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The benefits of selling or buying on auction

Published: 11 December 2017

The benefits of selling or buying on auction 

The misconceptions that auctions are reserved for distressed properties or that it is a hunting ground for bargains, is steadily being corrected as more and more people opt for the auction floor as opposed to traditional real estate channels. The auction process has seen much success in the property market for many years and selling on auction can realise more for your asset due to its competitive mechanism.   It provides the seller with fair market related prices and creates opportunities for buyers to acquire property at a price they are comfortable with. 

Then and now 

Given the financial climate 10 years back, many property auctions occurred as a result of company closures or liquidations where the creditors, appointed liquidators or trustees preferred to use the auction method to dispose of assets. Banking institutions have for some time been using the auction process to sell property successfully, based on its transparent and arms-length process and have achieved excellent results.  These results are achieved through a larger pool of buyers and investors, with a low cost to creditors.   

Qualified buyers 

Normally, the lack of financing is a common hurdle to selling property out of hand or through a broker where a high percentage of deals may not be approved by finance companies or banks and therefore fail, leaving the seller without a result.   Auctions open up the market for a seller on a cash and voetstoots basis with qualified buyers coming fully prepared to make property investments.  While buyers may still obtain finance to pay for the property, making the purchase is not subject to them obtaining finance.    

Voetstoots applies  

Managing Director of Gillan & Veldhuizen PJ Veldhuizen says that Section 55 of the Consumer Protection Act – Consumer’s Right to Safe, Good Quality Goods - does not apply to goods bought on auction.   “The basic purpose of the voetstoots clause is to protect the seller from any action by the buyer (on discovering any defects neither were not aware of when transacting) to jeopardize the actual sale contract. But it is important to note when the consumer’s rights, provided by Section 55, do not apply to a transaction.” 

The price is right  

The savvy seller or investor knows that the auction route is instrumental in achieving a better price where good demand exists, or producing a result for a seller where no demand exists. In particular, auctions are able to produce a sale where a seller requires urgent disposal while traditional marketing and sale methods have not been able to produce any significant result.  Auctions show a higher confirmed sale rate than that shown by the traditional disposal methods.     

Jonathan Smiedt, CEO of Claremart Auction Group, says that he has seen an ongoing increase in both in the number of properties on auction as well as in the demand for such investment opportunities.   “It is a testament to the strength of the auction mechanism that it can out-perform the traditional market under both good and bad economic circumstances, and most notably has been responsible for the sale of many a property that has been listed too long on the market by estate agents incorrectly pricing sellers’ property at the outset.” 

In short, you have a process that is strictly regulated, transparent, and offers instantaneous results, as well as value for money for the buyer and the seller who retain control, can make informed decisions and have the right to set their price at an auction. 

Lights, camera, auction!

Online Buying and Selling Reinvented

Published: 23 January 2015

SOUTH AFRICA – Jan, 2015 – After much anticipation LiveBids Auctions has been launched in South Africa. LiveBids offers a unique online buying and selling platform that incorporates different aspects of various social media.

This means that a choice of interests, following friend’s, search hundreds of products while buying items for a fraction of the cost and selling them to make real profits.

LiveBids aims to help buyers and sellers fully connect in trade with seamless transactions. It is an online marketplace that is simple, interactive and social. It allows users to experience a real-time marketplace, buy products lower than the market value and socially follow buyers and sellers.

Two formats are used, namely online auctions and pay-per-bid. The first of these is the traditional online auction model, where items are sold to the highest bidder. The second is a pay-per-bid model, where would-be buyers purchase credits to bid on items. These credits go to the seller, which is how it is possible to purchase big-ticket items for nominal amounts.

The founders of LiveBids, Rory Vollmer and Paul Hoft, explain that “the idea was to create an online marketplace that was simple, interactive and social, helping buyers and sellers connect and trade. The marketplace is completely people driven”.

Visit www.livebids.co.za to empower yourself by becoming an online buyer and seller today!

For further information regarding LiveBids Auctions, or to schedule an interview, please contact: 

Contact Rory Vollmer,

Co-Founder and Head of Marketing

Phone: +27 (0) 21 300 8446
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.livebids.co.za

Treasure or Junk?

Published: 06 October 2009
{pp}People tend to toss their unwanted goods, but one man's junk is another man's treasure.

riffraff.co.za is a young Internet business that launched in September 2009. Our hope in entering the online auction market is to encourage individuals to run their own small business from home, by utilizing riffraff's online auction business model. With a little bit of time and lots of effort, individuals can supplement their income by selling online, or run a full-time business selling online.