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Algoa Cares Charity Golf Day raises funds for Duncan Village children.

Published: 07 June 2017

Rising Sun Daycare in Duncan Village has been selected as the beneficiary for this year’s Algoa Cares Charity Golf Day in East London.

The children of Duncan Village are often left home alone and unattended while their parent’s are either at work or searching for work.

Witnessing the children playing in a nearby dump, Nozie Mswi took the initiative to start a daycare facility.

Rising Sun Daycare first opened its doors to children between the ages of 1-5 years old in January 2013.

“The daycare that is attended by at least 35 to 40 children, receives no financial assistance from either the public or the private sector,” says Taralyn Mclean, who volunteers her PR services to the home.

“Parents pay a small fee and that money is used to give each child breakfast and lunch,” says Nozie Mswi, the owner of Rising Sun Daycare.

“Some of the parents can’t always pay, but their children are always welcome and we make do with what we have.”

“After visiting Rising Sun Daycare, we realised that there is a real need for assistance and we could not have found a more deserving beneficiary,” says Dohné Damons, PR and CSI Manager at Algoa FM.

This year’s Algoa Cares Charity Golf Day, East London is themed, Music through the Ages.

The day of fun and golf will happen on the 8th of September.

“We encourage all sponsors to theme their designated areas accordingly,” says Ndileka Geysman, Marketing Executive at Algoa FM.

“We’re looking for a music hall of fame, a rock n roll theme and even the suaveness of a 90’s boy band. So be creative!”

For more information, contact Ndileka Geysman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (043) 707 7801 

Do4SA launches publication to connect corporates to causes

Published: 24 May 2017

Do4SA, a non-profit and catalyst for the promotion of humanitarian efforts in South Africa, is producing a monthly online publication, The Altruist. Designed to provide readers with information on innovative, sustainable solutions to local problems, The Altruist aims to inspire entrepreneurs to support humanitarian efforts in South Africa Each edition of The Altruist will feature innovative approaches used by charities, NGOs and individuals to uplift communities and individuals out of poverty.

“There are some amazing people and organisations out there doing life-changing work,” comments Asif Mohamed who heads-up Do4SA development. “But there isn’t a platform for their work to be shared with corporates who are looking for sustainable solutions that make a difference to invest their CSR budget in.” 

Focussing on uplifting people and communities out of poverty, The Altruist covers stories relating to food security, healthcare, education, early childhood development, women’s issues, adult education, highlights the work of social entrepreneurs and more.  “

We want to become the go-to publication for the philanthropist,” adds Mohamed. “Now we’re live, we cannot wait to hear from people across the country and discover the work that’s benefitting the lives of millions.” 

Send your stories to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or to get more information on advertising opportunities. 

A Heroic day for the Sandton SPCA

Published: 19 May 2017

6 May 2017 was international Free Comic Book Day where, all over the world comic books are handed out to visitors of local events. Sandton comic book store, Central City Comics decided to use this day to help visitors embrace their inner superheroes and raise funds for the Sandton SPCA.

Global Access heard the call and joined in to help spread information and knowledge around the SPCA on the day using their interactive technology, Sensanetik. Global Access helped set up the stand for the Sandton SPCA with grass, bowls for the pets on the day to have access to water, tables and chairs as well as a custom SPCA Sensanetik display. This experiential digital signage solution allowed people the chance to pick up and hold a toy version of the animals the SPCA helps. With the content on the screen changing every time the cat or dog was lifted, visitors throughout the day learned more about how they could help the SPCA.   

“Technology can connect us if used correctly. It was a privilege to use our experience, skills and solutions to create a digital display solution for the SPCA that was memorable, interactive and above all built a connection between visitors and the SPCA.“ Says Ivano Stipcevich, Head of Digital Signage Networks at Global Access.

The SPCA is run purely off donations and receives no money from the Government and it is days’ like this and companies like those involved at the CC Heroes day that make all the difference. The Sandton SPCA from the combined efforts of the comic book store, Global Access and all the visitors and exhibitors on the day managed to gather donations of food, money and blankets to the value of R 10 000.“There is a superhero in all of us, we just need the courage to put on the cape.” – SupermanGlobal Access is an innovative digital media and content solutions provider.

The #CCHeroes of Free Comic Book Day 6 May 2017

Published: 19 May 2017

On Saturday, May 6, the 16th annual Free Comic Book Day was celebrated by more than 2,000 comic/geeky stores worldwide, handing out approximately 6 million comics into the hands of eager fans. It’s a day for welcoming new people to the world of comics and stores that sell them. But the newest comic book store in Jhb, Central City Comics, instead of just using the day to promote their store, decided to take to heart what they love most about comics and the geeky lifestyle and use this day to be heroes and get other people to do the same.   Based in Sandton Commercial Village in Marlboro,Jhb, Central City is five minutes away from the Sandton/Marlboro SPCA.

“The whole object of the day was to share our passion for the geek culture with new people while still helping a good cause and bringing awareness to the best sidekicks any hero could have, their pets.” – Stephen Lewis, Co-owner of Central City Comics.People from around Jhb gathered from 10am to get their free comic books and donate to and support the SPCA. Everyone who donated got a 10% discount on their purchases from Central City as well as badge of honour for joining the #CCHeroes community.

“The SPCA is run purely off donations and receives no money from the Government. This was our opportunity to make a difference and give our awesome heroes (our customers) a chance to help too. That’s why we called it Be A Hero Day and not just FCBD. It was a day to do enjoy what we love and make a difference.” – Lee Herrmann, Co-owner of Central City Comics. 

The Sandton SPCA from the combined efforts of the comic book store and all the visitors and exhibitors on the day managed to gather donations of food, money and blankets to the value of R 10 000. Everyone involved came together to make an amazing day for visitors and the SPCA, with exhibitors selling epic geeky goodies and food trucks feeding the humans and cosplay competitions for pets, kids and professionals. Mix 93.8 Fm also joined in on the day delivering a live broadcast during Hain Kaisers show and they were seen supporting and donating to the SPCA throughout the day. Even big business got involved with Global Access helping set up the stand for the Sandton SPCA with grass, bowls for the pets on the day as well as a custom SPCA Sensanetik display.

“Your ears must have been burning this weekend – all your donations and the jacket donations literally saved the day, we are so full with puppies at the moment, and it was so cold, so they were all snugly dressed up this weekend.” – Emailed a volunteer from the SPCA this week.It was definitely a Free Comic Book Day with a difference and Central City looks forward to next year which will hopefully be even better. “You are going to make a difference. A lot of times it won’t be huge, it won’t be visible even. But it will matter just the same.” – Commissioner Gordon

Thanks to all the #CCHeroes Exhibitors and Supporters:

  • Sandton SPCA
  • Mini Me Memorables
  • Global Access
  • SIN BIN: Graphic and Fashion Design
  • Inks M.D
  • Ke Ai
  • Yes Sir EPM
  • Phat Kids Kitchen                                                                                                                    
  • The Filthy Moustache Gourmet Food Truck
  • Steamed Rabbit
  • FairyFountains
  • Reigning Red
  • Emilia Paw Arts
  • MissMoan
  • Salty Sweet
  • Sera Blue
  • Abigail Godsell
  • QuikPix Photo Booth 

Central City Comics was the dream of two guys who loved their comics, movies, toys, gadgets, zombies, sci-fi epics, costumes and general geekery. It was either become superheroes or open a comics and pop culture superstore. They went with the latter and established their own Fortress of Solitude, Batcave and Millennium Falcon all rolled into one. But they never forgot their dream of being superheroes and so want to launch their store and help the helpless, the animals of the SPCA Sandton/ Marlboro area which is five minutes away from the store.

Heroic Touchable Tech ‘Sensanetik’ is helping you help the SPCA

Published: 25 April 2017

Johannesburg, Gauteng, 25 April 2017 – A brief touch of 30 seconds is enough for people to begin to create attachment and that’s exactly how Global Access intends to help the Sandton/Marlboro SPCA. Global Access is inviting you to join them on the 6th of May 2017 at the Central City Comics Be A Hero Day at the Sandton Commercial Village where they will be setting up their touchable tech, ‘Sensanetik’. Here you will find out how you can be a hero!  

This experiential digital signage solution will allow people to pick up and touch a toy version of the animals the SPCA helps. By lifting up the cat or dog, visitors will learn more about how they can help the SPCA.  But why not just use a pamphlet, or a normal digital screen? What makes Sensanetik so special?It is through the engagement with the tech and information shared, that the SPCA can build a connection with the visitors. A connection, that will drive them to want to help the SPCA achieve its’ mission to ‘prevent cruelty to animals and positively contribute to animal welfare through serving and educating our communities.’         

“A lot of people see technology as disruptive and say it’s moving us away from each other. We wanted to show that it can be used to raise awareness and actually be a part of building a caring community. By creating a display that excites people to learn about the SPCA and hopefully contribute to the protection of their animals, we aren’t disrupting them. We’re using a format they are already used to, technology and screens, to enrich their lives and to improve the lives of those who can’t speak for themselves, the animals.” Says Ivano Stipcevich, Head of Digital Signage Networks at Global Access.   

By engaging with the Sensanetik, visitors can see the opportunities to become heroes and help the SPCA either through adoption or various other ways from dog walking to donations.

“The Sandton/Marlboro SPCA will also be there on the day where we know our display will help draw interest to them, but also it will be remembered long after the day. It’s an honour to be able to use our innovations to help.” Says Brad Willson Managing Director at Global Access. The day promises to be fun, family friendly, filled with comics, food, pets and above all heroes of all kinds who will be there supporting the SPCA. Global Access, Sandton/Marlboro SPCA and Sensanetik will be there, will you don your cape and join them? 

Global Access is an innovative digital media and content solutions provider.

For more information on the event:

FB Event Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1134558056654431/

Quicket Event Link: http://qkt.io/D4dHIk

Surf with a Purpose

Published: 17 March 2017

Since launching in 2008, Airbnb has reimagined the way people travel.

In the last few months, Airbnb’s business has expanded beyond accommodation to include unique travel experiences. Since the launch of the Trips platform in November, Airbnb is bringing together where you stay, what you do and the people you meet all in one place. Trips is a people-powered platform designed to make travel both easy and magical and Cape Town was one of just 12 cities chosen for the global launch of Airbnb Trips.

Trips exposes guests to the very essence of the city they visit by offering them authentic Experiences hosted by locals that share their passion, Trips is a great way to discover new and interesting things to do in a city and meet new people, whether you’re a visitor, or a local.

With Trips, you could find yourself learning how violins are made in Paris, train with marathon runners in Kenya, or learn about the different cultures in Cape Town’s township communities.


Surf with Purpose is a 3.5-hour Airbnb surfing Experience Muizenberg beach with internationally-accredited surfing instructor Apish Tshetsha. Apish is the first surfer to emerge from Masiphumelele. He is a graduate from the Waves for Change programme himself and today he is a REEF South Africa rider, who holds accreditation as a surf lifesaver and surf coach. Surf with Purpose is a social impact Experience, meaning that guests go on experiences with knowledgeable hosts from local non-profit organisations and get to know their causes, while also making an impact. 100% of what guests pay goes directly to the organisations as Airbnb waives their fees on social impact Experiences. Apish was born in Tsolo, a few km from Umtata, and grew up in Masiphumelele. He dropped out of school due because it was too expensive and government subsistence never came through. Eventually he met Tim, who taught him how to surf. Together they set up Waves for Change.

Link to Surf with Purpose Experience: https://www.airbnb.com/experiences/921


Waves for Change is an award-winning non-profit organisation founded by Ashoka Fellow, Tim Conibear. The programme uses surfing as a form of therapy to help vulnerable children, often from violent and impoverished communities, cope with the stress of their lives. It provides access to safe spaces, caring adults and surf therapy sessions designed to help at-risk youth regulate behaviour, build self-confidence, establish healing relationships and, ultimately make positive life choices. Last month, Waves for Change won the Laureus Sport for Good Award. From an initial reach of 10 children in the township of Masiphumelele, the program has since grown to reach more than 400 children, teachers, and parents every year. Since its inception in 2011, over 1000 children have gone through the programme. Female participation has increased to a third in the past two years and over 50 coaches have gained qualifications in surf instructing, lifesaving, counselling and computer skills. 98% of children who attend Waves for Change say they feel happier and more confident as a result. Waves for Change now operates in six sites across Africa.

Link to Waves for Change: www.waves-for-change.org


"This experience was amazing. Having just gotten off a plane after a really long flight, there’s no better way to immerse yourself right away in the local community. Having just surfed with Apish, who is the first ever surfer from Masiphumelele township and all these kids, it’s incredible to see how Experiences are changing the way people experience the Cape Town community. The Waves for Change experience is amazing, it was great fun for Minister Winde and I to take part and I cannot wait to try out all the other great experiences in Cape Town."


“The growth of Airbnb illustrates the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on our economy. These developments have allowed more people to meaningfully participate in the economy. In the case of Airbnb, this platform provides a space for innovative local entrepreneurs, like Apish Tshetsha, to enter the tourism sector. Cape Town is Airbnb’s largest market in Africa and Airbnb have gone from 10 000 to 15 000 properties in the city. The growth of Airbnb’s offering in our region is excellent news for entrepreneurship and innovation in our tourism sector. It shows that the attractiveness of the Western Cape is growing exponentially. Through our Project Khulisa growth strategy we are seeking to add up to 100 000 jobs to the tourism sector and initiatives such as Airbnb offers exciting opportunities for our residents to contribute towards this growth.”


“It is incredible to think we started with just 10 kids in Masiphumelele and now, with the Airbnb trips, we are teaching people all over the world to surf! I like taking guests to Masiphumelele, my home town, and giving them insight into the culture there, the opportunity to meet my neighbours and sample local food - everyone really enjoys it. The funding we get from these trips goes back into Waves for Change which is also great that we can help even more kids from communities like Masiphumelele"


“Waves for Change is not just about young South Africans working with children, it gives them life skills which are transferable and makes them employable; Apish is a perfect example of this and we're really proud of what he is achieving with his Airbnb experience."  


  • There are more than 3 million Airbnb listings in 190+ countries and 65,000 cities
  • Since Airbnb’s founding in 2008, there have been 160 million total guest arrivals at Airbnb listings globally
  • To date there are more than 800 active experiences available to book in 14 cities
  • Cape Town was one of just 12 launch cities for Trips


  • total listings: 35 000
  • Annual growth rate in listings: 100%
  • Growth in total guest arrivals between 2015 and 2016: 195%
  • Growth in domestic total guest arrivals between 2015 and 2016: 313%
  • Growth in international total guest arrivals between 2015 and 2016: 150%
  • Total listings in Cape Town: 17 500
  • Average income generated by a typical host: 28 400 Rand (ca. 2,180 USD)
  • Average host age: 45 Inbound guest arrivals in the past year: 415 000
  • Top five destinations where people come from to visit South Africa and use Airbnb: US, DE, UK, NE, FR

Cashes for 'Taches 5km Charity Fun Run in Stellenbosch

Published: 13 November 2016

Towards the end of Mo'vember – when the moustaches will be in full flourish – join us for a charity fun run/walk through the Stellenbosch vineyards at Remhoogte Wine Estate as we give one final hurrah to the impressive 'Taches of the month. In aid of Operation Smile SA and The Lunchbox Fund, Signature of Hope Trust will be launching the inaugural Cashes for 'Taches 5km fun run. Your 'Tache need not be real; all mouth brows, face-grown or otherwise, are welcome. After a quick morning jaunt (or stroll) through the beautiful countryside, you can enjoy your first half-pint of Wild Beast craft beer on us in your custom Cashes for 'Taches beer glass (which is yours to keep!).

The day of family fun starts with the off-road 5km fun run/walk and continues with lounging on the lawn with your celebratory beer in hand. There will also be food stalls, a cash bar and a jumping castle for the kids. Everyone under 16 years of age can participate for free. Spot prizes will be awarded for the best Bro-merangs of the day!We encourage you to make a day of it by bringing blankets and chairs to picnic on the lawn but, please note, no food or drink (other than water, energy drinks and snacks for the race) will be permitted. There will be food and drinks (soft drinks, coffee and alcoholic) available for purchase on the day.

A first aider/paramedic will be on site for the duration of the race. Please follow the instructions of the marshals along the route at all times. In an attempt to reduce litter, there will be no water stations or bins along the route, so please bring your own water bottle or camel pack and keep your trash secure until the end of the race where bins will be provided. Secure parking will be available on the day. Facilities will be open during the event. Please arrive early to avoid the rush. The race starts at 9 am sharp, but try to arrive from 8 am to secure your parking space at the front (and perhaps grab a coffee from our on-site vendor). Dogs are unfortunately not allowed.

Disclaimer: All participants entering and participating do so at their own risk. Signature of Hope Trust and Remhoogte Wine Estate shall not be liable for any claims /s or damage arising or suffered either directly or indirectly from personal injury or harm whatsoever, including death, or any damage whether direct or indirect to personal or other property whatsoever, and howsoever caused. Furthermore shall, by doing so, be deemed to indemnify the above mentioned parties and their employees against any liability for damages, howsoever caused.

Breatheasy with Econorisk: A fundraising concert with Watershed

Published: 09 November 2016

Econorisk and Watershed have teamed up once again, this time to raise money for the Breatheasy Tracheostomy and Ventilation Homecare Programme and the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital.  

On 24 November at 19h00 South African music sensation, Watershed, will take to the stage at the Rockwell Hotel theatre to perform for this life-changing charitable initiative made possible by Econorisk, a leading short-term insurance brokerage.  

Developed by Sister Jane Booth, the Breatheasy Programme provides parents of children reliant on tracheostomy or artificial ventilation for breathing, with the tools and skills needed to enable their children to enjoy life at home, surrounded by their families, rather than in hospital.  

Steven Hall, who brought the Breatheasy Programme to the attention of Brett Schultz, Director at Econorisk, explains how the event came about: "As a way of saying thank you for the care my mother received in hospital before she passed away, I wanted to find a cause which I could support - paying it forward, by raising awareness for an organisation helping the community and those in need. That is when I came across the Breatheasy Programme for children in South Africa whose lives are affected by breathing complications.  

"I decided to take part in half and full ironman events to create an even greater awareness of the Breatheasy Programme and their challenges and to raise funding for them. When I approached Brett he was immediately on board.  He shares a passion for sport, and wanting to make a difference for those in need. Econorisk sponsored my entry fees for the 70.3 season, but Brett also wanted to get other companies involved. His vision was to create an event in which we could platform the Breatheasy Programme to create more awareness, as well as establish additional fundraising opportunities. That is how the concert with Watershed came about."  

Not only is the Breatheasy Programme supporting the community and changing lives, but it is also a good fit with Econorisk’s brand values, as Brett explains:   

“At Econorisk, we pride ourselves on providing holistic insurance solutions to clients, giving them peace of mind and the reassurance that they are covered in case of any unwelcome future events ... thereby helping them breathe a little easier. I therefore knew immediately that the Breatheasy Programme was the right initiative for Econorisk to back.  

“I have known Craig Hinds for many years and, having worked with Watershed on a previous Econorisk fundraiser event in 2014 in support of up and coming South African Paralympic hopeful, Nicole Sanders, I approached him with the idea of another concert, which he wholeheartedly supported. And so the planning began.”  

The Breatheasy with Econorisk fundraiser concert with Watershed takes place on 24 November 2016 at 18.30 for 19h00 at the Rockwell Hotel theatre in Greenpoint, Cape Town. Proceeds raised will be used to purchase vital medical equipment such as ventilators, suction machines and humidifiers for the Programme that has been caring for children with a wide range of respiratory disorders for over two decades.    

“I believe that many South Africans have the desire to make a positive difference in others lives, but don’t always know how to,” says Steven. “Through this platform, we are giving people the opportunity to make this difference – and to have a good time whilst doing so.”  

Brett concludes: “Whilst it may come naturally to many of us, for some the simple act of breathing is sadly difficult or even impossible. Econorisk is incredibly proud to support the Breatheasy Programme and we invite companies and individuals to enjoy the sounds of Watershed for this life-changing cause.”  

Visit the QUICKET ticket line: http://qkt.io/econorisk-breatheasy to book your tickets for the Breatheasy with Econorisk concert with Watershed, 24 November 2016, 18.30 for 19h00, the Rockwell Hotel theatre, De Waterkant Village, Greenpoint, Cape Town. Tickets cost R650 per person, inclusive of a three course meal. Cash bar available. Alcohol will not be served to persons under the age of 18. Proof of age may be required. Tickets are limited so don't delay.    

Join us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ec_breatheasy 

Like and share on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ecbreatheasy/ 

- Ends -  

Press enquiries contact:  

Georgina Swain:
Email:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Mobile: 076 349 4065   

Images available upon request.  

About the sponsor:  


Econorisk is a leading independent insurance broking business focusing on commercial and corporate insurance and providing speciality and niche insurance and risk management solutions to companies. The company has also developed expertise in domestic insurance especially to high net-worth individuals. For more information, visit www.econorisk.co.za  

Event supported by:  

Watershed Watershed is one of the most popular music exports our Rainbow Nation has to offer. For more information, visit www.watershed.co.za  

Striped Horse Craft beer. For more information, visit www.stripedhorse.co.za    

Jetline Jetline is a cutting edge on-demand printing company providing advanced print and design solutions. With branches nationwide, Jetline serves the general public, small, medium and large businesses and government institutions. The vast range of products and services offered include: graphic design, full colour and black & white printing, corporate stationery, document duplication and binding (large quantities), PhotoBooks, banners and signs, posters, vinyl and contravision, vehicle branding, website design and much, much more! For further information, visit: www.jetline.co.za  

The Rockwell The Rockwell is a 4 star hotel in Cape Town, situated in the trendy De Waterkant Village in Greenpoint, near the V&A Waterfront. For more information, visit: www.rockwellhotel.co.za  

Flagstone Flagstone is a small but frequently awarded winery with a selection of wines built around winemaker Bruce Jack's philosophy of hand-crafted wine-making. For more information, visit: www.flagstonewines.com  

Tangent Marketing Marketing and event management. For more information, contact: Julia Ledingham +27 (82) 8876376   


Habitat for Humanity And The Desmond Tutu International Build Week

Published: 09 February 2015

​In partnership with Power Construction, the City of Cape Town and the Western Cape Government Habitat for Humanity is calling on all active citizens to come together and join them in their Desmond Tutu International Build Week in Pelican Park from the 2 – 6 March.  Responding and putting into action the request in the words of their patron Archbishop Desmond Tutu “Do your little bit of good where you are - it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world’.  

Teams from as far afield as the USA and Ireland will be joining the build event together with 18 of  ​Habitat's International Board of Directors from across the 70 countries in which Habitat operates as they have chosen Cape Town as their venue for their Board meeting this year.   Funding provided by the event helps provide valuable funding for Habitat’s Social Facilitation Programme as part of Habitat’s community development work in the Pelican Park project.     

Through their Social Facilitation Programme in partnership with the communities and galvanising the support of active citizens and other stakeholder partners, communities are empowered to take ownership of their communities through leadership, skills development and self-belief to become the champions of their own developments and their communities.  

Our five-year goal through our community development process is to meaningfully transform the lives of at least 100, 000 fellow South Africans living in communities across South Africa.  Help us achieve this by joining our team build event, helping to build homes, communities and hopesaid Adrienne Burke, Habitat’s Marketing Manager.  If you or your company are interested in getting involved contact Habitat’s Head Office on 021 657 5640.    

Editors notes

Founded in 1996, Habitat for Humanity South Africa is the national organisation of Habitat for Humanity International and part of Habitat’s Europe, Middle East and African region. Habitat South Africa is entirely self-funded and works in partnership with all stakeholders to serve the poor and marginalised in our country. Based on the firm belief that decent shelter provides the greatest opportunity for families to break the cycle of poverty, Habitat works with all people to give a hand up in building homes, communities and hope.    

This press release has been distributed on behalf of our client, Habitat for Humanity South Africa.  

Theatre for a cause

Published: 16 January 2015

Santa's Story, a theatre fundraiser for street children in need of trauma therapy Santa's Story, Aviva Pelham's beautiful and uplifting one-woman musical revue about her mother, Santa Erder, is coming to Theatre on the Bay in February 2015.

Thanks to Aviva's generous support, opening night, Tuesday, 3 February 2015,  is a theatre fundraiser. The money raised will be used to put (at least) 14 Cape Town street children through a drama therapy programme with Zakheni Arts Therapy Foundation. Your R200 ticket includes a welcome drink, the 75 minute show and heaps of gratitude from the fundraising team! For bookings, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 081 243 4771

Please see the attached flyer for more information on the show that has toured Germany, Finland and will soon be seen in New York.

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