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A social media evening for Durban

Published: 09 October 2014

09 October 2014 | Durban, South Africa

Social By The Sea presents

A social media evening  for Durban #SocialByTheSea  

Coming soon is a social media evening for Durban.  Delegates will be able to learn best case practices. This event is perfect for those in advertising, marketing experts, ceo’s, government departments, school heads, ngo’s, entrepreneurs, small business and anyone who wants to learn about social media.  The workshop will feature leading industry speakers, including Fred Felton (Falconscove) and Nazareen Ebrahim (Socially Acceptable). Emma Sadlier –Media law consultant and speaker will be joining us.  She is the co-author of ‘Don’t’ Film yourself having Sex’.  Mike Wronski will also be joining us via Skype to chat South African Internet and Social Media Stats.

Date: 15 October 2014    

Time: 6:30pm  Cost: R50 (Discounts to IDEA Members)
Venue: IT Varsity, 8th Floor, Sage Life House, 21 Joe Slovo Street (Old Name – Field Street)
DurbanTopic: State of Social Media in South Africa for Business                                                                                                                

Please RSVP by 14 October 2014

Tickets and more info: www.socialbythesea.blogspot.com 

About Nazareen Ebrahim Socially Acceptable is headed by Nazareen Ebrahim who has a long career in media & communications. The agency, under the umbrella of Naz Consulting – Corporate.Media.Academia, offers the core services of digital media content, PR and Media liaison.  Socially Acceptable has worked with: Topco Media, Picasso Inline, DUT, South African Institute of Chartered Accountants, Harbour View Super Spar, Radio Al-Ansaar, The Journey Foundation, Durban Chamber of Commerce, Newsclip Media Monitoring, BWA, immedia, among many others.

About Fred Felton Falconscove is headed by Fred Felton who owns this media agency based in Durban.  With over 10 years in the business you can be assured of professional work.  The agency provides services such as digital media, social media, copywriting, pr, publicity, blogs, media consulting and communications strategy.  Falconscove has worked with:  Durban Chamber of Commerce, Native, Twitter Blanket Drive, PSASA among many others.  

For more details or sponsorship enquiries: 

Website: www.socialbythesea.blogspot.com
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cell: 076-977-5788
Twitter: @socialbythesea
Facebook: Social By The Sea

Media Enquiries and Interview Requests: Fred Felton, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , phone 076-977-5788, twitter @fredfelton  


Published: 30 September 2014

We are thrilled to announce that both the public and private sectors appear to recognize the value of board diversity as BPW SA has been approached in the last month alone, to assist with eleven board vacancies for women on our Register.  Women and men have different interests and perspectives in important areas, and boards are starting to see the importance of utilising these varying experiences to tackle the tremendous challenges. 

BPW SA and the Department of Trade & Industry (the dti) want boards of directors to widen the search for talent by looking beyond the traditional pool of executives and bring new potential to light.  It is for this reason that we have joined forces to provide a Women on Boards programme to create a Register of female leaders in South Africa who are excellently trained and, as a result, are highly sought after by Boards.  After all, why on earth would you voluntarily exclude half the smart people?

Our first group of 19 senior women, all thoroughly trained through our 9-month Women on Boards director development programme and certified by the dti, are now available on our register of Board Potential Women Directors and we urge companies to contact us for potential female directors.

Seven of our graduates are in line for board interviews , many have been interviewed by the media – both radio and magazines – and all will be profiled in the KZN Chamber of Commerce Power Book (2015). As an ongoing service to the graduates, BPW SA continues to raise their profile in an effort to access suitable board placements.  We have proven that board diversity is not a supply problem, but rather a demand problem.

BPW SA is proud to announce that we have incorporated an international module into the Women on Boards programme.  Business acumen - incorporating business finance and strategy - a must in today’s complex landscape. Business acumen is a keen understanding of what it takes for an organization to make money.  It combines financial literacy – the ability to interpret numbers on financial statements – with business literacy – recognizing how strategies and decisions impact these numbers.  Call it a sophisticated business simulation. Call it an exercise in experiential learning. Or call it a board game. Whatever you label it, the simple fact is that the training is fun and will gives participants a true competitive edge.

A recent Women on Board graduate, Tebogo Maziya, who holds a Masters degree in Science, a postgraduate diploma in finance and a B Comm degree says the nine-month journey has been fulfilling. “I learnt there’s a risk and that that risk is manageable. So it’s important for the board to be transparent and accountable and for a board member to be aware of decisions made because they will be held accountable.”  Another graduate, Amantha Maharaj, a BSc electrical engineering graduate with an MBA, who works a top management level at an engineering consultancy says of the programme: “It teaches one to know how a board is structured, what to do, and questions one needs to ask when sitting on a board. It also teaches business risk and how one should view business from a higher level. It was certainly value for money.”

For more information about our Women on Boards Programme, please visit our website at www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za or contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (011) 794-4991.

Big Data Analytics & Management Conference

Published: 08 September 2014

With 2014 being the year of Big Data it is essential to stay up to date with all the developments, challenges and laws of big data as well as how to analyse and manage big data. Attending the Big Data Analytics & Management Conference on 30 September is the best way to gain knowledge on all of this. The conference will be held at Emperors Palace, Kempton Park, Johannesburg.  

Data experts to address the conference:         

Gary Allemann - Master Data Management
Steven Burnstone - Eighty20 Consulting
Salome Coetsee - Ernst & Young Advisory Services
Stuart Cheverton - Hitachi Data Systems
Werner Coetzee - Hitachi Data Systems
Willem Conradie - PBT Group
Ashleigh Van Kerckhoven - KPMG
Dave Ives - Karabina Solutions  

Gert Botes, Conference Organiser at Alpha Omega Events said: “Professionals dealing with data analytics, business intelligence, customer insights, risk management, fraud & security, data management, marketing, customer relations, strategy development & implementation, operations, product innovation & management, risk & compliance, data engineering and ICT services will benefit greatly from attending this conference.”  

Experts will present on 10 big data myths busted – practical suggestions for starting big data analytics, data analytics: building a competitive culture, explosion of data and how to cope, data protection & POPI, using big data for fraud detection and prevention, cloud computing – an effective big data enabler, social media and big data and more…  

Delegates registration are open and seats are limited so book your asap to avoid disappointment.

Registration form can be downloaded on www.aoevents.co.za and emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Registration fee is R2199.00 per delegate and includes full access to conference and free parking, conference material, speaker presentations, coffee/tea and refreshment, 3 course buffet lunch as well as free shuttle from and to OR Tambo.

Group bookings of 3 or more will receive 15% discount on registration fee.


Published: 11 August 2014

On the 7th August, 2014, BPW South Africa and the Department of Trade & Industry launched South Africa’s first database of “Board Potential Women” at a Business Breakfast held with over 200 CEO’s and high level government officials.  Acting Director General, Mrs Pumla Ncapayi of the Department of Small Business Development (The Department of Trade & Industry) handed over certificates to 19 senior businesswomen who have completed the intensive BPW SA “Women on Boards” director development programme and have now been profiled on the “Board Potential Women” database.  

The first 19 women on this database all fulfil stringent criteria for corporate governance and legislation and are well trained through our “Women on Boards” director development programme.  This list of "Board Potential Women" makes it clear that there are more than enough eminently qualified women to help lead South Africa’s corporations into the 21st century and that it is now time to shatter the glass ceiling that keeps these women from ascending to board positions.  Furthermore, it’s time we provide opportunities to more women than just the “high flyers” who currently occupy most board seats.  

We need to use all of our society’s talents to ensure that South Africa’s economy thrives. We often hear the argument that there are insufficient qualified women to occupy positions in the boardroom. Today BPW SA and the Department of Trade & Industry are shattering those myths as well as glass ceilings! The database shows that the qualified women are there – it’s just a matter of finding them and we’ve made it easy through our database.  There is no longer any excuse for recruiting unqualified non-executive female directors onto a board.  

The programme and database is administered by BPW SA in consultation with the Department of Trade & Industry. All women listed in the database are suitable to be considered for company board-level positions and meet a clear set of criteria.  Every application to be part of our “Women on Boards” programme and database is formally assessed and reviewed and only those women who meet the criteria are accepted. Notably, all women on the database have extensive formal qualifications and at least five years senior management experience.  

Companies should now make use of this untapped pool of talent, and businesswomen interested in potential board posts, should be joining the “Women on Boards” programme and ultimately our national database, in order to promote their profile amongst a larger audience.

For more information, give us a call on (011) 794-4991 or 083 212 9134 or visit our website at www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za.

Company legislation and you – Get the Inside Scoop!

Published: 22 July 2014

As a Director or Shareholder, it’s important that you are familiar with the changes that the Consumer Protection Act (CPA), Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI), National Credit Act, Companies Act, 2008 and King III has on your business. Get to grips with what is required of you as a director in your business. The International Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW) in partnership with the Department of Trade & Industry (the dti) invite you to attend their Empowerment seminar that will educate and inform you about how to comply with these regulations.  Delegates will receive a Certificate of Attendance from the dti and BPW confirming their participation of the event.

The seminar will take place in Johannesburg from 1-3 October from 09h30 to 17h00. Attendance at the seminar will cost R12 000 for the 3 days excluding VAT, transport and accommodation.  Please note that cancellation fees will be incurred once you have confirmed your booking.   

In keeping with its core aims, and due to popular demand, BPW has garnered the support of top legal experts to assist you in gaining valuable insight into a rapidly changing branch of corporate law. Both men and women are encouraged to attend.  

BPW is an international businesswomen’s organisation founded 81 years ago in Geneva, Switzerland. BPW is recognised as the largest and most influential international network of business and professional women, with affiliates in 100+ countries on five continents. We have over 500 000 members internationally which include women leaders, entrepreneurs, business owners, executives, professionals and young career women.  BPW has had Consultative Status with the United Nations through the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 1947 and participatory status with the Council of Europe and works in partnership with the Commonwealth Business Council.  BPW South Africa has partnered with the dti in South Africa.  

BPW has the ambition to make the equal participation of women and men in power and decision-making roles a reality through capacity- and confidence-building. Through hosting this seminar together with the dti, BPW is leading the way by enriching the knowledge base of directors and stakeholders when it comes to taking responsibility in a corporate setting.

For more information on topics or to make your booking
visit: http://www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za/index.php/events/30-future-events/98-business-training-courses

Toni Gomes
Tel: (011) 794-4991
Cell: 083 212 9134
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za


Published: 30 June 2014

They are in South African companies and industries right now, although they may not be part of traditional networks and are unlikely to be present at the higher levels of management in the same numbers as men.  It is for this reason that BPW SA and the Department of Trade & Industry (the dti) have partnered in an unrivalled “Women on Boards” director development programme to create a pool of female leaders in SA who are excellently trained and are therefore highly sought after by Boards.  

Most people today have no knowledge about the makeup of corporate boards, even in the companies they work for. These people would be surprised to learn how little diversity of thought and experience exists in the corporate boardrooms and executive suites of South African businesses. Why should you care about board composition? Boards of directors make decisions that can impact you, your community, and the country.  That’s why it’s important that membership on corporate boards be representative of a company's constituents.

Boards of directors choose CEOs. They make decisions about executive compensation, whether to buy, sell, or merge with other companies, where corporate offices close and relocate, and how much priority a company gives to issues other than profits, such as social responsibility.  

Our Women on Boards programme will give you the expertise and exposure needed to be part of the right networks.  It is an eight-part program — strategically placed over the course of 8 months, due to the complexity of the material — equips women with the knowledge and tools needed to elevate themselves to the C-suite and beyond.  In a supportive and highly interactive atmosphere, an impressive roster of top government and corporate experts will guide skilled female executives through a rigorous program of intensive classroom instruction, case studies and simulations. Every element of the program is focused on strengthening and broadening the leadership talents of the participants and delivering positive results for their companies and organizations.  They will improve their understanding of the responsibilities of board membership and develop the skills and strategic insight needed to become a more effective director.     They will improve their understanding of board governance while heightening their financial literacy and increasing their understanding of relevant legislation.  Amongst others, specialist training is also provided by the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) with regard to corporate governance and understanding of JSE terminology and the Commonwealth Business Council (CBC) (London) who will impart their expertise on personal and reputational risk.  The dti will convey their expectations of board members and corporate experts will present, and execute simulations, on media and presentation skills to enhance leadership effectiveness. The programme is certified by the dti.  

For more information, please visit our website at www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za  .or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 011 794-4991.


Published: 30 June 2014

Business & Professional Women (BPW SA), and the Department of Trade & Industry (the dti) are hosting a business breakfast on 7th August 2014 to launch a unique 3-day Women’s Empowerment Programme in South Africa to provide registered SME’s with the legislative knowledge required to effectively run their business within the parameters of South African law.  

The breakfast is hosted by DDG Mr Mojalefa Mohoto and DDG Mrs Pumla Ncapayi from the DTI and BPW South Africa as well as senior representatives from the JSE and UN-Women and the Commonwealth Business Council.  Various international Ambassadors and High Commissioners will host tables at the event.  A sponsorship fund will be launched at the breakfast for qualifying enterprises.  

Organisations of all sizes in South Africa need to develop and apply sound governance, risk and compliance principles and institute high ethical values. Failure to do so will have devastating consequences for the organisation, including penalties.   For SMEs, the biggest challenge is a lack of understanding around the difficulties associated with becoming compliant.   Understanding the ever-changing regulations makes the difference between a small business thriving – growing the economy and creating jobs – or closing its doors, and thus closing the door on job creation.  

Simply put, you need to know your laws. Know your rights and obligations. In this way you mitigate risk to yourself, your business, your employees and your customers. If done well, it helps to improve business performance and ensure financial success.   If you would like to be part of this Women’s Empowerment Programme, we invite you to join us at this Business Breakfast – tickets are R500 per person or R5000 per table of 10.   

For more information, or to attend the Business Breakfast,
please visit our website at http://www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za/index.php/events/30-future-events/98-business-training-courses.
Website: www.bpw-jhbsa.co.za

SABC Education African EduWeek offers teachers support and innovative ideas for the classroom in July

Published: 13 June 2014

“Interactive conference and expo to empower through technology and interaction”

The annual SABC Education African EduWeek is expected to gather some 2000 teachers and education professionals from 10-11 July at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg for an interactive conference and expo that will empower them through expert talks, introductions to classroom technology and interaction with their peers. 

Says African EduWeek event director Tanya Jackman: “we’re very proud of our speaker line-up that offers inspirational messages, best practice sharing and success stories from South Africa, the continent and further abroad. The African EduWeek conference sessions focus on challenges and breakthroughs in Basic and Higher Education, Technology in the classroom and Inclusivity.”

She adds: “teachers will also be able to attend free, practical and hands-on workshops which train and enhance their teaching skills in the classroom and enhancing the learning experience of their students. They will also focus on the issues which teachers face every day such as overcrowding, safety & security, teaching in a school with a multitude of languages and lack of infrastructure.”

Integrating technology into teaching
Many well-known suppliers to the education sector are supporting the event, particularly Intel who is the diamond sponsor.  Says Andre Christian, Education Business Development Manager at Intel: “There is a need to ensure teachers are able, skilled and confident to teach using technology. Integrating technology into teaching and learning has the potential to enable equal access to quality education resources. If we want all the children of South Africa to have access to quality education, it implies that they should have access to technology to enable this engagement.”

Other sponsors are Pearson, Samsung, Dell and Compute. 

Some African EduWeek conference highlights:
Opening session:  Chairman: Graeme Bloch, Independent Education Specialist
•    Why teacher education should include neuroscience
Dr Judy Willis, Neurologist turned classroom teacher, United States of America
•    African Education Update: Is Africa’s education potential beyond the Millennium Development Goals being met?
Panel of experts includes:
o    Prof. Rehabeam Auala, Professor of Educational Management and Leadership, University of Namibia, Namibia
o    Marius Ehrenreich, President, South Africa Principles Association, South Africa
•    Breaking boundaries and reaching your full potential
Sheri Brynard, Teacher, South Africa – first person with Downs syndrome to qualify as a teacher

More African EduWeek sessions to look forward to:
-    School leadership: How to empower teachers to deliver quality education
o    Chairperson: Daya Chetty, Principal, Laudium Secondary School & Gauteng SAPA President, South Africa
o    Addressing the shortage of skilled teachers
Gizelle McIntyre, Director, Institute People Development, South Africa
o    Educational leadership in the beyond zone: The eighth dimension approach
Erich Cloete, Principal, Laerskool Westerlig, South Africa

-    The Africa maths and science renaissance: Let it begin
o    How to engage learners in subjects they perceive as difficult
Stephen Taylor, Advisor and Researcher, Department of Basic Education, South Africa
o    Africa’s maths and science at 1000 mph, BLOODHOUND SSC
Christopher Maxwell, STEM Product Manager, Edit Microsystems, South Africa

-    Educating in today’s social and economic climate: Best approaches for educational challenges?
o    Panellist:  Tshepo Motsepe, Co–Head Gauteng, Equal Education, South Africa

-    Knowledge grazing in a soundbite generation & embrace ICT to enhance teaching and learning
o    Workshop facilitator: Jaye Richards–Hill, Director, Education Technology and Training, Tablet Academy Africa/Middle East, South Africa

-    E-learning, the education evolution: The A-Z of e-learning
o    Chairperson: Kobus Van Wyk, Head of e-learning, Mustek, South Africa

-    Breakthroughs in technology for inclusive education
o    Workshop facilitator: Gerhard Erasmus, Blindness and Low Vision Sales and Support, Edit Microsystems, South Africa

-    Technical and vocational education and training colleges – new and improved?
o    Gerda Magnus, Department of Higher Education and Training, Project Manager, Curriculum and Programmes Support to FET Colleges

-    A guide to creating online educational resources for your lessons
o    Lulu Burger, iPad Training Manager, Apple, South Africa

-    Strategies to develop your learner’s literacy skills – the foundation to all subjects
o    Tessa Harmse, English Teacher, Hoërskool Grens, Centurion, South Africa

Free workshop sessions on the expo floor include:
-    Capturing and sustaining student’s attention - Dr Judy Willis, neurologist turned classroom teacher, Santa Barbara, USA
-    Digital game-based learning in educational settings - Fikile Mposula, Lecturer at Vaal University of Technology, South Africa
-    Bridging the learning gap through the use of one laptop in the classroom - Jane Zwane, Ekukhanyisweni Primary School, Alexandra, South Africa
-    Enabling teachers to teach in a classroom of the future - Beverley Wharton-Hood, Head of Learning Innovation: Post School, Pearson, South Africa

African EduWeek dates and location:
Expo and conference:  10-11 July
Pre-conference: 9 July 2014
Venue:  Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa

Website:  www.educationweek.co.za 

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/education_week 

Communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone :  +27 21 700 3558
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Neurologist turned teacher to explain “aha moment” at African EduWeek in July

Published: 03 June 2014

Conference and expo to provide practical and relevant support to teachers

A neurologist who became a classroom teacher will explain how best to stimulate young people’s brains to process information into knowledge and wisdom during the upcoming SABC Education African EduWeek in Johannesburg in July. 

Thousands of teachers and education experts will attend the annual conference and expo from 10-11 July at the Sandton Convention Centre for an interactive gathering that will empower them through technology, skills and interaction with their peers. 

One of the African EduWeek keynote speakers in the opening session is Dr Judy Willis, a board-certified neurologist in California, who left her practice after 15 years to become a teacher. At the time she says there was a marked increase of children being referred to her with suspected neurological conditions, and she discovered that this was due to the vast amount of material that students had to learn at school.

Dr Willis explains: “I realised that these stresses of frustration and boredom had wiped out the joy of learning and kids were unable to be engaged in learning through curiosity, but instead by drill and forced memorization. I felt that this was something I could make a difference in and influence a better way of teaching.”

She continues: “I believed that because as a neurologist I had a strong background in things like memory and how the brain processes information, I felt that if I had the opportunity to become a classroom teacher and receive the training, I could take what I know in neuroscience and see if it worked with students in the classroom and that’s what I did.”

Having ideas coming together in ‘aha moment’
Dr Willis taught for ten years to 2nd grade, 5th grade and 7th grade mathematics. “During this time I was delighted by the power of neuroscience to shine a light and suggest strategies from education that would be most correlated with the neuroscience research that was increasing in quantity and with more specificity, thanks to neuro-imaging. So as I found correlations between strategies and neuroscience research that guided me to apply certain strategies at different intervals depending on what the brain responded to best.”

She eventually gave up teaching children, reluctantly, but today enjoys sharing her insights with fellow educators. “I have always loved watching learners experience the thrill of developing their own knowledge, of discovering, of capturing the meaning of something, of having ideas come together in an ‘aha moment’. That same joy is my greatest pleasure in teaching other educators now. It’s seeing the ‘aha moment’ when they realize that their best strategies, things that have been most successful, are indeed highly supported by the neuroscience research. It is not that neuroscience is suggesting a whole new way of teaching, but the excitement to me is when educators recognize the “why”.

Read and hear the full interview with Dr Judy Willis as part of the African EduWeek expert interview series on www.educationweek.co.za/interviews

More African EduWeek opening session highlights:
Chairman: Graeme Bloch, Independent Education Specialist

•  African Education Update: Is Africa’s education potential beyond the Millennium Development Goals being met?
Panel of experts includes:
o  Edem Adubra, Chief of Section, International Taskforce on Teachers, UNESCO, France
o  Prof. Rehabeam Auala, Professor of Educational Management and Leadership, University of Namibia, Namibia
o  Marius Ehrenreich, President, South Africa Principles Association, South Africa

•  Breaking boundaries and reaching your full potential
Sheri Brynard, Teacher, South Africa – first person with Downs syndrome to qualify as a teacher

African EduWeek dates and location:
Expo and conference:  10-11 July
Pre-conference: 9 July 2014
Venue:  Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa

Website:  www.educationweek.co.za
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/education_week

Communications manager:  Annemarie Roodbol
Telephone :  +27 21 700 3558
Mobile:  +27 82 562 7844
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Published: 15 May 2014

[May 2014, Cape Town] Adversity is something none of us likes to think of, but in a moment one situation can change our entire lives. While insurance companies maximise the reality of this eventuality, most people are still completely blind-sided when adversity hits them. As a result, the obvious by-products of experiencing misfortune can be depression, a complete lack of self-esteem and even financial loss.  

Whilst all of the above are very evident across South Africa in the unemployed sector of the population today, there is the occasional diamond in the rough that shines out of a seemingly dark and hopeless situation to just encourage and give back that glimmer of hope that gives budding entrepreneurs an example to glean from.  

It is for this reason that the Teen Entrepreneur Foundation of South Africa has created the Awaken the Giant in you breakfast series. The breakfast series aims to showcase the stories of successful South African’s and allow them to share their experiences and life lessons with learners, their parents and organisations wishing to support the development of entrepreneurs.  

The next event in the series will take place on Thursday, 22 May 2014 at the Townhouse Hotel, Cape Town at 08h30. Martin Brown CEO of Radical Holdings and professional business speaker will share his journey of overcoming obstacles after being injured in a diving accident. He used creative thinking and his collective experience to change his own life and the lives of others, which kick-started him into a flourishing business.

“Every entrepreneur, young or old will face and have to overcome adversity at some stage of their business journey,” says Lydia Zingoni Founder and Director of the SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation. “We want to inspire our youth, from a young age that it is possible to overcome and flourish,” she continued.  

Teen Entrepreneur Foundation which was started in 2010 exists for the sole aim of instilling a culture of entrepreneurship in teenagers in South Africa.    

Come and be inspired by Martin’s entrepreneurial journey and connect with like-minded individuals from government and business entities to fast track your dreams and ambitions.    

The event is open to youth, their parents, teachers, community leaders, government departments, particularly those who are tasked with child development and the business community.   Tickets cost R150.00 and bookings for the breakfast can be made on-line at www.teenentrepreneur.co.za or at www.webtickets.co.za/event.aspx?itemid=828842321  

For more information about the breakfast contact Nadia Snyders on 021 447 6183 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

RELEASED BY Stacy De Villiers

Gecko Connect

061 448 6433/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   ON BEHALF OF SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation    

More about SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation  

SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation is a registered NPO Trust.  The vision of the Foundation is to cultivate and promote the entrepreneurial spirit in all our teenagers through seminars, workshops, conferences and exhibitions. Teen Entrepreneur main target audience is schools, Universities, Churches and Youth Centers.   

The organisation is based in Cape Town facilitates engagements across the country    

About Martin Brown

Martin was born in Cape Town on February 1971, South Africa. During school Martin was an absolute sport fanatic. His interests after high school led him into the mechanical engineering field and thereafter, into nursing and the emergency medical field.  In his second year of medical studies, Martin was injured in a diving accident, leaving him paralysed from the neck down, which forced him to explore other avenues within his abilities.

He is the CEO and Founder of Radical Holdings (PTY) Ltd t/a Radical Mobility, the top designers and manufacturers of power wheelchairs in South Africa. In the past 9 years the company has grown tremendously and supplies international markets. 

Martin has won numerous awards such as:

Finalist for the Industrial Category in the 2013 Africa SMME Awards Competition

Sanlam / Business Partners Entrepreneur of the Year® 2012 Finalist

SEDA Most Promising Entrepreneur with a Disability – 2011

SEDA Most Promising Job Creating Entrepreneur – 2011

INSETA National Disabled business leader | 2011

Sanlam and Business Partners Entrepreneur of the Year 2010

SME Award | 2010

Provincial Colours for Athletics | Amateur Athletics Association of South Africa | 1990

National Colours in Acrobatics | Acrobatic Federation of  South Africa | 1992 – 1997  

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