10 September 2008

Industrial jobs on ManufacturingHub.co.za

Submitted by: Marc Ashton
{pp}Online industrial manufacturing site offers an affordable way to list recruitment opportunities in the South African Food, Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Cosmetic and associated manufacturing industries.

Online industrial manufacturing site offers an affordable way to list recruitment opportunities in the South African Food, Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Cosmetic and associated manufacturing industries. ManufacturingHub.co.za is a niche market industrial portal aimed at targeting the regulated manufacturing industries. With a skills shortage becoming more and more apparent as the world enters an economic downturn, companies are becoming increasingly hard pressed to fill technical positions within their organisations.

With a focus on industrial manufacturing, specifically the food, pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetic manufacturing sectors, ManufacturingHub.co.za attracts 1000's of industry specialists to its site on a monthly basis. This niche focus and low cost base, makes it a perfect platform from which to target manufacturing sector professionals, particularly in South Africa.

We provide recruiters the opportunity to list manufacturing related jobs for a once off fee of R175 excl. VAT which makes us very affordable" said managing editor, Marc Ashton. Ashton went on to say "Recruitment is not something we have pushed much since we launched the site in 2005. We've set ourselves the target of registering 100 jobs over the next 30 days". He concluded "Being able to provide industry professionals with news about job openings in their sectors will also attract additional return traffic which will boost the ManufacturingHub.co.za community".

Contact detailsMarc Ashton082-561-1585marc@rival.co.zawww.manufacturinghub.co.za

ManufacturingHub.co.za is an industrial portal aimed at professionals in the South African Food, Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Cosmetic Manufacturing industries. The site receives traffic from over 1000 technical and non-technical participants in these sectors each month.

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