28 February 2014

February 2014 i Highway Heros

Submitted by: Cllr Rick Crouch

The February 2014 recipient(s) of the Highway Hero Award are the volunteers at Rescuetech. Rescuetech received the award from Councillor Rick Crouch earlier this week during a training session at the top of a mountain “in the middle of nowhere”.

Rescuetech currently has ± 10 volunteers who have various qualifications in Rope Rescue and Paramedicine, with a collective experience in excess of 50 years in climbing. All volunteers have a genuine desire to assist those in need and maintain a high standard of service and professionalism.Rescuetech specialises in high angle rope rescues and works in conjunction with the SAPS, the SAAF and other emergency services. They operate to the highest technical standards according to their own detailed SOP and conduct regular training practices. Due to the nature of their activities the Unit requires specialist equipment designed and manufactured to the highest standards. A great deal of their operating cost goes toward the maintenance and resupply of this equipment. At present although they are receiving some sponsorship there is still a financial shortfall which their members are supporting from their own pockets.

“I recently witnessed a Rescuetech training session and was very impressed at the level of professionalism exhibited by the team. Rescuetech’s funding comes from sponsorship and donations from various generous organisations and individuals. In order to raise funds for the unit, Rescuetech offers its services as medical and rescue support at various sporting events in the province.  This is a worthy organisation for donations and I urge those who can afford it to do so, the equipment they use is very expensive and they need assistance in the form of donations to keep up with the latest rescue technology. These individuals do a great job and do not get enough credit for the dangerous work that they do. They are deserving recipients of my Highway Hero award,” said Councillor Rick Crouch.

“I would like to thank Councillor Rick Crouch for presenting Rescuetech with the ‘Highway Heroes’ civic appreciation award. This is a great honour for us especially as most of our members live in the Highway area and very much have the safety and care of local residents at heart,” said Jon Sargood of Rescuetech.

Rescuetech is currently looking for new members who are required to have the following skills, first aid or paramedic qualifications rope skills experience in the emergency services is of great benefit but not necessarily a pre requisite. 

If this interests you and you have the the required skills, or if your company would like to donate to Rescuetech call 082-553-8828 or email chairman@rescuetech.co.za.

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