawing him in, there is detachment from the viewer; lending the work a voyeuristic quality. What is seen unmistakably forms part of a larger narrative and the subject's distraction opens up a space for the viewer to fill and weave a story of his/her own.

"My work is influenced, as any artist's will be, by my perception of my surroundings and reality. It covers many subject matters, from land- and cityscapes, to still lives to people. The ever changing and emotionally complex South African landscape offers endless inspiration as well as my more personal, immediate surroundings - children and home." - Mila Posthumus

Opening 4th September @6pm

04.09.2014 till 20.09.2014

61 Shortmarket Street,
(between Loop & Bree)
Cape Town.

Gallery hours: 10am-5pm weekdays, 10am-2pm Saturdays.

The exhibition will be available to preview  online through the StateoftheART website from the 1st of September.

For more information please contact Jennifer on 0724709272 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

WILD & STILL: expressions of the landscape | an exhibition by Janet Botes, with introduction by Strijdom van der Merwe, opening 5th June @6pm

Published: 10 May 2014

12 May 2014


StateoftheART is proud to present "WILD & STILL: expressions of the landscape", an exhibition of mixed media, digital art, drawing and sculptural pieces by Janet Botes.

At a time of turmoil and ennui within the current political and social landscape of our country, Janet has chosen to explore personal and emotional responses in the context of  our environment. 'Wild & Still' refers to this duality; personal responses of fear versus contemplation and appreciation for nature - whilst  alluding to these characteristics within ourselves, as individuals.

    "the revolution or emancipation of a country starts with the voluntary changing of the individual's mindset" - Vivien Kohler

Janet's work is inspired by her own reaction and relationship to nature - but also informed by happenings and issues in environmental justice and sustainable development. 'Wildness' as referred to in this exhibition represents the sheer power and awe of water - waves crashing onto the beach, a storm raging in the sky. 'Stillness' is encapsulated in the curve of a shell, in the silent beauty of mist and the details of an insect’s wing.

    "I believe that if one can really appreciate or see beauty in all aspects of nature, accept the 'wildness' and create 'stillness' within ourselves, we'd have a more compassionate interaction within our daily lives, and contribute to humanity in a collective revolution" - Janet Botes

Opening 5th June @ 6pm
Introduction by VIP guest Strijdom van der Merwe
Performance Art at 7pm
Artist Walkabout and Performance 14 June at 11am

61 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town.
Gallery hours: 10-5 weekdays, 10-2 Saturdays.

For more information please contact Jennifer on 0724709272 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Adderley Street through the years

Published: 28 October 2009
{pp}Cape Town's oldest and most vibrant main road.

There's an old South African saying that goes, "I'll buy you a farm on Adderley Street". It's an expression of confidence - a bit like saying you'll eat your hat if you're proven wrong about something. The phrase attests to the prestige once associated with Adderley Street - the lively main road of Cape Town, running from the Table Bay Harbour to the entrance of the Company Gardens at Government Avenue. And, while there may be far wealthier strips in the city these days, Adderley Street remains Cape Town's most historic and renowned arteriole.