How to tackle your ACCA P5 exam - Top tips from examining team

Published: 01 August 2019

At a recent online conference, a team of ACCA experts who are involved in reviewing and marking ACCA exams offered their insights on the Applied Skills, Strategic Professional and Options (UK tax) exams. The conference provided a unique opportunity for Approved Learning Partners like IBTC, tutors and other strategic partners to come together, network, and gain practical insights into ACCA’s examinations.

During the conference they reviewed the 2018 September and December exams to provide students with direction and guidance when writing their exams this year.

According to the examiners, there were no major syllabus changes to Advanced Performance Management. The only minor changes were found in the exam itself. See below,

  • Section A of the exam examined parts A, C and D from the syllabus
  • Section B of the exam was compulsory, meaning that all questions in this section must be attempted. Section B contained question based on Section E as well as other areas of the syllabus

In addition to the above, there was also a change in the exam question style. They have introduced the use of sub-headings within the scenarios, with an aim of making the information more accessible to students. They stress however that despite the sub-headings students still need to read the scenario in full.

“The sub-headings are a great addition to the exam papers as they make things clearer for the student, but they are not to be used as a replacement for the scenario. It’s really important that students still read everything and get an overview of the problem in its entirety,” says IBTC’s Head of Student Services, Karina Coetzee.

According to the examiners, just knowing the material will only get you 20-30% of the marks. The real value lies in being able to apply the knowledge.

When applying their knowledge students are expected to engage with the detail that is contained in the scenario and be able to successfully provide commercial advice.

"A student’s evaluation of the scenario should never be based on whether they think the scenario is good or bad, but rather on the justification of WHY they think the scenario is good or bad. Justify and use supporting evidence not your opinion. This is where you will find your marks,' added the committee

When writing the exams students are advised to do as many calculations as possible. As a result, sufficient question practice is essential to passing. When preparing for your exam IBTC recommends the 60 / 40 principle, 60% studying and 40% question practice.

Get ready for your ACCA exam with IBTC

We can get you ready just in time for the September exam week. Please give Robert a call on 0861 111 411 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out what support we can give you during your exam preparation period.

The founder's story matters: Here is the story of IBTC and CEO Nikki Maritz

Published: 01 August 2019

Over the last year we've been focusing a lot on growing the company and growing as leaders. One of the things I've learnt in the process is that the founder's story matters. The story of our past informs our future. Where we come from, says a lot about who we are and where we're going. So here is my story. The story of the origin of IBTC.

For this story, I must go right back to the start.

Leaders make more leaders

My first real job was at a private distance learning college. I stayed there for 12 years and had no plans to leave. It was a great place to learn and grow. One of my managers changed the course of my life. He was generous with his time and knowledge and gave me an opportunity to learn about business, strategy, finance, product management and people management. From him I learnt the value of reading business books and studying other companies. Under him, three of the four senior managers who reported to him went on to start their own businesses. In retrospect, he was a 'king maker' of sorts. Today I know that great leaders make more leaders. 

The truth is that I didn't set out to become the CEO of my own college - it wasn't even in my frame of reference. But someone came along who believed in me and wanted the best for me - and in the process enabled me to achieve what I didn't even have the courage to dream.

Values matter

In 2008 my manager and I independently decided to leave the college after it changed hands. We felt the new owners didn't put the students first and blindly pursued money. We were more interested in adding value to people's lives and wanted to leave people richer because they bought from us, not poorer. Then an opportunity came along to buy a small tuition provider operating from Hout Bay and we felt it could be a place where we can live out our values. We raised some capital (which was an extremely stressful time) and bought this small college. There were only 2 permanent staff members (the owners) and a temp. We inherited the temp. Six months after we took ownership, Rob passed away. It was a huge shock to lose someone so unexpectedly and a daunting task that lay ahead of me. I felt I still had so much to learn, but also knew that I had learnt enough. So, I picked up the reigns, moved the company to Cape Town and started applying everything I knew.

Now it's 11 years later and we've grown tenfold. We have campuses in Cape Town Sandton and Pretoria and we've expanded our product range to include exclusive online classes. I really feel we've grown into a remarkable company with remarkable people and that the best is yet to come.

Pay it forward

The moral of the story is that someone believed in me and changed the course of my life. IBTC is my chance to pay it forward. It's a company where we pursue meaning over money - that means putting the student and their success first. It's a place where we recognise that people buy a promise from us and we must deliver on that promise. This holds true for members of our staff and our students. Everybody buys into the promise of IBTC - a promise of learning and growth, a promise of being taken care of and a promise of people believing in you and being generous with their time and knowledge. 

IBTC aims to fulfil its promise to all stakeholders (staff first), of being a place where we build relationships, we grow, we deliver results and we give people remarkable moments.

ACCA students, we know how to help you pass first time

Published: 23 May 2019

Key takeaways

We stand and fall by our ability to get you to pass first time. We're so confident that you will pass the ACCA Exam first time that you can come back for free if you don't. Our secret lies in our student support, study guides and question practice. By following a few simple guidelines, you can make our promise work for you. With over 10 years' experience in preparing students for their exams we have learnt a lot about study techniques. We've seen what works and what doesn't.

Using our expertise we have developed a formula - a so called secret sauce if you will - that gives you the best chance of a first time pass. If followed correctly we really believe you will pass first time. In fact, we're so confident in this belief that you can come back for free if you don't pass. This is our Pass Assured Promise (PAP) and it's available to all our students. We are so obsessed with passing that our pass rate is the key measure of our business. Our CEO, Nikki Maritz, illustrates this when saying,"Our pass rate is the number we are all chasing. It's even more important than our revenue figure.

We believe that you buy a pass from us, not a product."

So ,with that said, what's in the secret sauce?

The secret lies in the fact that no other college offers more question practice and student support than IBTC. Question Practice We strongly believe in the power of question practice and we find any excuse to talk about it. According to a study published in The Guardian, "Researchers found that students who did a practice test after a period of revision did better on the final exam than those students who spent their time only on revision."

The beauty of question practice is that it reinforces what you've learnt while helping you to identify your weak spots. It shows you where you need to focus.

Taking this a step further at IBTC we believe that the number of times you test yourself and the variety in your question practice is the real key to exam success. For best results you need various levels of question practice during your study process and the more you do, the better your chances of passing first time. We encourage our students to spend 60% of their time studying and the remaining 40% practicing. Study Plan The IBTC Study Plan lays it all out for you. It indicates when to go through your theory and when to do question practice.

It is designed to get you exam ready as quickly as possible.

Your Study Plan will provide you with what to study and for how long so you don't waste your time studying the wrong thing. Think of it as the road map for your ACCA journey. It will get you to your destination as quickly and successfully as possible. Hand holding We understand that you are human and sometimes all you need is a listening ear or a little motivation and a push in the right direction. This is why we walk your study journey with you.

We checkup on you regularity to make sure that you're staying on track. We notice when you a miss a deadline and we find out how we can help you make sure that doesn't happen again. Your success is our priority.