01 December 2009

Be a good mate with Castle Lager and SACAB this festive season

Submitted by: Melissa
{pp}With the festive season on our doorstep and much partying to be done, the hero is the guy who volunteers to stay below the legal limit and drive his mates home. And Castle Lager, the beer that brings friends together, is now making sure that friends look out for each other.“Every team needs a hero” is the core idea behind the Castle Lager “Designated Driver” campaign, which is aimed at promoting responsible drink driving over the festive period.

Castle Lager Executive Brand Manager, Charl Bassil, says Castle Lager has partnered with taxi service, SACAB, to promote responsible behaviour during a period when drink-driving statistics typically increase. “We’re committed to helping people enjoy their Castle Lager’s responsibly and we are keen to entrench designated driver behaviour, where one friend takes it upon himself to get his mates home safely after a night out” he says.

The promotion will run at 80 venues around the country until the end of December 2009. Consumers will be encouraged to nominate themselves as designated drivers for the night to Castle Lager promoters at the various venues. Willing participants will undergo a breathalyser test when they register and another one towards the end of the evening before they go home. To encourage minimal alcohol intake during the promotion, each designated driver will be given free soft drinks.

If designated drivers are below the legal limit by the end of the evening, they will be entered into a lucky draw. Each week four designated drivers will stand a chance of winning a year’s free cab rides from SACAB. SACAB was the perfect partner for the Castle Lager Designated Driver Campaign as this transport services company offers consumers a professional and reliable taxi service 24 hours a day, seven days a week nationwide.

SACAB has partnered with existing Cab companies nationwide to ensure a maximum reach and to make themselves accessible to all. To ensure the initiative has a lasting impact, Charl Bassil says that Castle Lager will install dedicated SACAB phones in each of the selected outlets. “This will give consumers direct access (the call is free) to arrange a safe lift home after a night out during the festive season and beyond,” he says.

So, why not take one for the team and become the designated driver for the evening and ensure your friends get home safely? Watch out for “Designated Driver” events in your area and see how it all comes together with a Castle. http://www.castledd.mobi/ and www.castlelager.co.za

Contact Information:Camilla Lloys EllisOgilvy Public Relations Cell: 076 901 9993E-Mail: Camillalloys.ellis@ogilvy.co.za

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