12 November 2010

Rick Crouch DA Councillor for eThekwini Ward 8

Submitted by: Cllr Rick Crouch

Due to the recent changes to the ward boundaries ahead of the 2011 Municipal Elections by the Municipal Demarcation Board, the Democratic Alliance has deployed Councillor Rick Crouch to better serve the residents and rate payers of Ward 8 in eThekwini.

The new voting districts for Ward 8 are Hillcrest High School, Botha’s Hill Tourism Office, Hlahlindela High School, Ndlokolo Primary School, Apostolic Church, Inhlangano Senior Primary School, Khanyakhwezi School, Umgeni School, Khabazela Secondary School, Phoshane School and Christian Fellowship School.

“Although I represent the DA in the city council, I am here to assist people of all political persuasions, no matter which political party they support. If the residents are not sure if you fall into the boundaries of the new Ward 8 they can give me a call and if they don’t I will direct them to the DA Councillor in their Ward” said Cllr Rick Crouch.

Cllr Rick Crouch was born in Cape Town. Until 1986 he lived in the Durban area where he attended Mansfield High School. He then left for the USA where he lived until 2008. While in the USA he was the CEO of a few businesses including a Los Angeles based private investigation company. Cllr Crouch has been married for 12 years to Michelle and they have two sons, Spencer (11) and Jared (8). He lives in Gillitts and is in the ward daily.

If anyone in ward 8 has any council related issues, and after following the normal channels it remains unresolved, contact Cllr Crouch on 073-418-6996 or email councillor@ward93.co.za.

CONTACT: Cllr Rick CrouchPHONE: (073) 418-6996EMAIL: councillor@ward93.co.za

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