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The RACE OF RACES Book Launch: Black Man Are You Stupid?

Published: 16 November 2021

On 19 November 2021, Author Sakhile Sibiya officially launches his social commentary book, Black Man! Are You Stupid? in Soshanguve township. Joining Mr. Sibiya as a keynote speaker is global business mogul Vusi Thembekhwayo, the self-made millionaire has understood the mandate of entrepreneurship and is excelling in business as a black man. True to message of black economics this book is a wake-up call to Black people, addressing the following key issues among others: 

Black-self-love - we desperately need to restore our love for ourselves, our race, and our communities. 

The fallacies of Black inferiority and White supremacy - our obsessive preference for white over black is sickening, to say the least. From the schools we choose for our children, the churches we attend, the brands we celebrate and promote, all these expose that we believe black to be inferior and white is superior.

The hidden truth of the economic power of Black people in South Africa- did you know that we control in excess of 50% of all expenditures within the economy? Meaning that we are responsible for propelling every other race into an economic paradise while we continue to sink deeper and deeper into economic hell. We also propose grassroots interventions that will initiate a mental revolution that will lead to change in how we behave as Black people. In a race among races, the black race has always lagged behind, in political power, innovation in science and technology, education, and other contests especially the economic race. Born in the wealthiest land yet we remain the poorest. Black Man! Are you Stupid? seeks to persuade the black race to run faster or forever remain a modern-day slave.

“We need to consider ourselves as running a relay race against other races. It is not just about the current generation but also about our children, who will either be advantaged or disadvantaged by our performance in this race”, Sakhile Sibiya.

Date: 17 November 2021
Time: 17:00
Venue:  3172 Block L,Christ Centred Chapel of Grace Soshanguve

Black Man Are You Stupid is available for purchase at www.sakhilesibiya.co.za

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Sakhile Avril Harold Sibiya is a Pastor, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, diversity consultant, and community builder whose driving passion is to change the black man’s perspective of self, his fellow black men, and the rest of humanity.  

For more information and media interviews contact:
PR and Communications Consultant Faith Nozizwe
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In Search of Daniel- Release of New Book

Published: 14 June 2021

Press Release - Dr. Rani Samuel  In Search of Daniel- Release of New Book June 2021 The journey through emotional trauma can leave anyone feeling out of control, lost and in tears.

The word ‘trauma’ has its origins in the Greek language and refers to ‘a wound or injury’ caused by an external force; which can be physical or psychological. Right now across the world, trauma and emotional distress is happening to all of us - to our family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. Lockdown, isolation, anxiety, depression, violence and more impacts us on a daily basis. But what are the roots of emotional trauma? Interestingly, our entry into the world, through the womb of our mothers, is often where our traumas begin. Everything pregnant mothers experience, the baby she is carrying also experiences - both good and bad. Studies in the scientific field of epigenetics is showing that ancestral health, the amniotic environment of the womb, the circumstances of our birth and intimate relationships with our caregivers- all have significant biopsychosocial impacts on a person and can have life-long consequences. This implies that emotionally, our sense of hurt, rejection and fear often starts in the womb of our mothers. Many people are ‘orphaned’ even before they are born. The result is a life of ongoing emotional upheaval, amplified over time by personal trauma in our relationships and environments, until we reach ‘breaking point’. This takes us far away from living out a purposeful life, full of meaning and hope. The current novel explores this theme of ‘trauma in the womb’ and its unfolding inner turmoil and lingering pain.

‘In Search of Daniel’ tells the story of strapping, young Daniel who discovers a devastating family secret on his eighteenth birthday.  As his life spirals out of control, he embarks on a journey of healing from the mountain slopes of Cape Town to the heart of Rwanda and the ancient cities of Israel. It is a captivating chronicle of forgiveness, healing and hope.

 Dr. Rani Samuel is a clinical psychologist, writer, inspiring blogger and walker. She has extensive experience in the area of emotional healing and wholeness. Dr. Samuel works as a psychotherapist in private practice in Durban, South Africa seeing both hospital inpatients and outpatients. She guides people through healing journeys on the landscape of heartbreak and grief. Just as a surgeon performs surgery to fix what is in need of repair, a therapist performs emotional surgery to mend the broken pieces of the heart and soul. Dr. Samuel’s work embraces both the psychological and spiritual aspects of healing and she has written two other books on Mental Health : ‘Living Stones’ and ‘Stepping Stones to Emotional Healing’. ‘In Search of Daniel’ is her debut novel. Her work and writing mends unseen scars and is a balm for the broken-hearted. Dr. Samuel is passionate about releasing people into the fullness of their divine potential and purpose so that they may become more fully alive.

Book Reviews:“ I certainly found your novel, ‘In Search of Daniel’, a page-turner that I couldn't put down. I identified with the characters and visualised them as real people or imagined actors playing them in a film or TV version - always a sure sign that one is enjoying a fictional work.”Nick Cowley, Literary Editor , South Africa

 ‘In Search of Daniel’ is therapy for the soul. It is beautifully written, and is a reading experience. It invites you to examine yourself, pick up your purpose and continue on the journey set out for you. It is indeed water for the thirsty. Thank you Dr SamuelDr. Alicia Porter, Specialist Psychiatrist, South Africa

 " I could not put the book down. It is so refreshing to read such beautiful language with the  inclusion of  amazing spiritual imagery, insight and detail.’In Search of Daniel’ has  balance and really does stand out!”Mirolyn Naidoo, Gate Ministries Sandton, South Africa.



Press Contact: Tranica Ramsunder
BooST Communications
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How to Business’ delivers real-world business advice that can transform any company

Published: 25 June 2019

Reputable South African businessman and attorney Pieter van der Merwe has released his first published book this week. The book turns his personal experiences working with some of the largest corporations and emerging startups into an exciting and informative guide on how to properly build, grow and maintain successful business operations.

With the entire spectrum of doing business covered in one book, van der Merwe takes a unique approach that takes readers through his own journey in the world of business. At each turn, he introduces vital principles for creating a prosperous and backs them up with real-world lessons.

The casual approach to the introduction and explanation of business principles makes the information shared easy-to-digest and keeps readers interested throughout the whole book.

“I wrote the book in order to take readers on a journey through the world of business, as experienced through my eyes. As an admitted South African business lawyer that has spent over 20 years specialising in South African and international commercial law, I have had the opportunity to work closely with leading business people, entrepreneurs, and as a commercial advisor in a wide range of business situations, I gained a wealth of knowledge and experience that led me to successfully advising my clients to manage their affairs in the best way possible.”

HOW TO BUSINESS ISBN: 978-0-620835-59-6 Author: Pieter van der Merwe Retail Price: R240 (Incl. Vat)

Publication Date: May 2019

Available: https://www.amazon.com/How-Business-Pieter-van-Merwe-ebook/dp/B07RZKS56G

Format: Paperback and Online Category: Non-Fiction, Self-Help

Contact For media inquiries about ‘How to Business’ including interviews with author, please contact: Maria Joubert for Pieter van der Merwe Purple Word Box PR Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: 061 441 4920

Hello World: Look Who’s Growing book launch. Saturday, 7 October.

Published: 02 October 2018

Hello World: Look Who’s Growing book launch. Saturday, 7 October.

The much-anticipated next edition of the Hello World series, by Dr Diana Du Plessis is launching on Saturday, 7 October in Linden

 [Linden, Johannesburg, October 7]  Dr Diana Du Plessis and her co-authors; Aneke Grobler, Rebecca Coetzee and Marlize Visser will be launching their new title, Hello Word: Look Who’s  Growing on Saturday, 7 October 2018, 10:00am,1st floor; Pine Park Centre 2 Dalmeny Street (CNR Bram Fisher), Linden. 

Hello World: Look Who’s Growing presents parents with the development of their baby from conception to 5 years of age. This book will assist you in tracking your baby’s growth and development and prepare you for what you might expect at each stage. As you get to know your baby, you will gain more confidence as a parent and be able to spot more easily when something is wrong. But in these early days, you may not be able to tell if the change in your baby’s behaviour is normal or a real problem. 

It is impossible to over-estimate the importance of play to babies and young children, as it forms the basis of all learning. This book suggests activities that cover all the main areas of development to fit in with your baby’s natural milestones, so that your baby’s truly astonishing skills will be acquired in connection with her brain and body.

 Although the focus is on new parents, this book is appropriate for nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy students as well. 

We welcome all to join, as well as media. Please RSVP before October 12.

Hello World: Look Who’s Growing is the ultimate guide to your child’s developmental steps followed by:

Hello World: Watch Me Eat

Hello World: See Me Drink

Hello Word: A Baby’s Journey 


If you would like more information about this topic, please call Aneke at +27 (83) 227 5442, or email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

New e-book spills the secrets for growing hotel occupancy!

Published: 24 September 2018

The world over, hotels, guesthouses and B&Bs are struggling to grow in the face of exploding competition from Airbnb. They are finding marketing more expensive, and more technical, and commissions to Online Travel Agencies more prohibitive. Now two seasoned experts have come to the rescue, with a downloadable e-book packed with insider hints and hacks. In workbook form, “How to Digitally Grow Your Hotel Occupancy” takes you step-by-step through the fastest, most powerful ways to use digital platforms for business growth.

The workbook was developed by Karen Parkin, who led the globalization of the Marriott International hotel site, and has taken independent guesthouses to 90%+ occupancy. She says “We want to share the secrets of success with hospitality business owners who normally can’t afford the time or fees to attend one of our corporate workshops. In just a hundred pages of explanation, examples and exercises, they will save time, save money, and grow their business, without having to be a geek.”

There’s a lot of surprisingly powerful stuff in this book. For example, it shows you how to dominate the screen space of a search engine results page. And it explains how to automatically turn anyone’s link to your website in social media into a powerful free advertisement, complete with a photo and action button.

Her co-author is Godfrey Parkin, author of “Doing Business Digitally” and “Digital Marketing” and leader of Britefire’s Startup Workshop.  He says that most hospitality businesses are appallingly badly marketed, so it is not hard to beat them if you simply do the right things and do them well. “We wanted to focus on only those things which most hotels get wrong, but which give you a huge sales boost if you do them right. We explain these concepts simply and provide step-by-step instructions which even a newcomer to digital can follow. The book is available on Amazon. But for the next couple of weeks you can download it from Britefire.com for the price of a couple of cappuccinos!” he said.

At last, there is a streamlined guide which explains the concepts in language a hotelier can get excited about. It lays out the route to rapid business success in a series of simple exercises. This book was designed to become fundamental to your marketing thinking. It could forever change the way you do business. Download it at www.bit.ly/HotelOccupancy

Contact details: Godfrey Parkin, co-author: +27 21 794 7838   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Racism, Classism, Sexism, And The Other ISMs That Divide Us

Published: 17 September 2018

South African author and diversity training guru, Devan Moonsamy, CEO of The ICHAF Training Institute has just launched his new book - Racism, Classism, Sexism, And The Other ISMs That Divide Us. “This book looks at overcoming the ISMs, (Instant Separation Magnets), in the South African context, and how to manage diversity so that everybody succeeds,” explains Devan. “The aspects of diversity are considered in detail with real examples and practical information on dealing with and preventing diversity-related problems.”

Here is a look at two scenarios from the book:
Imagine you are on the beach for a wedding. It’s so beautiful, and you feel like it’s a privilege just to be there. Suddenly, everyone goes quiet, and you turn to look behind you. The bride has arrived. In front of her walks a man playing the bagpipes. ‘The bagpipes?’ you think, ‘He must be at the wrong wedding!’ Both bride and groom are black.

In fact, he’s at the right wedding. The groom is descended from a Scottish man who adopted the Zulu culture and became a chief. He fathered many children with his Zulu wives almost 150 years ago. His offspring still embrace and merge aspects of the Scottish and Zulu cultures. It is certainly a proud and vibrant heritage to have. This is but one example of how pluralistic South Africans are.

Poverty is no cause to stay away from the market. Residents bring food and other supplies to be distributed to the needy. It’s no shame to come to the collection for help. Everyone understands that people fall on hard times. Over time, however, there have been noticeably fewer women, youths, people with disabilities and non-South Africans among those in need of charity. Better education, employment opportunities and fair wages mean a single mother can adequately care for her family on her own, and more youths have decent jobs. Xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, classism – these problems have become increasingly unfamiliar to the residents.

Integration in a context of such diversity does seem like a strange dream to many of us. But isn’t it beautiful? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have?
Racism, Classism, Sexism, And The Other ISMs That Divide Us helps readers bring about transformation in their everyday dealings and in their organisations. It is useful for managers, HR departments, corporate trainers, strategists, students, and anyone facing situations of diversity which require strategic and prudent interventions. It helps in inspiring positive change, changing mind-sets, and transforming the status quo for the better of all

Help others enjoy more fruitful relationships with their peers by breaking free of classism, sexism, ageism, body shaming, etc., Learn how to manage prejudice and racism in your daily life.

Available at all leading bookstores!

Buy the online version on Kindle https://www.amazon.com/Racism-Classism-Sexism-Other-Divide-ebook/dp/B07H2H2S27 or order hard copies online from devan-moonsamy.com
For corporate orders, please use the contact details below.
Tel: 011 262 2461 | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Shango Publishing and Gudani Raulisa Announce the Release of a Fiction Novel, The Year of Fire

Published: 09 July 2018

Johannesburg 09 July 2018 – Shango Publishing and Gudani Raulisa are proud to offer the latest work from Gudani Raulisa, The Year of Fire, hitting bookstores in Johannesburg from 25 August 2018; launching at Skoobs Theatre of Books in Fourways.

The Year of Fire is a compelling tale, unpacking the deepest issues of rape culture, misogyny and student politics in a narrative by Victor.

“Patriarchy and rape culture, like racism or homophobia, are not merely a blip on the screen of human existence. They’re deeply ingrained in us, like an indelible stain on a precious garment. Only two things could be done with and to such stains: spread the stain throughout the garment with a dye or cut it out. If you spread the stain, it can no longer be seen as a deviation, because the whole garment will now bear the same colour attribute.

If you cut it out the garment will lose its elegance and value, but this is what the military would term an acceptable loss. This man had done neither, instead, he had disaffected me from himself and other men, like a leper he wanted to be driven out of society to rot alone in the wilderness” –

Gudani Raulisa weaves a heart-wrenching tale of gender disparities against an apprehensive backdrop of cataclysm and student politics, eliciting key reflections on the state of gender relations in our society. 


Published: 04 August 2016

Tandy Coleman, CEO of Polyflor SA, was selected to share her journey to success in a brand-new book entitled, “Expert Mavericks”, compiled by international Laughter & Happiness Professor, Shareen Richter. This publication showcases thirteen extraordinary individuals - each one a maverick in their field - and highlights their individual journeys, struggles and important life lessons learnt along the way.  Other personalities featured in the book include hip-hop artist Cassper Nyovest, Craig Wing, a futurist who worked at Google and Air Mauritius Regional Manager Carla Da Silva. 

According to Richter, a maverick is someone who is a visionary, someone who creates change in communities, and who creates change in people’s lives. Someone who can impact a few or impact a thousand. 

“I put together this book because I wanted to showcase how incredible South Africans are, how taking ordinary people with a passion and a dream, you can achieve anything and become anything. There is so much opportunity in South Africa and the intention of this book is to inspire others to be the best that they can be and to be a maverick in any area that they choose. Each one of the mavericks is completely different from each other,” Richter said.  

A portion of book sales is going to the Smile Foundation, an NGO that assists children with treatable facial anomalies like cleft palates and other conditions.

Commenting on how she feels about being featured in the book, Coleman says: “I was incredibly humbled when Shareen first approached me to share my story with her for inclusion in the book.  Whilst I never regarded myself as one of the giants in business, she convinced me that I do have a story to tell of how I learnt from my mistakes, grew from my successes, and used these lessons to become the best version of me I could be. I relish any opportunity I get to give back to the community, and to be able to make a difference in other people’s lives.  Being part of this book was very uplifting and special and will hopefully help to inspire and help other aspiring business leaders,” she concluded.



New South African novel takes on sacred cows

Published: 17 November 2008
{pp}Earth™, the second novel by South African author Etienne Krüger, will be officially launched in Johannesburg on 29 November 2008. The book is a well-timed mix of sex, South African politics and religion – exactly the kind of satirical relief Mzansi needs as we approach the holiday season.