In the world of media and press releases, proper formatting is essential to capture the attention of editors and ensure your message is effectively communicated. Whether you're a seasoned writer or new to the field, understanding the fundamentals of formatting can significantly improve your chances of success. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of formatting media press releases, providing you with valuable guidelines to follow. By adhering to these principles, you can enhance the professionalism of your submissions and increase the likelihood of publication.

1) Conformity and Guidelines: Following the Rules

Media outlets have specific guidelines for formatting submissions, and it's crucial to adhere to these guidelines to increase your chances of acceptance. Many publications provide stylebooks or guidelines free of charge, which outline their preferred writing style, formatting preferences, and other important considerations. Obtaining and reviewing these resources before submitting your press release is highly recommended.


  • Following formatting guidelines increases the likelihood of your press release being considered.
  • It demonstrates your professionalism and attention to detail.
  • Adhering to the publication's style enhances the readability and cohesiveness of your press release.


  • The process of reviewing and adhering to different formatting guidelines can be time-consuming.
  • Some publications may have specific requirements that differ from your usual writing style.

2) Disclosing Multiple Submissions: Transparency is Key

When submitting a press release to multiple publications simultaneously, it is essential to disclose this information. Clearly state on the cover of your release whether you have sent it to other publications as well. This transparency allows each recipient to determine if they want to publish your content, considering that other sources may have already done so.


  • Transparent disclosure of multiple submissions prevents conflicts and shows respect for the publication's preferences.
  • It allows publications to coordinate their coverage and avoid duplicating content.


  • Some publications may have a policy against accepting simultaneous submissions.
  • Coordinating and managing multiple submissions can be challenging.

3) Timing: Sending Your Press Release at the Right Moment

Timing is crucial when delivering a press release. Submitting your press release well in advance of the relevant event or news ensures that editors have enough time to review, fact-check, and potentially make necessary modifications. Avoid using vague terms like "today" or "tomorrow" and opt for specific dates to eliminate confusion.


  • Timely submission gives editors ample time to consider your press release and plan their coverage accordingly.
  • It allows for verification of facts and potential editing to align with the publication's style.


  • Misjudging the lead time can result in missed publication opportunities.
  • Early submission may require you to anticipate possible changes or updates closer to the event.

4) Formatting: Providing Ample Space and Professional Presentation

When formatting your press release, ensure there is sufficient space for editors to make notes, changes, and additions. Opt for double or triple spacing to allow for easy reading and annotations. Use standard white 8-by-11-inch high-quality bond paper and a legible font, such as Times New Roman, in 12-point size. Maintain at least a one-inch margin on all edges of the page.


  • Ample spacing and professional presentation make it easier for editors to review and work with your press release.
  • Using the appropriate paper quality and font enhances the overall appearance and readability of your submission.


  • Formatting for ample space may result in a longer document.
  • Some publications may have specific formatting requirements that differ from the general guidelines.


Mastering the art of formatting media press releases is crucial for success in the competitive world of journalism. By adhering to publication guidelines, disclosing.