One of the key challenges facing any online publication is the development of fresh, entertaining and informational content for its readers. Without having this key component of the offering, any news site will shrivel up and die. For that reason, has begun to seek out fresh content writers to help boost our publication. - - is looking to source some new content and we're looking to hit some of the SA science, manufacturing and biotechnology communities for some ideas. And the best part of it - we'll even pay for it (Admittedly not very well but hopefully as the traffic grows we can take it from there).
We would like to invite you to circulate amongst your professional colleagues that we have a SMALL writing budget that we would like to try and utilise for to try and develop our online offering.
If you believe you have a topic that would be applicable to professionals in the SA Food, Pharmaceutical, Chemical / Biotechnology communities then by all means please either drop me an e-mail with a brief of the topic you would like to discuss and we can then discuss what we can offer from our side. We are looking for some content that is fresh and sharp and maybe a little provocative.
The idea is to now really step up this resource to get South Africans recognising as the premier online industrial resource for the SA Food, Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Cosmetic Manufacturing industries. Columnists and business benefits While some authors may be motivated by financial reward, writing a column or article for a targeted niche market publication is a great way to achieve exposure for your business if you are operating on a small marketing budget.
We would love some insight from - Research professionals - Packaging industry consultants - Investment and manufacturing consultants - Legislative experts If you believe you have some value to add to our industrial readers, we urge you to contact us to discuss potential writing opportunities going forward. For further information please contact Marc Ashton: Details as below: Contact Information:Marc Ashton - Managing group -