Code-free AWS connectivity for IT professionals

Published: 18 September 2018

Cape Town, South Africa. September 2018

Twenty57, an experienced provider in enterprise software, is shipping the newest version of Linx, its flagship product. Linx, a leading low code software for automation of back-office IT tasks, has added a variety of features that further enable IT professionals to quickly automate projects, including scheduling, monitoring and integrating IT systems, without complicated programming.

"Linx and its drag-and-drop methodology offers IT professionals the power of assembling complex automation tasks without writing a single line of code," said Gawie Yssel, CTO of Twenty57. "Our customers find that they can develop automated tasks faster than ever before and just as important, maintain those tasks more affordably."Among the major elements of the release is the unveiling of a suite of AWS (Amazon Web Services) plugins. The new suite of AWS plugins makes it easier for users to develop applications that interact with the Amazon Web Services API. The new plugins provide access to several AWS solutions including the most popular services; Amazon Simple Storage Service (s3) cloud storage, Amazon EC2 and Amazon Simple Notification Service.

The plugins allow for faster AWS development, saving time, cutting down costs, leaving the user to focus on the businesses process rather than be tied down in the development grind of API code. Linx help users users effortlessly build automated processes and incorporate their development into existing AWS services, all without writing a line of code. Yssel explains “Our new suite of AWS plugins makes it easier to develop and deploy applications using Amazon Web Services. With the AWS plugins, you'll be able to get started faster and be more productive when building, integrating or automating AWS applications”.

The new version is available can be downloaded for free at

About LinxLinx is a comprehensive integration and business process automation tool with a wide range of connectors to external systems.

Linx is developed Twenty57.Founded in 2001, Twenty57 is a leading provider of investment and financial software, the company provides a wide range of industrial strength applications to improve integration, business process management automation, reconciliation and reporting. Twenty57 is headquartered in Mauritius , with offices in South Africa and India.For more information, visit or

Linx Software, an emerging low-code platform, unveils new website and rebrand

Published: 07 July 2017

Rich, intuitive website offers insight into the Windows-based business process automation tool that is proven to reduce development time and cost.

CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA, July 6 2017Linx Software, a new low-code application development platform, today announced the launch of its newly refreshed brand and website.The new website boasts a clean design and improved functionality. It also offers rich content, showcasing the company’s world-class, Windows-based business process automation tool that is proven to reduce development time and cost. “Application development requests continue to increase, putting pressure on IT and Development teams, and forcing them to rethink their tools and processes. These teams are ready to embrace the benefits of process automation and low-code platforms. As a result, the Linx platform is becoming increasingly popular,” says Gabriel Yssel, founder of Linx.

“Our solution is all about simplicity, ease of use and productivity, so our brand and website should convey the same messages.”The new website offers quick and easy access to essential information and features including a comprehensive look into the software’s capabilities.The new website went live on on July 6 2017, and is located at the address:

About Linx
Linx is a comprehensive integration and business process automation tool with a wide range of connectors to external systems. ​ Linx is developed Twenty57.Founded in 2001, Twenty57 is a leading provider of investment and financial software, the company provides a wide range of industrial strength applications to improve integration, business process management automation, reconciliation and reporting. Twenty57 is headquartered in Mauritius​, with offices in South Africa and India.For more information, visit or

The Nuts and Bolts of Mobile Retargeting

Published: 02 December 2014

Mobile devices are more than mere communication tools today. Globally, smartphones and tablets are now contributing to roughly 25% of the user traffic on eCommerce and travel websites. Sales through smartphones and tablets contribute to around 15% of the total online sales. With the rapid adoption of smart phones and tablets across the globe, these numbers can only go north.

Online sales through mobile devices as a percentage of the total online sales globally Challenges in Mobile Web Marketing Mobile marketing is relatively new and advertisers face several challenges to run an effective mobile marketing campaign. Some of them are:
• Advertiser's and Publisher's mobile presence is fragmented between mobile web and mobile apps.
• Identification of a user across mobile web and mobile app and messaging across these two channels.
• Identification of users across multiple devices (such as mobile, desktop) and messaging across channels.
• Patchy support to cookie and other tracking mechanisms on mobile browsers and apps.

How does it work:

1. While the user is on the advertiser mobile website, products like Vizury MobiConvert, records anonymous user behaviour such as products viewed, duration of visit, drop off page etc.

2. This user behaviour data is then used to create and display customised ads for the mobile user across mobile internet.

3. However, unlike desktop, mobile uses a different technology for banners- HTML5, the one that works across mobile devices.

The need to go mobile is more imminent today more than ever. Mobile has taken centre stage in your users' purchase cycle and it's time to go mobile! More on 'Shades of Mobile Retargeting' coming soon.

Learn more about Vizury MobiConvert and other products by Vizury at their stand at the eCommerce Africa Confex. This exciting 2-day conference and exhibition takes place on the 3rd-4th February 2015 at the Cape Town International Centre.

Register as a delegate or find out more about sponsor and exhibitor opportunities by contacting Kirsten Pow Chong on 021 180 4700 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Leveraging social communication platforms

Published: 13 October 2009
{pp}When one thinks of communication platforms, telephone, e-mail and perhaps Internet messaging programmes such as Skype come to mind. With the influx and proactive take-over of social media together with a variety of social networks, one of these platforms has come to stand out as a new communication platform. Twitter.