27 July 2023

Artscape Women’s Humanity Festival in August

Submitted by: Annemarie Roodbol
Artscape Women’s Humanity Festival in August

Artscape Women’s Humanity Festival is themed MILESTONES: Celebrating, Supporting and Empowering Women of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

And YOU are invited to join the Festival Launch on Saturday August 5 – A CELEBRATION of FATIMA DIKE at 75 – A Life in TheatreArtscape Women's Humanity Festival

Veteran playwright, Langa-born Fatima Dike, the first black South African woman to have a play published and performed, looks back on half a century in theatre. Artscape is proud to be celebrating both her birthday and theatrical half century.

An icon of South African theatre, 75-year-old multi-award-winning, she will be in conversation with Nancy Richards.

WHEN: Saturday 5 August from 10.30WHERE: Innovation Lounge, 2nd Floor Artscape | Refreshments will be servedRSVP: Essential by August 3: E hipzone@mweb.co.za

Women’s Day – Wednesday August 9 – Women’s Humanity Walk:

“Join us as we start and finish at Artscape in an arc that takes in three women-significant statues – an unidentified young woman in bronze, Maria van Riebeek, Victory (depicted as a woman) on top of the War Memorial. In front of each, there will be performance poetry by Diana Ferrus, Lebo Mashifane and Elzana October.”

Walkers invited to carry symbolic banners, placards and wear clothes of their profession.The walk is wheelchair friendly. (see photo above)

WHEN & WHERE: Gather at Artscape Piazza at 9.30am, 5 August for interfaith blessing.

Women’s Day show on Fine Music Radio

WHEN & WHAT: AUGUST 9: TUNE IN: From 12 to 1pm to Fine Music Radio 101.3 on August 9 for the annual Women’s Day show presented by Theresa Smith.

WHAT: WOMEN’S HUMANITY FESTIVALWHERE: ARTSCAPE Theatre Centre, Cape Town 8001WHEN: Saturday August 5 – Festival LaunchINFO: Artscape | Women’s Zone


Total Words: 372

Annemarie Roodbol Communications Specialist

Annemarie Roodbol is a communications specialist based in Cape Town.