Twizza helping build an Africa We Want

Published: 31 May 2021

Johannesburg, May 2021 - The commemoration of Africa Day presents a unique opportunity for the affirmation and celebration of the history and ideals that spawned and sustained the movement towards economic integration, political unity, and liberation of the African continent.

Africa Day celebrations should be inspired by more than just inquisitiveness about the past and about politics. Though history and politics are still the basis of the celebrations, the celebration should also help us affirm our ingenuity, entrepreneurial spirit, innovation and excellence as progenies of the African soil. It is indeed true that much has been achieved on the political and economic front. In a similar vein, there is a lot that still needs to be done. We should pause, take stock, and embrace what has been achieved – with the sole understanding that this can lead us to achieve even more.

The African Union theme for 2021 is ‘“Building the Africa We Want.”  Local beverage manufacturer Twizza, with several international awards under its belt, its support of women and youth sport initiatives, its commitment to economic growth and responsible manufacturing processes, has cemented its position as a proudly South African and proudly African company.

Innovation is not always a big leap forward in evolution, sometimes it is a combination of finding the right elements’ and combining them to bring about change. This forms the cornerstone of the Twizza business model and a strategy that sets them head and shoulders above the bigger international production companies.

Twizza has put responsible manufacturing and sustainability at the top of its priorities ensuring they contribute to “Building an Africa They Want”.  They utilise solar power for their Queenstown plant where they have 2,700 panels covering 5,500 square meters generating 1.5 million KWH annually.

Lisle Clark, CEO of Twizza says “We have an eye for the latest technologies and efficiencies, and a demand for the best quality. Not only committed to provide affordable and accessible refreshment, we are also committed to sustainability, where we aim to have all of our factories using solar as an alternative form of energy by 2025.”Being a voluntary member of PET Recycling Company is another way in which Twizza is giving back by paying a voluntary levy to PETCO for every ton of PET that is converted since its inception in the early 2000s. Twizza’s investment into their manufacturing capabilities sees them able to produce their own products as well as retain the capacity needed to serve the local beverage market as a contract manufacturer producing beverages for a number of local players.

Another display of their commitment to South Africa and Africa is their support of the #BuyLocal Campaign as well as ensuring that the jobs of their employees were well protected, fully putting their weight behind rekindling the economy post- Covid-19 Lockdown and fulfilling their promise to “create a place where people want to and love to work”.

Despite competition from international soft drink brands, Twizza’s vision to become the “local refreshment of choice” and its dedication to innovation has seen the company grow to become one of South Africa’s most popular soft drink brands and are well set for growth across the continent and African Diaspora.

“In addition to this, when it comes to our customers and our consumers, we endeavour to not just deliver, but to go the extra mile,” adds Clark, “we want to obtain a deeper understanding of our consumer’s needs where our objective is to become a household South African name in the communities that we serve. Not only this, but we aim to win by becoming the supplier of choice, delivering on the explicit needs of our customers and outdoing our competitors. Africa is a unique continent, with an unmatched diversity and at Twizza we want to be equally as unique and diverse.”

With ingenuity and forward thinking like this, Twizza embodies African excellence  and contributing to “Building an Africa We Want.” 


Published: 31 October 2019

The Polystyrene Association of SA has launched a Food Compliance Responsibility Initiative (FCRI) - aimed at ensuring that world-class health and safety standards are adhered to in the South African context. Members of the Association who manufacture packaging used in food contact applications have been encouraged to sign a voluntary commitment to adhere to  international health and safety standards. 

Polystyrene (PS) packaging is widely used by brand owners, retailers and the fast food industry to sell a wide variety of different food products. Yoghurt cups, drinking cups, ice-cream containers and fresh fruit trays, meat trays, poultry trays and convenience food boxes are all made from PS.  The packaging is strong, light and stable. It increases the shelf life of food, keeping it fresh and making it easy to transport and store.  “These are all excellent product qualities which have made PS the material of choice for many applications.  However, as with any other packaging material, it needs to be used as intended by the manufacturers and handled correctly - especially in certain phases of its life cycle if it is to have a role in a sustainable future for society,” explains Adri Spangenberg, CEO of the Polystyrene Association of SA. 

Adri goes on to clarify that the driving force behind the initiative is the belief that raw material suppliers, product manufacturers, product distributors and consumers are joint stewards for the responsible and sustainable production and use of food compliant PS products. “Manufacturers are required to ensure that all raw materials included during the production process, are food grade certified. Good manufacturing practices must be displayed at all times and only in-house recyclate derived from the original food grade raw materials is allowed to be used,” she says. 

Support from the industry has been very positive and welcoming and the country’s biggest manufacturers of polystyrene packaging have already committed themselves to these standards.   “We are very excited about this recent development and believe it will it is an important step forward that will protect the growth and well-being of our industry and ensure the long-term use of polystyrene as the packaging material,” Adri concludes. 


Published: 18 April 2019

Plastics|SA shared updates and latest developments within its training division with a series of well-attended breakfast sessions held around the country recently.  The theme of this year’s breakfasts was ‘Curiosity: the path to life-long learning’.

Purpose of the sessions

Explaining the purpose of hosting these annual information-sharing sessions, Kirtida Bhana, Training Executive at Plastics|SA says: “These breakfasts provide the ideal platform to connect with our past, current and potential clients at the beginning of each year.  It also allows us to highlight exciting activities in the training division, discuss the latest trends affecting their day-to-day business and identify any specific training needs they might have. The inspiring theme and related insights offered the attendees ‘food for thought’, rather than simply more information.

Training successes

The success of Plastics|SA’s training offerings is clear to see in the more than 3,500 students that successfully completed their training this past year at the company’s training centres in Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Durban.  “We have been working hard to create oases of learning at each of these centres by upgrading facilities and equipment that will facilitate hands-on training and practical experience,” Kirtida adds. Commenting on the success of Plastics|SA’s training offering in their business, Geraldine Booyse of Bars Pharmaceuticals had this to say: “The content of the training modules is very interesting and the staff are very knowledgeable.  They are able to share their expertise with students across different industries, keep our students motivated and boost their morale”. Michael Noel, an Engineer at Volkswagen who has benefitted from the Raw Materials Programmes at Plastics|SA, added his observation too.  He said that Plastics|SA’s trainers have a real understanding of the industry; the students’ needs and how to impart much-needed knowledge in a practical and flexible way.

New and updated programmes 

1.  New Programme

Plastics|SA added one new programme to its training curriculum for 2018:

Generic Management – a qualification targeting managers, supervisors and all learners who have completed the NQF 4 and Supervisory Management Programmes.  Each Learning Programme addresses the outcomes required for specific Unit Standards included in the National Certificate Generic Management – Generic Manufacturing on NQF 5.It consists of  the following 5 phases – each of which  can be completed separately:    

  • Phase 1:Workforce Management
  • Phase 2:Workplace Operations, Change Management and Communication
  • Phase 3:Workplace Risk, Coaching and Knowledge Management
  • Phase 4:Workplace Process Optimisation and Efficiencies
  • Phase 5: Workplace Project Management and Finances  

Programme updates: Welding – addressing a growing need for training thermoplastic welders, Plastics|SA offers NQF2 -Welding in Thermoplastic Fabrication training at its premises in Gauteng, Cape Town and Durban, as well as at companies’ premises. Plastics|SA has done training countrywide in South Africa, as well as in countries such as Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia, Tanzania, Malawi, Madagascar and Lesotho.The following is covered: Butt (HDPE) weldingElectro-fusion weldingHot Air weldingHot Air Extrusion weldingSocket Fusion welding: For pipes and fittingsSolvent Cement weldingOverlap welding 

Setter skills – originally this Trade Qualification was developed at an NQF Level 4, but has now been reviewed and reworked to an NQF Level 5. Part Qualifications to the trade in the following processes have been developed at an NQF Level 4 viz. Injection Moulding, Blow Moulding and Pipe and Profile Extrusion.

Online learning – aimed at filling certain gaps in the market for soft skills, these online learning offerings were developed by Cross Knowledge in the UK.​The programmes aim to transform employees and drive business results and refine and develop soft skills that could give you the competitive edge!  ​Companies are able to purchase licences (one per user), which gives them access to 124 programmes that can be completed in their own time and at their own pace.

Production Technology - The National Certificate in Production Technology NQF Level 2 is a combination of learning outcomes that will provide the qualifying learner with vocational knowledge and skills appropriate to the context of production technology. This is the first qualification in a series of qualifications.

New extruders and blow moulders – Plastics|SA has added 3 new pipe and profile extruders and 3 new blow moulders in all 3 of our facilities around the country. 

Conclusion: “We take great pride in offering our customers specialized, customized and contextualized material that addresses their individual needs and those of their workforce.  It is hugely rewarding to receive feedback from our customers and the students that we have trained, but this does not mean that we get too comfortable.On the contrary, it inspires us to work even harder and refine our “pockets of excellence” through continuous improvement of training expertise in the various areas”, Kirtida concludes. For more information about the training programmes on offer at Plastics|SA, please visit their website at 

World IoT and blockchain first for SA’s DoshEx and Digital Twin

Published: 17 April 2019

South African technology companies DoshEx ( and Digital Twin ( unveiled a world first designed to revolutionise the security and integrity of solutions deployed across the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is the next big thing in digital connectivity whereby devices ‘talk’ to physical objects – from lightbulbs to vehicles and manufacturing plants – via a complex system of sensors.

Scalable and reliable IoT is the overriding goal of major technology players worldwide, but secure interaction between various components in these networks has proved to be a major obstacle – until now! DoshEx CEO Alex de Bruyn noted: “DoshEx is a leader in blockchain deployments while Digital Twin is an innovator in the realm of fourth-generation edge devices that provide access to enterprise networks.

“Our collaboration enabled us to create a globally scalable solution to the problem of harnessing blockchain technology without the need for outside verification of events logged by a blockchain. We call the new product Sherlock. “The IoT nightmare is that ‘bad bots’ might create havoc in the case of cybercrime or system malfunction. Sherlock will help developers put these fears to rest.”

Richard Creighton, CEO of Digital Twin, commented: “Secure, automated and highly dependable field data is essential in achieving the next generation of cross business insight and control, we believe we’ve made this possible. It could even be a world-first. “The industry forecast is that $15 trillion will be invested in IoT by 2025. But IoT creates a multitude of technical and scientific challenges. Sherlock addresses one of the big potential snags to rapid IoT uptake by bringing together blockchain technology and edge-based connectivity in a seamless but secure manner.

“It is essential that IoT solutions enjoy public and investor confidence. Sherlock will significantly increase the level of trust and open the way for serious IoT development.” A blockchain is an immutable set of records linked together cryptographically through a series of interconnecting blocks, creating an everlasting record of transactions and responsibilities. When events are input it is necessary to verify an event actually occurred. For independent verification, a digital third-party, an oracle, is connected to the system.

An oracle, as a component of blockchains and smart contracts, is an ‘agent’ that finds and verifies real-world occurrences and feeds confirmation to the blockchain for integration into a smart contract, ensuring all parties can trust the record of events. Oracles as a data-feed and an element of multi-signature contracts have no connection with the company of the same name.  However, any third-party input creates a theoretical risk the truth might be tampered with. Now, to create absolute trust, Sherlock offers a built-in oracle solution. In technical terms, DoshEx developers and Digital Twin innovators connected an inbound oracle input from an edge-capable device over a globally enabled USSD network (the global communication system used by mobile technology).

This ensures trusted and SHA256 encrypted input into a blockchain. Encryption using the SHA256 algorithm is tamper-proof. Creighton added: “By using USSD, the edge devices and their inputs can be instantly globalised without reliance on any specific local cellular provider. The edge device can travel anywhere in the globe and transmit encrypted messages into the blockchain.” The Sherlock collaborators can now build industry-specific IoT-enabled smart contracts for large value chains across multiple participants that rely on trusted data. Said Alex de Bruyn: “An example would be mining firms that have to measure quality and quantity from pit to port or a construction group that has to confirm events throughout the build process and critical milestones captured, such as field results of concrete testing, documentation sign-off and versioning, as well as key progress reached as signed off by the professional team, using an IoT-enabled biometric sensor. “The combination of IoT and blockchain will revolutionise efficiency across value chains … and Sherlock is a key enabler, locally and worldwide.”

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About DoshEx DoshEx is a South African company pioneering the development of crypto-tokens and digital assets. Related DoshEx products and services include tokenised solutions for corporates and SOEs, safekeeping of funds and the design and deployment of blockchains and Smart Contracts. DoshEx’s focus is to drive the adoption of tokenised solutions at an enterprise level by implementing blockchain technology into their current business models.

About Digital Twin
Digital Twin is an industry 4.0 focused business and an indirect service provider to a network of specialist and vertical market-focused solution providers. The Digital Twin platform offers this network of specialists the ability to enhance their offering to their customer-base and enable them to deliver bankable ROI projects and services. The platform offers multiple entry points:- Tier 1 – Edge-capable hardware solutionsTier 2 - Global connectivity and data brokerTier 3 - Management console and visualisation Tier 4 - Specific value in use consultation and design Digital Twin offers unique services to its network of specialists, from standardised solutions to rapid prototyping of hardware and software as well as industry 4.0 consultation expertise. 

Alex De Bruyn
Tel:  +27 11 468-5236

Issued By: Tale Spin Media
Zelda Williams
082 461 0689

Enterprise transport and delivery management SaaS platform

Published: 26 September 2018

Fastvan is the leading white label end to end logistics platform for enterprises, with customers in multiple countries including some of the world's best-known brands please do look at . Our highly flexible yet powerful solution enables not only Logistic companies but Enterprises/FMCG/SME’s/Retail in multiple industries to quickly streamline the way they deliver goods and services, creating both operational efficiency and the optimal experience for their entire shipping ecosystem - from single or multiple Warehouses/Retail/DC’s to the Driver and all the way to the customer, invoicing, EPOD, Barcoded Waybill, Return/failed deliveries, multiple country operations and currencies.

Fastvan open platform is simple white label SaaS based platform easy to implement, use and manage through its different modules and customized to fit your industry and business processes - web-based applications for dispatch and administration with TMS and SCM functionalities, branded mobile apps for drivers, and a branded mobile and web application experience for customers. It is highly scalable and can be used to easily customize the solution to fit our customers' needs and to integrate it across their existing systems.Enterprises and logistics service providers can now modernize their delivery infrastructure in multiple countries in multiple currencies and improve their operational efficiency from the management team at HQ or DC through the in-store and warehouse/distribution center operations teams, and all the way to the drivers and end-customers.

It is highly scalable and can be used to easily customize the solution to fit our customers' needs and to integrate it across their existing systems.

Enterprises and logistics service providers can now modernize their delivery infrastructure in multiple countries in multiple currencies and improve their operational efficiency.

With no direct competition in Africa, Fastvan is running pilots in multiple countries (USA, Ukraine, UK, Africa) 

Get in touch:
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Online Factory Shop for Transparent Packaging - Coming Soon

Published: 06 December 2017

Magra cc has for many years been a leader in transparent plastic packaging solutions, offering a product of the highest calibre with a very strict process to provide customers with the best product every time. Whilst custom design and manufacturing are their specialities, they also have a factory shop with a wide range of transparent plastic packaging options available to the public but, are taking things one step further.Magra is offering it’s customers a new method of browsing their factory shop without leaving the comfort of their office or home, through an exciting new online factory catalog, which initially would have launched at the end of September 2017 but has been changed to February 2018.

The new online platform provides customers with a platform to view the entire range of packaging options in one place packed with information about the product such as weight, dimensions, uses and more. The shop will provide customers with a lifestyle view and drawing of each of the company's products so that customers can choose a custom off-the-shelf package that will suit their required use.To make things even easier, Magra have provided customers with a single-click online enquiry form, making it easy to get hold of a sales consultant to discuss packaging requirements or simply place an order. Now their range of PVC lid and base, board, conicals, tubes and more can be easily ordered without ever leaving your office or home. This is a step forward for the business that feels it's not quite ready for a full-fledged online shop as relationship is a key factor for Magra in their business and they enjoy having face-to-face or at least verbal contact with their customers in the purchase process to add that extra touch of customer service that many businesses have lost with the rise of digital platforms.

Corporate customers or customers with a specialised requirement can contact a sales specialist on 021 448 1399 where your requirements can be discussed and a quote put together to meet your exact packaging needs. To find out more about Magra cc and their new online factory shop, visit their site at or call at 021 448 1399 to speak to a friendly and experienced sales consultant who can give you the best assistance and advice before you buy.

Closure of Bambanani Pipes and Fittings (PTY) LTD

Published: 23 October 2017

Press Release: 16 October 2017

After 19-years of operation, Macdonald Holdings has announced that it will be closing Bambanani Pipes and Fittings, its pipe manufacturing and coating division.

The decision comes after 24 months of irregular project work and sustained losses which have been unavoidable in the current market, despite every effort made to revitalise the business. General Manager, Mr. Chris o’ Neill says, “Unfortunately the business has relied on the public sector’s manufacturing and maintenance spend and as this has begun shrinking so has the ability to keep the doors open and profitable. It is never an easy decision when people’s livelihoods are at stake, which is why we have taken every step possible, despite two years of losses, to look at positive solutions for the business. Sadly though, none of these has resulted in a marked turnaround and as such the shareholders have decided to call an end to the business.”

Bambanani was formed in 1998 by a management buy-out of the ex-Hall Longmore operation that was based in Luipaardsvlei, Krugersdorp. In 2008 Bambanani became a member of the Macdonald Group of Companies and is a 100% BEE owned company with a level 1 BBBEE scorecard. It seems though, that despite these positives including a massive investment in a new facility and the very real consensus from clients of a brilliant product, that another once successful business is taking the brunt of a market downturn. 

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About Bambanani Pipes and Fittings:
Bambanani Pipes and Fitting is currently located on a 40 000m2 facility in Roodepoort. The company provides manufacturing, coating and lining facilities, offering products in carbon and stainless steel for the use in various market sectors such as water reticulation petrochemical, power, paper, pulp, mining, construction, telecommunication, sewerage works and general industrial projects.


RS Components announces availability of pre-terminated cable assemblies from Molex

Published: 24 August 2017

Range of pre-prepared cable assemblies for popular Molex connector families provides cost-effective solution for markets including communications, consumer and industrial 

Johannesburg, South Africa, 24 August, 2017 - RS Components (RS), the trading brand of Electrocomponents plc (LSE:ECM), the global distributor for engineers, has announced availability of a number of pre-prepared cable assemblies that provide compatible solutions for key product ranges from Molex, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of connectors and interconnection components. 

Targeting a wide range of applications in industries including automotive, consumer, defence, industrial and medical, as well as telecommunications and networking, the new Molex range of pre-terminated cables makes it even easier for engineers to adopt interconnection components in new and existing designs, removing the need for expensive tooling, long production times and laborious testing procedures. 

The wire-to-board cable assemblies have been designed with terminations chosen to work with some of Molex's most popular interconnection families. These include the FIT range (Micro-FIT, Mini-FIT Jr. Nano-FIT and Mega-Fit), as well as the CLIK-Mate and Micro-Clasp and Pico-Clasp connector ranges. 

The Molex pre-terminated cable assemblies are now available from RS. 

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About RS Components 

RS Components is the market leader in the high service level distribution of electrical, electronic, mechanical, tools and industrial products. Operating in 26 countries whilst serving a further 100 through third-party distributors, RS serves every sector of industry in the procurement of their products relating to maintenance, repair, operations, low volume production, research and development.   

With over 500 000 products across 2500 leading brands, the company is committed to ensuring that their 1,5 million customers have fast access to a broad, as well as deep range, of products and technologies, all under one roof. RS’s customers, whether ordering single or multiple items, experience a quick, easy, secure, painless and cost effective process. 

The RS catalogue, available at, offers full colour pictures with extensive clear product specifications.  Free access to thousands of datasheets ensures the correct product choice. 

Order placement is easily facilitated through, the call centre, e-mail, fax and trade counter.  Locally held stock is delivered to customers within 24 hours, and products held internationally, within four to six working days.    

It is proven that departments traditionally spend 80% of their time sourcing products that account for only 20% of their total procurement spend. RS is focussed on reducing the customers “total cost of product ownership” by reducing the need to make multiple calls to various companies to source products, reducing supplier related administration and allowing for the amalgamation as well as consolidation of supplier bases.  

Through this process, procurement efficiency is improved and time is freed up to concentrate on the more important business decisions.  For more information, please visit the website at  

Press Office
Le-andra Olivier
PR and Communications Specialist
RS Components South Africa
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+27 11 691 9345 

Further information is available via these links

Relevant Links
RS Components South Africa
DesignSpark Magazine -

RS Components adds robust and high-specification industrial micro-miniature connectors

Published: 24 July 2017

Micro-D connector series from Norcomp offers real alternative to military-spec connectors in industrial applications 

Johannesburg, South Africa, 25 July, 2017 - RS Components (RS), the trading brand of Electrocomponents plc (LSE:ECM), the global distributor for engineers, has announced availability of a new range of micro-miniature industrial connectors manufactured by Norcomp, which are a cost-effective and highly capable alternative to the use of military- and aerospace-rated micro-D connectors.  

The 380/381/382/960 series of Micro-D connectors and cable assemblies has been designed for commercial markets including robotics, telecommunications and instrumentation equipment, and other applications where space is at a premium yet which also require a robust shielded I/O connector system.  

The Norcomp Micro-D series is available in three industry-standard sizes – 9, 15 and 25-way – as well as in vertical and right angle board-mount and cable-mount options. Offering a contact spacing of just 1.27mm (0.050-inch), the connectors are less than a third the size of standard D-sub connector types, yet deliver a metal-to-metal interface that provides robust mechanical connection and shield effectiveness.  

Able to mate with most commercial competitor products, other features of the series include a 1A contact rating and an operating temperature range of –55C to +85°C.  The Norcomp range of industrial Micro-D connectors is now available from RS.  


About RS Components 

RS Components is the market leader in the high service level distribution of electrical, electronic, mechanical, tools and industrial products. Operating in 26 countries whilst serving a further 100 through third-party distributors, RS serves every sector of industry in the procurement of their products relating to maintenance, repair, operations, low volume production, research and development.   

With over 500 000 products across 2500 leading brands, the company is committed to ensuring that their 1,5 million customers have fast access to a broad, as well as deep range, of products and technologies, all under one roof. RS’s customers, whether ordering single or multiple items, experience a quick, easy, secure, painless and cost effective process. 

The RS catalogue, available at, offers full colour pictures with extensive clear product specifications.  Free access to thousands of datasheets ensures the correct product choice.  Order placement is easily facilitated through, the call centre, e-mail, fax and trade counter. 

Locally held stock is delivered to customers within 24 hours, and products held internationally, within four to six working days.  

 It is proven that departments traditionally spend 80% of their time sourcing products that account for only 20% of their total procurement spend. RS is focussed on reducing the customers “total cost of product ownership” by reducing the need to make multiple calls to various companies to source products, reducing supplier related administration and allowing for the amalgamation as well as consolidation of supplier bases. 

Through this process, procurement efficiency is improved and time is freed up to concentrate on the more important business decisions. 

For more information, please visit the website at 

Press Office

Le-andra Olivier
PR and Communications Specialist
RS Components South Africa
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+27 11 691 9345 

Further information is available via these links

Relevant Links


Published: 25 May 2017

More than 35 of South Africa and the world’s top experts on issues relating to plastic piping, water infrastructure and engineering will be presenting at this year’s PIPES XI Conference – an annual event hosted by the Southern African Plastic Pipe Manufacturers Association (SAPPMA).

This year’s event will be unlike any other event the association has ever hosted and promises to be an unforgettable experience.

“We are extremely privileged to be hosting our conference this year in conjunction with the Plastic Pipe Conference Association (PPCA). It will be a two-day event taking place on the 4th and 5th of September 2017 at Emperor’s Palace Convention Centre, conveniently located close to the OR Tambo Airport in Gauteng. In addition to the line-up of top national and international speakers we would normally have at our conference, this year’s PIPES XI also see at least 10 of the best papers which were presented at PIPES XVIII in Berlin last year, delivered to our local audience,” says Jan Venter, CEO of SAPPMA.

Every two years, the PPCA plays host to the world’s biggest international pipe conference which takes place either in Europe or the USA. Venter explains that it is the first time in history that their spin-off conference, which is organised every alternate year, will be coming to South Africa.

"The excitement over the event is tremendous. We have already sold an impressive amount of tickets and are hoping to have more than 300 delegates attending both days,” Venter says.

As an added incentive, SAPPMA is offering an early bird booking discount of 10 % for all bookings and payments made online ( before the 31st of May 2017.Topics that will be covered at this year’s event are varied, ranging from raw materials and additives to the life cycle and material design of plastic pipes. Installations, applications and rehabilitations as well as standards, testing and certification, and various case studies will also be addressed.

The opening keynote address will be delivered by Dr Roelof Botha, a local economist of the GOPA Group, after which various delegate can select to listen to presentations in two break-away sessions. International speakers who will be presenting on Day 1 (Monday, 4 September) include Zoran Davidovski of Pipelife International (presenting on behalf of TEPPFA in Austria) on “Main barriers to plastic pipes”, Tony Radoszewski of PPI in the USA, on “Manufacturing and Infrastructure in the Age of Trump”, Bruce Hollands of the PVC Pipe Association in the USA on “Life Cycle assessment of PVC Water and Sewer pipe and comparative sustainability analysis of pipe materials and Jean-Pierre De Grève of PVC4Pipes in Belgium on “Evolution and benefits of PVC pipes”, to name but a few. 

The day’s activities will end with cocktail function and entertainment, before the Day 2 (Tuesday, 5 September 2017), will see more local and international speakers, including Dane Tallen of Baerlocher in Germany, Dr Predrag Micic of Qenos, Australia, Rob Spekreÿse of Rollepaal in the Netherlands and Robin Bresser representing Borealis in Austria take to the stage. Final closing remarks will be made by Zoran Davidovski.

“We cannot emphasise enough the importance of this event, and encourage local engineers, students, specifiers and decision makers on all levels to make the most of this opportunity to be exposed to this kind of professionalism and expertise. We would never be able to host such a big event without the support of our industry and would like to particularly thank the sponsors (Macneil Plastics, Sun Ace, Rollepaal, Van Ryn Rubber, Hultec, AENOR-CEIS, Baerlocher, Marley Pipe Systems, Zerma Africa, Molecor/Sizabanthu Piping Systems, DPI Plastics, PipeFlo, Plastiweld and Plastics|SA) who are making it possible for us to host this event and keep the delegate fees as low as possible.

* SAPPMA and IFPA members: R2 600 pp (excluding VAT)

* Non-members: R3 500 pp (excluding VAT)

* Group bookings (5 delegates or more): R1 900 pp 

For more information about the speakers, programme of events or to register, visit or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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