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Design the Official Loeries T-Shirt and be a VIP at Creative Week

Published: 27 June 2019

You’ve got ideas. You’ve got talent. And as a young creative, you just need the world to see your amazing creativity, artwork and execution, right? 

Now here’s your opportunity: Submit your most impressive creation for the official Loeries T-Shirt, in partnership with Barron, and you and a partner could be VIPs at Loeries Creative Week in August. 

To enter the competition 

1. Give us your design of what you think the ideal Loeries T-shirt should be. No limits… 

2. Go to loeries.com and download the T-shirt template. Post your creative design to Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag: #LoeriesBarronDesign. Share your designs with the world and get your people liking and loving your posts. The 20 most liked designs will be shortlisted and the Loeries committee will select the winning design. The winning design will be used for the Official Loeries T-shirt at Creative Week.

The winner receives two VIP tickets to Loeries Creative Week, 19 to 25 August, 2019, in Durban (Travel and accommodation excluded). 

Barron has been creating unique corporate and promotional products for over 25 years and is also the proud sponsor of the Media Innovation Category at the Loeries this year. It is a category focused specifically on new methods and approaches to advertising, on any media platform.  

Loeries CEO Andrew Human explains that “the Loeries Africa Middle East celebrates creativity and brilliance in the advertising and marketing space. It rewards brand communications that make us feel something, question the status quo and rethink our way of doing things. We’re delighted that Barron is sponsoring this competition, and we fully expect some unique and interesting design entries.”  Loeries Creative Week takes place in Durban from 22 to 25 August. Go to loeries.com for more information and to book your tickets

Experience Dubai’s gleaming sands with Quality Vacation Club QVC

Published: 27 November 2008
{pp}Dubai looks like magic, a golden city in the sun, surrounded by starkly beautiful desert and the blue sparkle of the Persian Gulf. Experience the silent plains, intricate arches, glowing domes, majestic towers and lavish green oases filled with date gardens. Try the classic cuisines of the Mediterranean, Morocco and the Middle East. Savor exotic spices and sample succulent sea delicacies. Journey from the grand kitchens of the past, through modern vibrancy of the East – and beyond. You can hear the mysterious desert beckoning you for a magical evening out.

See “The world’s most unspoilt destination” with Quality Vacation Club QVC

Published: 15 October 2008
Voted “The world’s most unspoilt destination” in 2004 by the National Geographic Traveller Magazine, Norway remains one of the great natural wonders of the world. Norway is a land of sublime natural beauty. Along its long, lonely coast – still the true heart of the country – waterfalls plunge into pristine fjords fringed by primeval forests. Majestic peaks crowned with glaciers rise sheer out of the sea.