IBTC Pass Assured Promise: Athi Biko's story

Published: 27 August 2019

CIMA student, Athenkosi Biko, failed Strat ICS in February. Luckily, he is an IBTC student and could make use of our Pass Assured Promise. Athi returned to the exam room in May and left a champion!

Here, in his own words, is his CIMA story and road to success.

“I have always dreamt of being a qualified finance professional and originally started studying towards a CA(SA). Sadly, life got in the way and I had to abandon my studies and start working. First, I was a call centre agent. I then moved into accounting and product control within financial services and banks. It was here that I learnt about CIMA. After some research, I realised CIMA was the route I had to go. I had finally found a global qualification that combined both finance and business.

While studying I enrolled at IBTC Professional Business Education and attended their Strategic Case Study classes. The classes followed a different format to your traditional ‘knowledge dump’ lecturing. Studying for the Case Study exam requires a reasoning and application approach. The candidate needs to know the material and how to apply it. My lecturer, Kuda, understood this.

I thought I was ready, so I booked and wrote. I failed. Let’s face it, failing is never fun, but giving up just wasn’t an option. That’s the thing with CIMA, you need to keep your head down, keep going and not lose momentum. It’s hard to get back into the race if you stop running. I didn’t fail by much. I was literally a few marks short of a pass. I realised that I knew my subject, but my delivery required work. Luckily, I could make use of IBTC’s Pass Assured Promise. So, I booked again for the May sitting, wrote and passed.

My CIMA journey is almost over but I have grown in my career and as a person. I have learnt to balance technical, business and people skills in each task I complete. I can now look at a problem from every angle and solve it holistically. This helps daily in my job as a Finance Business Partner, to me this is priceless.

My advice to anyone thinking of studying CIMA? Do your research. Only then will you realise the real value of a CIMA qualification and how it will change your life. With CIMA the sky really is the limit.”

Study CIMA with IBTC
All our CIMA courses are Pass Assured. To study CIMA with IBTC go to www.ibtc.co.za and click on the book now button. Alternatively, you can call Robert on 0861 111 411 and he will gladly help you get started.

ACCA students, we know how to help you pass first time

Published: 23 May 2019

Key takeaways

We stand and fall by our ability to get you to pass first time. We're so confident that you will pass the ACCA Exam first time that you can come back for free if you don't. Our secret lies in our student support, study guides and question practice. By following a few simple guidelines, you can make our promise work for you. With over 10 years' experience in preparing students for their exams we have learnt a lot about study techniques. We've seen what works and what doesn't.

Using our expertise we have developed a formula - a so called secret sauce if you will - that gives you the best chance of a first time pass. If followed correctly we really believe you will pass first time. In fact, we're so confident in this belief that you can come back for free if you don't pass. This is our Pass Assured Promise (PAP) and it's available to all our students. We are so obsessed with passing that our pass rate is the key measure of our business. Our CEO, Nikki Maritz, illustrates this when saying,"Our pass rate is the number we are all chasing. It's even more important than our revenue figure.

We believe that you buy a pass from us, not a product."

So ,with that said, what's in the secret sauce?

The secret lies in the fact that no other college offers more question practice and student support than IBTC. Question Practice We strongly believe in the power of question practice and we find any excuse to talk about it. According to a study published in The Guardian, "Researchers found that students who did a practice test after a period of revision did better on the final exam than those students who spent their time only on revision."

The beauty of question practice is that it reinforces what you've learnt while helping you to identify your weak spots. It shows you where you need to focus.

Taking this a step further at IBTC we believe that the number of times you test yourself and the variety in your question practice is the real key to exam success. For best results you need various levels of question practice during your study process and the more you do, the better your chances of passing first time. We encourage our students to spend 60% of their time studying and the remaining 40% practicing. Study Plan The IBTC Study Plan lays it all out for you. It indicates when to go through your theory and when to do question practice.

It is designed to get you exam ready as quickly as possible.

Your Study Plan will provide you with what to study and for how long so you don't waste your time studying the wrong thing. Think of it as the road map for your ACCA journey. It will get you to your destination as quickly and successfully as possible. Hand holding We understand that you are human and sometimes all you need is a listening ear or a little motivation and a push in the right direction. This is why we walk your study journey with you.

We checkup on you regularity to make sure that you're staying on track. We notice when you a miss a deadline and we find out how we can help you make sure that doesn't happen again. Your success is our priority.

The Nuts and Bolts of Mobile Retargeting

Published: 02 December 2014

Mobile devices are more than mere communication tools today. Globally, smartphones and tablets are now contributing to roughly 25% of the user traffic on eCommerce and travel websites. Sales through smartphones and tablets contribute to around 15% of the total online sales. With the rapid adoption of smart phones and tablets across the globe, these numbers can only go north.

Online sales through mobile devices as a percentage of the total online sales globally Challenges in Mobile Web Marketing Mobile marketing is relatively new and advertisers face several challenges to run an effective mobile marketing campaign. Some of them are:
• Advertiser's and Publisher's mobile presence is fragmented between mobile web and mobile apps.
• Identification of a user across mobile web and mobile app and messaging across these two channels.
• Identification of users across multiple devices (such as mobile, desktop) and messaging across channels.
• Patchy support to cookie and other tracking mechanisms on mobile browsers and apps.

How does it work:

1. While the user is on the advertiser mobile website, products like Vizury MobiConvert, records anonymous user behaviour such as products viewed, duration of visit, drop off page etc.

2. This user behaviour data is then used to create and display customised ads for the mobile user across mobile internet.

3. However, unlike desktop, mobile uses a different technology for banners- HTML5, the one that works across mobile devices.

The need to go mobile is more imminent today more than ever. Mobile has taken centre stage in your users' purchase cycle and it's time to go mobile! More on 'Shades of Mobile Retargeting' coming soon.

Learn more about Vizury MobiConvert and other products by Vizury at their stand at the eCommerce Africa Confex. This exciting 2-day conference and exhibition takes place on the 3rd-4th February 2015 at the Cape Town International Centre.

Register as a delegate or find out more about sponsor and exhibitor opportunities by contacting Kirsten Pow Chong on 021 180 4700 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Marketing Magician To Reveal His Secrets To The Public

Published: 07 April 2009
{pp}Marcel Oudejans: Magician, Infotainer, & Vice President of the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa (PSASA) in Cape Town, is hosting his premier seminar, ”The Magic Experience: De-Mystifying Marketing for Entrepreneurs”. The two-day seminar will be held on 9 and 10 May at the exclusive Hôtel La Vendôme in London Rd, Sea Point.