SA’s first angel summit brings together country’s top spiritual healers for a good cause

Published: 19 October 2017

Part of proceeds from ticket sales to be donated to Royal Family Kids Camps, an NGO focused on abused and at-risk children and youth.

On 4 November, four of South Africa’s top spiritual teachers, will gather at the Spier Conference Centre in Stellenbosch for the first full-day Angel Summit SA 2017 to share their knowledge of how to live a fulfilled life. The Summit will however not only empower those in attendance by giving them the opportunity to experience love, healing and guidance, but a part of the proceeds generated from ticket sales will be donated to the Royal Family Kids Camps, an NGO that prevents abused and at-risk children and youth from slipping through the cracks.

“The Summit will allow people to experience the impact that Spiritual Guidance and connecting with the Wisdom within us can have in our lives,” says Michelle Vooght, a spiritual healer, coach and teacher who has spent the last 13 years helping her clients create abundance in all areas of their life, and also the brainchild behind the Summit.

Last year, she also presented a Crossing Over at the Cape Milner Hotel in Tamboerskloof. The event attracted people from all walks of life in the Mother City.

“The purpose of the crossing over event was to provide a space for people to communicate with their loved ones. There were also channelled teachings from the Angels and Guides on topics like fear, moving forward, clearing lack and replacing it with abundance. I also shared wisdom in the moment as these messages came through, while at the same time explaining the difference between the various archangels and the roles they play in our lives,” says Vooght who is clairsentient (able to feel and pick up on concealed emotions), clairaudient (able to hear sounds or words from the spirit world) and clairvoyant (able to see people and angels in the spirit world).

On the success of this event Vooght says: “For me, the main reason for inviting people to share in an event such as this, is that they can experience freedom, forgiveness, relief and a sense of peace when going through a challenging time after the loss of a loved one.

“In essence when we connect with Spirit in our day to day lives it can truly change the way we not only look at life, but how we experience life. It is a way to connect to our own wisdom and guidance system that is meant to guide us through this life. By having public events of this nature, we empower and show others how to do the same.  And it is true that applying spiritual principles in our day to day lives does not have to be complex or hard to understand.  It is practical and simple and can have a huge impact in how we experience situations.”

On 4 November, Michelle will be sharing the stage with other well-known spiritual teachers like Belinda Bras-Nel, an Angel Whisperer, Animal Communicator, author and public speaker better known as the Angel Lady; Natalia Baker, often called the doyen of meditation teaching in South Africa; and Riaan Swiegelaar, a spirit-medium, traditional healer and an “evidence psychic” (someone who provides proof of the authenticity of his knowledge by sharing detailed messages from the spiritual realm with his clients). (*See speaker bios below for more details about them.)

Some of the topics they will concentrate on during the Summit include channelled messages from the Archangels, how to deal with the loss of a loved one, what happens in the afterlife and how we can work with the shadow sides of ourselves.  On the practical side, guests will experience guided meditations, mediumship demonstrations and receive some practical guidance on abundance and love matters.  The speakers will also facilitate a Q and A session at the event to answer audience questions.

For Irma Roets, the Assistant Director of Royal Family Kids Camp’s Mogale City Chapter, “an event like this makes it possible for the NGO to continue its work to give hope to our children that are traumatised by molestation, abuse and neglect.”

The cost per child for a week’s camping experience is estimated at R5 000, which includes accommodation, a nutritious meal, treats, entertainment and games, skills, crafts and self-esteem building activities under full-time adult guidance and supervision as well as a sustainable mentorship programme that runs throughout the year.

“Our vision is to take these children out of their abusive circumstances on a five day camp where we spoil them with unconditional love and acceptance. For many of these abused and neglected children spending a week at RFKC will probably be the first time they experience security, warmth and love from dedicated and trained adult care givers and professional counsellors and have the space to just be a child again, which can be a life-changing experience. A week at camp can have a bigger impact on a child’s self-image than a whole year at school can!” says Roets.

Tickets for the full-day Summit are R950 and can be booked at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The price includes refreshments throughout the day, coffee/tea and lunch in the afternoon.

For more information, contact:
Lynne Rippenaar-Moses
Wrap it Up PR & Communications
Cell: 073 534 5560
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Michelle Vooght
Michelle Vooght
Cell: 076 576 1664
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

NATALIA BAKER was born in India and attended 8 schools in 5 different countries while growing up. She has been facilitating popular courses in meditation and personal growth as well as giving many inspirational talks throughout South Africa and overseas. She lectured at the University of Cape Town for 18 years and was Chairperson of LifeLine Western Cape and National Vice Chairperson of LifeLine Southern Africa. She was the resident book reviewer for SATV’s weekly Free Spirit, which also showed films on her life and work, and was a Wisdom Keeper on SABC2’s Journey to the Core. Natalia is frequently invited to radio and TV broadcasts such as, DSTV’s Health and Lifestyle Channel, shares her knowledge of meditation for a series entitled Naturally You, and to SABC’s Women's World just to name a few. Her articles are published regularly in Odyssey magazine and health and wellness publications in South Africa and overseas. She was invited twice to study at the Oneness University in Chennai, India where she qualified as a principle blessing giver. A wise, compassionate counsellor, the focus of all her work today is on individuals becoming authentically empowered and recognising who they really are.

RIAAN SWIEGELAAR is a spirit-medium, traditional healer and an “evidence psychic” (someone who provides proof of the authenticity of his knowledge by sharing detailed messages from the spiritual realm with his clients). For the last 13 years he has been known as one of the best healers working in South Africa. Through his work, Riaan shares his life experiences and insights so that others will also benefit and open up their hearts to gain a connection with their spiritual self. He has been featured on various television shows both locally and abroad and is a regular guest on Smile FM’s Live Lounge show and also does talks every second month at the Centre for Spiritual Philosophy in Cape Town. He holds a Diploma in Pastoral Counselling from the Bible Institute of South Africa and is registered with the Western Cape Traditional Healers Association (W.C.T.D.H.A/0210452).

BELINDA BRAS-NEL is an Angel Whisperer, Animal Communicator, author and public speaker. She has been guiding people on their spiritual path for 15 years ever since the Angels appeared to her with messages of hope that brought her back from the desolation of depression. She has shared her intimate journey with the angels and their teachings through her books, which include Awakening to Angels and In the Shadow of the Angel of Death. Known as the Angel Lady, Belinda regularly appears on television, radio and in the media. She lives at the Angel House Sanctuary with her family, various rescue cats and a dog as well as 4 wolves.

MICHELLE VOOGHT is Spiritual Teacher, Divine Guidance Coach, Angel Therapy and speaker on Inspirational, Healing and spiritual topics. She helps various individuals to connect with their Inner Wisdom, Inner Power and Divine Guidance in order to experience abundance spiritually, emotionally, physically and in their chosen career paths. A qualified human resources practitioner who specialised in organisational and individual performance and developed training programmes for large corporates, Michelle has also completed a Masters’ course in Reiki, The Ayurvedic Healing System and other healing modalities. In 2007 Michelle left the corporate sector to focus on providing spiritual healing, coaching and teaching to individuals and groups; train up-and-coming Reiki practitioners as a qualified Reiki Teacher; provide intuitive energy healing and teachings on spiritual growth; and act as a conduit for messages from the Angels and from clients’ deceased loved ones.  Michelle has worked across many different industries, life experiences and situations and is a sought-after inspirational speaker.