09 June 2024

Why Mammograms Are Essential for Women’s Health

Submitted by: Josh Maraney
Why Mammograms Are Essential for Women’s Health


Mammograms are a critical tool in women’s health, particularly in the early detection of breast cancer. This blog discusses why mammograms are essential and what women can expect during the procedure.

The Importance of Early Detection

Why Mammograms Are Essential for Womens Health

Early detection of breast cancer through mammograms can save lives. Mammograms can detect tumours that are too small to be felt, allowing for earlier intervention and better treatment outcomes.

How Mammograms Work

Mammograms use low-dose X-rays to create images of the breast tissue. These images help doctors identify any abnormalities that may indicate the presence of cancer.

What to Expect During a Mammogram

During a mammogram, a radiologic technologist will position your breast on the mammography machine. The breast is then compressed to spread out the tissue and obtain clear images. While the compression can be uncomfortable, it is necessary for accurate results.

Frequency of Mammograms

Women aged 50 to 74 should have a mammogram every two years. Those with higher risk factors, such as a family history of breast cancer, may need to start screening earlier and more frequently.


Mammograms are a vital part of maintaining women’s health. Regular screenings can lead to early detection of breast cancer, significantly improving the chances of successful treatment. If you are due for a mammogram, make it a priority for your health and well-being.

Frequency of Mammograms

Women aged 50 to 74 should have a mammogram every two years. Those with higher risk factors, such as a family history of breast cancer, may need to start screening earlier and more frequently.



Mammograms are a vital part of maintaining women’s health. Regular screenings can lead to early detection of breast cancer, significantly improving the chances of successful treatment. If you are due for a mammogram, make it a priority for your health and well-being.

Published in Health and Medicine

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