06 September 2011

Big Blue’s 6th annual Makhulu Polane design competition is open for entries

Submitted by: Melissa

BigBlue’s annual Makhulu Polane (Big Idea) t-shirt design competition aims to find the best design talent in SA. Designs can be submitted via design.makhulupolane.com

This year’s design theme is ‘’Bottom of the school desk” – Big Blue is looking for t-shirt designs that explore this nostalgic theme. The competition is open to anyone (not just South Africans) and designers can submit multiple designs. The winning designer receives R20 000 in cash and their t-shirt will be sold in all Big Blue and Kitsch+Kool stores.

Designs need to be submitted via the Makhulu Polane website design.makhulupolane.com illustrations can be scanned and uploaded. The competition closes for entries on 4th October, after which the top selected entries will be open for public voting.

Makhulu Polane started in 2006 and is an original, annual event that encourages and celebrates South African design. Show us your Makhulu Polane and we’ll make you famous!

Please tag #MakhuluPolane on twitter

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BigBlueSA


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