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03 December 2009


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{pp}Cobiax South Africa recently exhibited at the second Green Building Exhibition at the CTICC.“We had a great show – the Cobiax system is relatively new in the market and the delegates and visitors were interested to hear more about the system,” explain Mike Kühne, Technical Director of Cobiax.

“We made a sample slab to explain the system and this proved to be successful in that it helped us highlight the benefits of using our system as well as how the system works.” The Cobiax balls are manufactured from recycled plastic and the system complies with the Green Star Rating Tool evaluation on materials thus reducing the impact on the environment. “We also ensure that we use local building materials and local suppliers.”

“Essentially we supply a void former to displace the concrete in the middle of a slab, in the form of balls in cages, which we deliver to the site. The cage sits between the top and bottom reinforcing of the slab and the slab looks and behaves like a conventional in-situ concrete slab,” says Mike. The system has been used on a number of larger projects in South Africa, the latest one being the Milnerton Police Station in Cape Town.

“We have recently completed two large projects - a bakery in Bellville and a college in Newcastle Kwa-Zulu Natal,” says Mike. “The bakery’s requirement was that the slab had to span in excess of 8m and had to be a smooth soffit so we used the Cobiax system.” “The client in Newcastle wanted to use the Cobiax system to test its effectiveness,” explains Mike. Other recent projects include Mr Price in Bloemfontein where the client was looking for fewer columns in the store and by making use of the Cobiax system were able to optimize the space.

The Cobiax system offers engineers the ability to design ambitious spans imposed by the architecture and allows the removal of columns which may hamper an effective design. Architects also benefit from using the Cobiax system as they are able to create slender structures in concrete and maximize usable space. The spans you get from a 300mm thick slab are cost efficient from 7,5m so the system is definitely more suitable for larger projects such as shopping centres, office buildings or parking decks.

Marketing and technical support for Cobiax is provided by Moroff Wiehahn Kühne Consulting Engineers, who are able to provide the service countrywide. “We provide design guide manuals with all the necessary parameters, as well as assistance with the costing. What we find is that once the engineers have worked with the system they find that it is straightforward and use the system again.” Cobiax can be contacted on 0861 COBIAX or visit the website for more information.

Issued by: Cobiax South Africa Contact Fiona Richardson Tel 0861 COBIAX Email fionar@m-k.co.za Web www.cobiax.co.za

Contact information:Cobiax (Pty) Ltdwww.cobiax.co.zaTel: 0861 COBIAXFax: 086 620 4699EMail: info@cobiax.co.za

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