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19 November 2010

Breast cancer prevalence on the rise

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For many years, the notion was that breast cancer was something that predominantly affected white middle-aged well-to-do women from the developed world – and for a time this was correct. But the face of breast cancer is changing with the rate of prevalence having increased sevenfold over the past decade.

“According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) breast cancer comprises 16% of all cancer incidences among women, making it the most common type of non-skin cancer in women worldwide,” explains Dr Amit Thakker, interim CEO of African Medical Investments plc (AMI). “It is the top cancer affecting women in both the developing and developed world, with cervical cancer a close second. Some 1.3 million cases of breast cancer are diagnosed annually, globally. In Africa, 20 new cases per 100,000 people are recorded and the rate is increasing. Of the Mozambican women affected with cancer, 58% are affected with either breast or cervical cancer.”

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), African women are just as much at risk as their European and American counterparts; the rate of incidence is very similar, however, their mortality rate is much higher. Nadira Padamo of AMI Hospital Maputo, says that the main reason for this is due to lack of early detection. “Breast cancer is treatable but more often than not we are finding that women only see their doctors once the cancer has progressed into more aggressive stages. In Africa, awareness and early detection is pivotal in combating the disease; the earlier it is diagnosed, the more treatable the stage. Many African women do not know how to check themselves or to have their breasts examined, and so education and raising awareness is key.”

As October is breast cancer awareness month, AMI have taken it upon themselves to drive awareness through their Hospitals and Well Woman Clinics in Maputo, Mozambique. “Not only is our concern to provide health care to our patients but we want to equip and educate our patients about their own wellbeing so that they can remain healthy.”

Padamo explains that women in their 20s and 30s should have a clinical breast exam (CBE) as part of a regular exam by a health expert, at least every three years. After the age of 40, this CBE should happen ever year. Women over the age of 40 should also consult with their doctor as to how often they should have a mammogram. “Equally important is a breast self-exam (BSE) for women, starting in their 20s. If you do a BSE regularly, you will know how your breasts normally look and feel and will immediately be able to pick up any changes or concerns which you can raise with your doctor,” she continues.

There are a variety of symptoms that women should be aware of such as lumps, changes in size and shape and it is always best to speak to your doctor if you have any queries.

“In an effort to raise awareness amongst African women, our Well Woman Clinics in Maputo and Dar es Salaam will be offering a special reduced price on your mammogram during the months of October and November. African Medical Investments are your partners in the fight against breast cancer,” concludes Dr Thakker.

For more information on African Medical Investments, please visit their website at www.amiplc.com

Total Words: 563
Published in Health and Medicine