People are people so why should it be?

Published: 14 September 2021

So we're different colours and we're different creedsAnd different people have different needsIt's obvious you hate me though I've done nothing wrongI've never even met you, so what could I have done Lyrics written by the great Martin Gore of Depeche Mode and released in 1984 (No George Orwell reference just the year) but could just very well be lyrics from a song in 2021 about social media?So often online I see articles, tweets or people talking about how to succeed in this, or how to earn more money doing that.

So many people chasing the latest or the trendiest piece of digital flesh out there. Digital cult cannibals ready to consume the latest offering or blindly follow the next influencer in order to appear more knowledgeable and climb the ladder. The higher the ladders goes the more things change.

At Clockwork and we run a mentoring programme, where the more experienced or senior people in the company, ‘pitch themselves’ to our large pool of stirring and cool up-and-comers. The premise is that they are then selected as a mentor to help guide people on their work journey.

During this process the one line of questions that seems to appear more often is this….”How do I build my career?” “When do I know to move on to the next level?” “What should I do to progress in my career?”I can only respond with what my personal experience and knowledge has been, which is that in order to succeed, you need to understand people.

For me the biggest challenges and achievements have all revolved around people. The biggest learnings I have came from interactions with people. Looking back on my experience now, the fact that I managed people, since I was about 19, has provided me with many grey hairs with a significant amount of different scenarios and situations.

All of these have helped me build my People IA: Intelligence Amplification or Intelligence Augmentation. This is in fact the opposite of AI: Artificial Intelligence. To quote from this Forbes article

“Our brains are more complex than any computer we know how to make, our brains are also far more creative.”So my guidance to help you succeed is to become a Generalist of People. Consider every single interaction as a learning experience. Allow this interaction to shape your approach.

Once you know what your approach to people is, stick to those doctrines, preach them to yourself and others. People won’t always listen to you the first time…or second time…or third time! It requires constant attention and commitment. In addition, listen to people, really listen. Through my 25 years of interactions I have slowly but surely found my guiding principles. They speak to me because they align to my own beliefs not just because I think they would sound cool.

Because of that it is natural for me to live and preach them…another key element to progress. A balance with your views is fundamental.

Also have the foresight to realise that your teams and your own views will need to adjust over time to consider such things as working from home. Kindness is one of my key values, along with having fun and giving a sh!t! None of this is groundbreaking or new but it links directly to people, not trends, not technology. Kindness provides the ability for people to be people. It provides a fertile environment to care about mental health. And above all else, kindness is free but is worth so much.

When teams (made of people) each put in an extra layer of kindness even just a small percentage each, the combined impact is exponential. This aids in developing a space where help is the norm and people consider their communication and interactions.

But what exactly is kindness? Don’t just take my word for it, the South African College of Applied Psychology have this to say: “Kindness means different things to different people and it can be expressed in many varying ways. Kindness is an intentional action and often causes a positive chain reaction.  At its basic level, it is being friendly, considerate and generous. You can see it in action when someone is gentle, warm, affectionate, empathetic or concerned about someone else. To be kind isn’t a weakness.

Often it takes courage and strength to be kind. Especially when doing so continuously is difficult, unappreciated or unreciprocated.

”The full article can be access here

But why do we need kindness?My wife shared an article with me last night that helped me close off and understand why. I believe that kindness helps with our Window of Tolerance. The Window of Tolerance, developed by Dan Siegel describes the best state of stimulation in which we are able to function and thrive in everyday life. When we exist in this window, we can learn effectively, play and relate well to ourselves and others.

Everybody’s Window of Tolerance is different, but by providing a kinder environment we allow more room for tolerance. Getting back to Depeche Mode, I finish with this:“I'm relying on your common decencySo far, it hasn't surfaced but I'm sure it exists”

Mental Toughness - Finding Your Differentiator To Survive And Thrive

Published: 18 June 2021

Dr Steve Harris’ (The Mind Doctor) research and personal experiences have led him to believe that the evolution from surviving to thriving is achieved through incremental, smart, and primarily proactive adaptations that provide humans with marginal yet significant gains.

He asks you now to consider whether you are adapting so that you can progress from surviving to thriving? If you feel that you are already thriving, his question then is, “What are you doing to accelerate even further ahead?”

As a World Champion Sportsperson, Award-Winning Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, and armed with his PhD on Mental Toughness, Dr Steve Harris acknowledges that people struggling with harsh conditions, or persons with mental health concerns that draw them outside consensus reality, will struggle to adopt his ideas on thriving.

Steve says that to thrive, you need differentiators that make you stand out from the rest of the crowd. These differentiators must be something different and unique that set you apart from others pursuing similar outcomes so that you will have a distinct competitive advantage.

This type of advantage is usually admired by others unless you are signalling superiority, and in so doing, you are “othering”. Othering means that you are trying to establish that others are inferior to you.

For some, a stand-out competitive advantage may be highly stressful and therefore undesirable. This phenomenon is called FOSO – the Fear Of Standing Out. For them to benefit from standing out, they need to develop specific skills to manage the stress and possible resentment that could accompany this sometimes-lonely place. As is commonly said, “The tallest trees catch the most wind.”

The human polar bear, Lewis Pugh, created a unique competitive advantage. Lewis stood out for the right reasons when he created a unique competitive advantage. He achieved success through enduring extreme cold-water conditions and continued by achieving significance when he combined this ability with a passion for environmental sustainability.

Steve met Lewis when, as a junior, he joined the Clifton Surf Lifesaving Club in Cape Town. He was highly driven and hungry for personal accomplishment. Lewis trained hard and showed extraordinary willingness to go the extra mile. However, no amount of training would be enough to make Lewis a serious contender for top honours in the swimming aspects of competitive surf lifesaving. Top competitors were usually of Olympic standard. This did not deter Lewis, who continued to train more than most and helped to teach others.

An offshoot of his preparedness to train hard was his acceptance of the icy Atlantic sea temperatures off Clifton beach. His peer group lauded and respected him for this trait. Steve suspects that this acknowledgement and recognition motivated Lewis to use his adaptiveness to icy water as a differentiator. Eventually, it led him to international fame as an environmentalist and earned him the nickname ‘human polar bear’.

We all know how challenging life has been with the Covid pandemic – both for individuals and businesses. Finding your differentiator is not an easy task, but it will give you or your business a competitive advantage that may just help you survive these times.

Steve’s motivational speaking offering is unique in that he has various motivational topics to choose from to suit your company and help you achieve your objectives. These topics are tailor-made and suited to match your requirements, use a holistic approach and produce remarkable results!

Contact Steve to schedule some time with him.

Lifemasters launches New #FuturueFit REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Business Growth Advisory & Entrepreneur Resilience Coaching System

Published: 06 February 2018

The Profit And #Futurefit Mindset Optimisation System,  REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE CLEARx, Helps Entrepreneurs To 2x-4x Value, Impacts & Results. 

South African REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Leadership Development organisation, Life Masters, headed by expert author, SWIFT Mindset coach, and keynote speaker, Tony Dovale, launched the most innovative and effective Entrepreneurship & Business Development Accelerator program called REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE CLEARx PROFITS.

With Life Masters’ head offices in Johannesburg, South Africa, the Consciously Constructive REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE CLEARx PROFIT Workshops, and coaching, will create an interactive and collaborative-setting where entrepreneurs, leaders, and teams, will have the opportunity to gain immense wisdom, insights, and high impact tools, to unleash workplace potential, to transform (2x-4x) their staff’s Growth Mindsets, increase engagement, discover the psychology of Leadership performance leadership, organisational culture, profits, and happiness at work levels. 


Tony Dovale, founder of Life Masters says: “The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE CLEARx PROFIT System will rapidly equip and enable entrepreneurs, leaders, and teams, to harness their most valuable assets… Mindsets, Psychological Capital and Potential, and to fiercely focus their energy and efforts, into the 6 CORE proven components that create sustainable high performance workplaces; people, teams, leadership and culture.

Leveraging the power of Positive Business, Tribal Leadership Principles, Soul Meaning Scale, Team Building Mastery and GO Mindsets, the new Consciously Constructive CLEARx philosophy, framework and process, challenges the way we engage, lead, connect, communicate, develop, and collaborate with the world around us”.

The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE CLEARx High Performance System is based upon extensive research, testing and consolidation (40+ years), of leading-edge and highly effective approaches to rapidly developing people, teams, leadership and culture, in an ever-changing context.

The Consciously Constructive REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Philosophy, framework and process transforms meaning, money, and GO Mindset mastery, beyond motivation, to rapidly develop #FutureFit people, unleash potential, unite and fiercely focus efforts, and create outstanding results.

For more information on Consciously Constructive REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE talks, workshops, coaching, assessments, consulting.

For your free HPO Talk or High Performance Diagnostic – register at

Follow Life Masters and Tony Dovale on Facebook and on Twitter.

More about Life Masters: Life Masters, founded by CEO, Tony Dovale, exists to empower and develop #FutureFit “bullet-proof” high performance Mindset entrepreneurs, teams and leaders, that positively transform the workplace for the greater good of PEOPLE, PLANET AND PROFITS. 

 Tony Dovale and his certified Consciously Constructive REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE facilitators / coaches train, support, coach, mentor and equip leaders and entrepreneurs, as they grow their businesses SWIFTLY. 

Clients have already achieved growth factors of between 2x to 4x annual results with

Please visit

For media-related queries, please contact: Tony Dovale CEO of Life
Mobile: 083-447-6300
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pelican Park wows Habitat for Humanity’s International Board of Directors

Published: 17 March 2015

Habitat for Humanity welcomed its International Board of Directors, comprising delegates from over 70 countries, to Cape Town, their chosen venue for the 2015 Annual General Meeting.  

The AGM coincided with Habitat for Humanity’s Desmond Tutu International Build in Pelican Park in Zeekoevlei. Through partnership with The Power Group, the City of Cape Town and the Western Cape Government, Habitat drew teams both locally and from the USA to help build homes and the community of Pelican Park.  

On Wednesday 4 March, the Directors enjoyed a full day out in Pelican Park, guided by John Bailey, chairman of the Pelican Park Owners Association, itself borne out of the support of Habitat and its partners. Specific challenges highlighted on the day included the urgent need for more schooling, the integration of individuals from different socio-economic backgrounds into a cohesive community, and the eradication of crime and drug abuse.  

The Directors met with local families and community leaders. They were able to witness, visit and learn first-hand about some of the solutions and projects Habitat for Humanity in partnership with the community and other stakeholder partners  are rolling out around Pelican Park, such as:  

  1. The “Garden of Eden”, a hydroponic food garden project allowing community members to grow fresh vegetables within a minimal space.
  2. The Nedbank Foundation EduTainer, a well-stocked ‘instant classroom’ for use as a daycare for 27 children, which came about after Nedbank representatives saw the need for such a facility while participating in a Habitat Team Build, pulled the necessary resources together and made it a reality The collaboration between Habitat for Humanity, the City of Cape Town, and the Pelican Park Owners Association around making the Zeekoevlei Wetlands Nature Reserve into a conservation and recreation destination for local families.
  3. The Pelican Park Neighbourhood Watch’s work in reducing crime and assisting addicts enter rehabilitation programmes.
  4. A series of workshops operated through Habitat for Humanity’s Social Facilitation Programme, to assist new home owners moving into the area to integrate into the community.  
  5. This Social Facilitation Programme allows Habitat to bring about sustainable change in the lives of the new homeowners, instilling a sense of ownership to establishing a cohesive and vibrant new community.  

John Bailey told the group, “Habitat for Humanity is not just a shoulder for us to lean on, but a brother and sister to partner with. We are so grateful for their dedication and input into the community.”   For more information about Habitat for Humanity, or to get involved, please contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 021-657-5640.


Issued on behalf of Habitat for Humanity Contact: Adrienne Burke

Tel: +27.21.657.5640
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Habitat for Humanity And The Desmond Tutu International Build Week

Published: 09 February 2015

​In partnership with Power Construction, the City of Cape Town and the Western Cape Government Habitat for Humanity is calling on all active citizens to come together and join them in their Desmond Tutu International Build Week in Pelican Park from the 2 – 6 March.  Responding and putting into action the request in the words of their patron Archbishop Desmond Tutu “Do your little bit of good where you are - it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world’.  

Teams from as far afield as the USA and Ireland will be joining the build event together with 18 of  ​Habitat's International Board of Directors from across the 70 countries in which Habitat operates as they have chosen Cape Town as their venue for their Board meeting this year.   Funding provided by the event helps provide valuable funding for Habitat’s Social Facilitation Programme as part of Habitat’s community development work in the Pelican Park project.     

Through their Social Facilitation Programme in partnership with the communities and galvanising the support of active citizens and other stakeholder partners, communities are empowered to take ownership of their communities through leadership, skills development and self-belief to become the champions of their own developments and their communities.  

Our five-year goal through our community development process is to meaningfully transform the lives of at least 100, 000 fellow South Africans living in communities across South Africa.  Help us achieve this by joining our team build event, helping to build homes, communities and hopesaid Adrienne Burke, Habitat’s Marketing Manager.  If you or your company are interested in getting involved contact Habitat’s Head Office on 021 657 5640.    

Editors notes

Founded in 1996, Habitat for Humanity South Africa is the national organisation of Habitat for Humanity International and part of Habitat’s Europe, Middle East and African region. Habitat South Africa is entirely self-funded and works in partnership with all stakeholders to serve the poor and marginalised in our country. Based on the firm belief that decent shelter provides the greatest opportunity for families to break the cycle of poverty, Habitat works with all people to give a hand up in building homes, communities and hope.    

This press release has been distributed on behalf of our client, Habitat for Humanity South Africa.  

What's YOUR business game plan?

Published: 06 February 2009
{pp}Are you a professional or an enthusiastic amateur when it comes to managing and coaching your business team?

Finer Details for event management and design.

Published: 29 May 2008
{pp}Affairs are made in heaven but the Finer Details have to be sorted out on earth. Finer Details specializes its promotional and coordination expertise in Stand alone Event Management and / or Finer Décor