Filtered water over bottled water
Submitted by: CRYSTAL COOLERSWe have grown into know the bottled water cooler that are in all our offices. Unfortunately only now are we finding out about the damage they are doing. I am going to go through a couple things that will also concern you about bottled water.
Firstly it takes about 9l of oil to manufacture one of those 20l plastic bottles. The water cooler companies then mostly use reverse osmoses to purify and fill this bottle, approximately 7l of water is wasted to fill a 20l bottle of water through cleaning and the reverse osmosis process. Then these bottles are transported to and from the customers on a weekly basis which mean more fuel is being burnt into our air. Most of these bottles will end up at land fill sites where they will only start to bio-degrade at 700 years and can take up to a 1000 years. All this for the same or if not worse quality than tap water????
Crystal Coolers have put the big margins aside and have rather focused on a product that is much needed to replace our current bottled water. Crystal Coolers offers water coolers with a filter bottle. They are simply refilled with a jug of ordinary tap water. So there is no more lifting of heavy bottles, no more running out of water. This is truly the "GREEN" way to go.
Besides the quality and health benefits Crystal Coolers can save your company a large amount of money that is currently being spent on your drinking water. Bottled water, due to several factors, is clearly not a healthier or purer alternative to tap water. Also, bottled water is outrageously expensive when compared to the cost per litre of tap water. If one is choosing only between tap water and bottled water, tap water is plainly the more economical, and, in many cases, the healthier choice. Despite this assertion, tap water does not remain without its problems.
The concerns over the quality and safety of tap water that sparked the growth of the bottled water industry are still entirely present.
Tap water is nowhere near free from dangerous contaminants. The most recent and innovative solution to the problems of low water quality has come about in the age of water filters.
Water filters currently provide the best and healthiest solution to the problems of both bottled water and tap water.