Matriculant Gets Programming Job Before Certification Exams
Submitted by: Arnold GraaffJava developers are in such high demand that some graduates of GetCertified Code College’s Java Bootcamp course start their first programming job before taking their certification exams.
This is the case with a recent graduate – Craig – who is about to enter the workplace as a junior Java developer. Armed with a passion for computing and a desire to become a programmer, Craig started his search for the right training institute to help him reach his goals, shortly after matriculating. “It was my dad who suggested Code College, having heard it recommended by business partners,” he says. Arnold Graaff, owner and head lecturer at Code College, met with Craig and, after discussing his desire to gain a broad understanding of programming, recommended Java as a core subject. Java is a modern, versatile language used for web programming, enterprise applications, Android apps, electronic control systems and more.
Code College is situated close to a Gautrain bus stop and this proved convenient to Craig, who found it easy to travel between home and the institute without depending on his parents. Code College balances theory with practice, with practical projects to be completed after each section. Craig describes the projects as fairly easy in the beginning but progressively more complex as the course proceeds. “I found that, as long as I grasped the materials and took the time to revise what I learned, I was able to complete the projects.”
This is where Craig gives credit to Arnold Graaff, who presents the course. Reports Craig, “Arnold has an advanced knowledge of Java and made sure everyone understood the material individually. It takes guts to admit that you don’t get something but he encouraged us to ask questions anyway.” Graaff holds a BSc in Computer Science with Honours and boasts 30 years in the IT industry. Second, Craig says he learned an important life lesson from Graaff. “At school, we were taught to stick to the syllabus and not stray from our study books. However, Arnold encouraged us to become detectives, looking for any extra information that could help us grasp the subject – and to continue independent study throughout life.” That lesson prompted Craig to study on his own. Currently, he’s teaching himself Ruby and the Java Spring Framework.
Craig was also drawn to Code College’s community spirit. “I studied hard to understand the topics. Eventually, I found the desire to share with others and hounded Arnold to give me the opportunity to lecture. He let me do so and, under his guidance, I was able to assist others with their problems.” Craig contributed enthusiastically to Code College’s Google Group. “Whenever I found a tutorial or article that helped me understand the subject, I would post it to the group.” Code College offers ongoing support to current and previous students through online and mobile social platforms, including Google Groups, WhatsApp, its own discussion forum, and more.
Craig studied HTML and CSS as well, and enjoyed these subjects most. “However, when the Bootcamp introduced us to Java Servlets, I was able to do much more with HTML and CSS than before and that really rocked my world.” Java Servlets are web components that can generate web pages and process user input.
Having uploaded his CV to a few job sites on a whim just 5 months earlier, Craig was surprised to be invited to interview for a position requiring the skills of an experienced junior Java developer. After being grilled by 3 senior Java developers and completing a 12-page test, he was offered the position of Junior Java and Oracle Database Developer. All this without having yet received certification. After training, participants register to sit for the internationally recognised Oracle Certified Associate Java exam and Oracle Certified Professional Java exam. “I’ll definitely take the exams,” says Craig. “Now with a job, I just need to find the time.” However, Code College will place graduates through its sister company, Compuways IT Recruitment. “Junior Java developers are in such high demand,” say Graaff, “that we have a backlog of requests for their talents.”
Graaff encourages any scholar who is passionate about computers to take Code College’s entrance tests, even if they don’t have high maths scores. “Our assessments will decide their aptitude for this exciting career opportunity.” Study loans, to be repaid once employed, are available to candidates who can motivate their need.
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