CAD4ALL online corporate learnerships
Submitted by: James BarkleyCad4all Corporate Solutions (CCS)established in Cape Town is a proud division of Cad4all Career and Design College. CCS was founded as a consulting company that specializes in partnering with corporates to provide insight and direction to guide B-BEEE implementation. Our Corporate Strategic Training and Consulting solutions division with industry experts enables us to create the best strategic transformation plan that will help corporates to maximise the most out of their B-BEEE. In any business in South Africa a BEE scorecard is an important element hence encouraging business owners to understand the scoring and value thereof.
The higher your BEE score the better chances of your business gaining opportunities with favourable tax gains CAD4ALL is a 100% black woman owned learning institution providing your business with access to 11 years of experience in the education and corporate sector with our focus on Skills Development, Supplier and Enterprise Development as well as successful Socio-Economic Development initiatives to-date.The college has invested in a Learnership Management System (LMS) which enables your business to provide employees with access to online Skills Development learnerships.
The LMS online platform is designed to ensure that employees are upskilled without having a direct impact on day to day productivity. The employees are able access learnerships based on his/her own time schedule. The recent changes to the BEE codes of good practice require companies to spend more money on skills development with a specific focus on spending money on skills development for unemployed people.
Through our recruitment process, we are able to provide unemployed people that will meet your business criteria, upskill the person in order to meet the minimum requirements of your business. CAD4ALL delivers on benefits in order to align your business to meet the requirements as defined by the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Act of 2003 and encompasses the elements of: CAD4ALL Career and Design College offers a solution that will ensure that you get all the points you deserve, as well as maximising available rebates to reduce the actual cost of training.Skills development is a long-term plan.
It needs to be implemented consistently, measured regularly and adjusted as requirements change. The Seta’s (our speciality), as well as SARS, provide grants and tax allowances for certain training. CAD4ALL Career and Design College will help you implement training solutions that is fit for purpose, as well as maximise the financial benefit to your company.
Equity Management, Employment Equity, Skills Development, Preferential Procurement, Enterprise Development and Socio Economic Development.Skills Development in South Africa has become a strategic priority for businesses that wish to attain or retain an acceptable BEE level and also meet the requirements of the Skills Development Act. With the revised BEE scorecard, companies can earn maximum skills development points if they spend the required 3% or 6% of their annual payroll on skills development programmes such as SETA-accredited training initiatives (depending on the business category).
The Skills Development Levy (SDL) is payable by employers in different sectors of the economy and serves to fund learning and skills development programmes for socially and economically marginalised groups in South Africa.Although based in Cape Town we provide services to clients nationwide specializing in skills development and training