Sinister group impersonates well-known Aida Persian Clairvoyant

Published: 16 October 2019

It has recently come to light that a syndicate operating out of Cape Town are impersonating well-know and trusted psychic, Aida Persian Clairvoyant who has been regularly appearing as an esoteric expert, psychic, medium in South African media over the past 15 years.

Aida Coertse known as Aida Persian Clairvoyant, who is originally from Iran, has been contacted by various clients and potential clients over the past weeks who have had the unfortunate luck of dealing with this syndicate. “When I was first alerted to the other websites and phone numbers, I simply thought it was someone trying to make money off of my name, that I have spent many years establishing,” says Aida. “However, what we have subsequently learnt since then has caused even the hairs on my neck to stand up, these people are simply and purely evil!”

A lady, who wishes to remain anonymous due to fear of repercussions from the syndicate, has since dealing with them had her beloved family pet poisoned to death and their lives threatened with harm from evil spirits if they do not sell their evil home and then put the monies from the sale into an specific accounts for the syndicate to “cleanse” to ensure the evil spirits no longer attack them! Throughout dealing with these people they have asked them for tens of thousands of rands in order to help them and when the lady has said they do not have the monies, they have been told to sell their belongings such as furniture or even car to gather the amount, that’s if they want to be protected from the evil.

Another client of Aida’s, who had not seen Aida in a few years, contacted the syndicate thinking it was Aida. The African sounding lady that she spoke with, claiming to be Aida, wanted this lady to please meet her in a deserted area in order to do the reading and work she required. Having worked with Aida many years ago, the lady was immediately suspicious and contacted Aida via her Facebook page.

Another client contacted this person and clearly asked if this lady is Aida from Iran and if she is Aida Persian clairvoyant and this person insists yes she is the same Aida, after another search she managed to get hold of the real Aida and shared her story.

This matter has been reported to the local police station who advised that the syndicate sounded very much like a criminal organisation with many other possible criminal activities such as black witchcraft, theft, money laundering, drugs, prostitution and human trafficking, the matter has been handed to the fraud unit to be further investigated.

“It’s my responsibility to warn the general public, clients and potential clients about such fraudulent activities” Says Aida Persian Clairvoyant. “When people contact me to help them, many of them are desperate and have tried everything they can to sort out their challenging situation. To think that someone could take advantage of vulnerable people in this situation makes me ill.”

“I would like my clients to know that I will never ask them to meet in peculiar deserted places in order to do a reading, I will also never send a group of people or even one person to their house in order to do work for me. I will never ask personal questions such as who lives in their homes, how many people lives there, when do they go in and out of the house, how much do they earn, if they own a property, and if so what is the value of the property, and how much do they still owe to the bank,” explains Aida.

“I am the Aida Persian Clairvoyant, I have acquired many qualifications through years of research and study in paranormal and spiritual field, I have my Master’s degree in metaphysics, Advanced Healing qualifications from the Healing Association of Southern Africa and have acquired Masters Level in Vusui, the Tibetan art of healing Reiki. I am a fully qualified and gifted alternative practitioner, and as a light worker I will never do such things or ask for huge amounts of money to work, my rates are clearly indicated on my website, I am the only person in this operation. I use my gifts to help not only humans, but also animals and nature, and never to harm!” says Aida.
“My advice to public is to be very cautious when they make a booking for a reading with me. Use appropriates channels to find me. Also please make sure you ask for a video call so you can see me and identify me, there are plenty of my photos on the net, my google account my Facebook as well as my Instagram” says Aida.
If you have been affected by this syndicate, please report the matter to your local police station and open a case.
To contact Aida please visit:
Website -
Facebook - @AidaPersianClairvoyant
Instagram - @Aida_persianclairvoyant


Why is it so important to stay positive?

Published: 04 March 2019

By Aida Persian Clairvoyant

Positive thinking - it should be one of the easiest things we do, yet like with losing weight and living a wholesome, healthy lifestyle, it doesn’t seem to matter how much advice we are given, maintaining it feels almost impossible at times. Switch on any TV news channel or open any newspaper and we become easily bombarded with the negative – road accidents, criminal acts, war, terrorism, hunger, poverty, incurable diseases and the list goes on and on!

Despite all that has been said and written in the past about this topic, I honestly believe that the power of positive thinking is still one of the most fundamental truths remaining misunderstood by many people throughout history.

To answer this question in a simple, logical way I have used some examples to help grasp this primary truth. I hope these are able to help you to create a more joyful, productive, energetic, meaningful and even more purposeful life.

Everything that has ever been created in the history of mankind was first a thought! Every piece of architecture, every design, every invention, every poem or book that has ever been written was inspired or started by a thought process more often than not rooted in a not so positive experience, but rather a catastrophic event, natural disaster, loss of a loved one or loved ones, divorce, bankruptcy and so on. The depths of despair often inspire a choice that gives birth to an idea, a thought that allows us to turn that painful event into a more positive creation, a glorious artistic foot print! Behind most breakthrough discoveries or invention there is some sort of life challenge, traumatic experience, pain or suffering and also a need, the need to elevate pain, to make a difference, to have a better life, and that’s not only for the discoverers, creators or the inventors themselves, but also for the rest of the world around them.

We all know about Thomas Edison’s learning difficulty at school which lead his mother to home school him. The Wikipedia says: “Thomas Alva Edison, inventor of electric power generation, mass communication, sound recording, and motion pictures.

His inventions, which include the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the long-lasting, practical electric light bulb, had a widespread impact on the modern industrialized world. He was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production and teamwork to the process of invention, working with many researchers and employees. He is often credited with establishing the first industrial research laboratory.”

Alexander Graham Bell, who was badly affected by his mother’s gradual deafness; at the age of 12 used his pain to create one of the most important inventions in history - the first practical telephone.

Nelson Mandela is one of the most legendary examples for all of us. His pain and suffering from years in prison never became the excuse for him to fall or to give up. He well knew the purpose of the game, his mission statement in life. He turned his imprisonment, his pain and suffering into a clear focused choice for his actions to work towards creating a more beautiful, brighter future for his nation despite their differences in race, gender or religious belief, in order for them to live side by side in equality, harmony and peace. His great vision allowed him to access his God given potential for being a great leader even in the parameters of his small cell. He committed himself to work on his dream regardless of time and space, his decision to look beyond his pain and to devote himself to his freedom project carried him through 27 years of imprisonment. Later his vision came to life as a grand revolution that took place in South Africa, a movement that touched the mind and hearts of millions of people around the world in support of his grand breaking vision. The result allowed people in South Africa to enjoy their natural birth right freedom, equality and peaceful living side by side.

The list of examples can go on from well-known people to an ordinary man and woman living anonymously amongst us in our own family or community. People whom we love to have around and love to be around as they help us feel better, they inspire us to be better, to have a more optimistic view towards life, to have faith, to trust, to give, to be kind, to be content, to smile to dream, to dance and simply to be the person who we meant to be.

Here are some simple things we all can do that cost nothing in order to create a meaningful and positive result. We all have stories of pain, difficulty, challenges, be it physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. We have all felt betrayed, cheated or robbed at times by people closest to us. The lesson for all of us is to feel the pain and to accept the experience as a part of our life, this does not mean that we agree with what the perpetrators have done or to deny the shame, pain or loss. No! I simply ask you to see the experience as it has been and not make it worse than what was and more importantly not to be imprisoned by it, not to be defined by or to be labelled by it, not to stay depressed, paralysed, angry, sad, bitter, broke, old, fat, hopeless, miserable, sick and so on. It’s easy to fall victim but it’s also costly. If we stay victim and blame others for our loss or our pain, we then create and attract more pain and suffering for ourselves and others around us. We will allow every experience to become a bottomless pit of negativity, and one day at a time, ultimately we will lose our lives to it.

Positive thinking is one of the most valuable tools that is abundantly available, in our reach and most importantly is FREE. It’s a fundamental building block we can use to put us on the right path to the realisation of our dreams. Something which at first may seem impossible. After all Impossible has made of “I AM POSSIBLE”.

Positive thinking allows us to use our pain as a catalyst to fuel our passion, to search and to explore our human potentials, to grow, to create, to become who we are meant to be, to unleash our infinite god-power within us.

  1. Be honest with yourself about where you are in life now
  2. Think positively about the outcome, about whatever you want to see happen or change within your life
  3. create a positive vision accompanied with a positive affirmation incantation
  4. add commitment to take several small actions every day and make it a daily ritual
  5. be patience and have trust in the process
  6. enjoy the changes which will follow

This is one of the very simple yet powerful strategies we can use to make our dream a reality. Once we ignite that energy within us we will create a coherent state of body, mind and soul aligned with our purpose which then propels the universe to bring about change, events, situations and people who will be supportive of us or our ideas and mission and soon victory to follow.

Why don’t you try and see for yourself?
For more information on Aida please visit her Facebook Page or contact her on +27 71 369 2103