New e-book spills the secrets for growing hotel occupancy!

Published: 24 September 2018

The world over, hotels, guesthouses and B&Bs are struggling to grow in the face of exploding competition from Airbnb. They are finding marketing more expensive, and more technical, and commissions to Online Travel Agencies more prohibitive. Now two seasoned experts have come to the rescue, with a downloadable e-book packed with insider hints and hacks. In workbook form, “How to Digitally Grow Your Hotel Occupancy” takes you step-by-step through the fastest, most powerful ways to use digital platforms for business growth.

The workbook was developed by Karen Parkin, who led the globalization of the Marriott International hotel site, and has taken independent guesthouses to 90%+ occupancy. She says “We want to share the secrets of success with hospitality business owners who normally can’t afford the time or fees to attend one of our corporate workshops. In just a hundred pages of explanation, examples and exercises, they will save time, save money, and grow their business, without having to be a geek.”

There’s a lot of surprisingly powerful stuff in this book. For example, it shows you how to dominate the screen space of a search engine results page. And it explains how to automatically turn anyone’s link to your website in social media into a powerful free advertisement, complete with a photo and action button.

Her co-author is Godfrey Parkin, author of “Doing Business Digitally” and “Digital Marketing” and leader of Britefire’s Startup Workshop.  He says that most hospitality businesses are appallingly badly marketed, so it is not hard to beat them if you simply do the right things and do them well. “We wanted to focus on only those things which most hotels get wrong, but which give you a huge sales boost if you do them right. We explain these concepts simply and provide step-by-step instructions which even a newcomer to digital can follow. The book is available on Amazon. But for the next couple of weeks you can download it from for the price of a couple of cappuccinos!” he said.

At last, there is a streamlined guide which explains the concepts in language a hotelier can get excited about. It lays out the route to rapid business success in a series of simple exercises. This book was designed to become fundamental to your marketing thinking. It could forever change the way you do business. Download it at

Contact details: Godfrey Parkin, co-author: +27 21 794 7838   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cape Town’s Guesthouses, B&Bs and Independent Hotels Get Expert Help in Marketing

Published: 31 October 2017

On November 16th, digital strategy firm Britefire will be helping hotel, guesthouse and B&B owners get better results from their marketing efforts. At an afternoon seminar called “Packed” they will take participants step-by-step through the fastest, most powerful ways to get the best out of social media and search marketing.

Godfrey Parkin, Britefire’s CEO, said “We want to make our expertise available to business owners who normally can’t afford the time or fees to attend one of our corporate-level workshops. In just a few hours, they will learn how to save time, save money, and grow their business, without having to be a geek. We will focus on powerful insider hints, tips and tools that are instantly actionable – things which give a significant competitive edge, but which are free or really inexpensive to implement.”

Packed was developed by Karen Parkin (who architected the vast Marriott International hotel booking site, and has taken independent guesthouses to 90%+ occupancy). It is led by Godfrey Parkin (author of Digital Marketing – 8 Steps to Online Success, who always gets rave reviews from participants in his social media boot camps).

The seminar will begin at 14:00 and will end at 17:00 on November 16th and the attendance fee is R450 per person. The Cape Town venue will be selected once the organisers have a better idea of attendance numbers.

“We will cover a lot during the afternoon. But we are really good at explaining these concepts, and everyone will get a digital workbook so they have the notes and links they need when they get back to work,” said Karen. “If our other participants are anything to go by, they’ll go away inspired, excited, and confident!”

Some of the topics to be covered are: the 10 rules for powerful social posting; the best tools and sources for free images, free video, and free social platform management; how to run your own YouTube channel effectively; how to easily automate much of your social media; how to guarantee great clickable listings in Google search; how best to use social advertising; and how to integrate all your activity for major savings in time.

Britefire is in the business of helping companies to thrive in a world of digital disruption.

More information on Packed, and to book, the website page is at or phone 021 794 7838.

Contact details: Godfrey Parkin, CEO, and seminar facilitator: 021 794 7838   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Britefire (Pty) Ltd
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Tel: 021 794 7838

Stab proof vests for doom mongers only.

Published: 25 January 2010
{pp}When Shelley Kerrigan heard the BBC report last week about visitors to South Africa being offered stab proof vests, she had a good chuckle. “This has to be a joke?”