Team Leading talk at Hirsch’s Meadowdale.

Published: 26 January 2018

Hirsch’s Meadowdale recently hosted its first Business Networking Morning for 2018, with 36 entrepreneurs within the community eager to get the year off to a great start.

With the topic; “Leading a Team – a Manager’s Dilemma”, guest speaker; Steve Schwartz was able to give everyone some insight on whether teamwork is actually a good thing for an organization.

Steve heads up a multi-division company. He has local and international experience in developing companies, markets and industries while working in the corporate world as well as independently. On numerous occasions, Steve has boldly entered new markets and continues to shake numerous industry sectors with his no-nonsense yet innovative, fresh and dynamic approach.

Commented Steve “Mathematics tells us that 1+1 =2, Synergy tells us 1+1 =3, and psychology tells us 1+1 =1, but when is this actually true?Teamwork in some organizations is a good thing, but in others- not so much. Teamwork works when there is an Effective Market Onslaught, Fixed Cost Management, Simplified planning and reporting, Easy KPI management, Unified efforts and Production and Manufacturing. This creates synergy (1+1 =3)Ineffective teamwork leads to; Relaxed Personal Input, Running Cost Variance, Blanket Planning and Reporting, Hidden Efforts/Duplication, Hidden KPI Measurement and Discrimination Challenges. This creates 1+1 =1 So, is teamwork good or bad?

According to Steve; “Teamwork is good when it’s at the right time and place, when the preparation is right and when expectations are Realistic. Not every organization needs teamwork. Sometimes individual performances are more successful than group efforts.” Said Steve

After Steve’s talk each of the networkers were given the opportunity to present themselves and their business in a 30-second ‘elevator pitch’, followed by some lucky draws, networking, sharing of business cards and enjoying some refreshments.

If you would like to join the Hirsch’s Networking Mornings, please contact Letitia Haywood on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.