16 September 2024

AHF Urges Global South to Lead the Call for Health Equity in Pandemic Agreement

Submitted by: Tyler Oliver
AHF Urges Global South to Lead the Call for Health Equity in Pandemic Agreement

16 September 2024 – The AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) Africa has called on South Africa and other Global South nations to unite in demanding binding commitments during the ongoing World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Agreement negotiations. Speaking during a virtual press conference as part of the Save Our Society (SOS) campaign, AHF leaders emphasised the need for technology transfer and regional production mechanisms to ensure developing nations are better equipped for future pandemics.

Guillermina Alaniz, AHF’s Director of Global Advocacy and Policy, stressed the importance of action over rhetoric:
"It is not enough to talk about equity. We must take concrete steps to achieve it. A regional production mechanism for vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics is vital for ensuring that countries in the Global South are not left dependent on wealthier nations in times of crisis."

Inequities Exposed by the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed deep inequalities in the global health system, where many low- and middle-income countries were the last to receive vaccines, despite promises of solidarity. While wealthy nations secured doses early on, the Global South struggled, leading to an estimated 1.3 million preventable deaths due to delayed vaccine access.

Currently, the WHO Pandemic Agreement proposes that only 20% of pandemic-related health products—such as vaccines, diagnostics, and treatments—be allocated to 80% of the world’s population, further perpetuating the disparities seen during COVID-19. This imbalance underscores the urgent need for a reworked agreement that ensures equitable access to life-saving resources.

The Role of South Africa and the Global South

South Africa, with its advanced pharmaceutical manufacturing capabilities, is well-positioned to advocate for binding commitments in the Pandemic Agreement. AHF urges the inclusion of technology transfer (Article 11) and Pathogen Access and Benefit Sharing (Article 12) provisions to ensure equitable technology sharing for production within the Global South.

Dr Samuel Kinyanjui, AHF Kenya's Country Program Director, highlighted the importance of preparedness, stating:
"One of the key factors that weaken us is arriving late to the table, often without the necessary legal and economic expertise. To strengthen our position, we need to be more organised, involve civil society, and present a united front."

A Call for Accountability

The AHF campaign emphasises the need for a unified voice from the Global South to push for a binding framework that ensures equitable access to health technologies. Dr Penninah Lutung, AHF's Africa Bureau Chief, said:
"The Pandemic Agreement is a chance for leaders to prioritise lives over profits. It is time to create a binding framework that ensures equitable access to health technologies for all nations, not just the wealthiest."

Speakers criticised high-income countries for advocating non-binding agreements that leave developing nations behind. Aggrey Aluso, Africa Director of the Pandemic Action Network, urged for a shift away from philanthropy-based global health financing:
"Philanthropy is discretionary and cannot be the foundation of global health equity. We need robust, accountable financing mechanisms that ensure developing nations can respond effectively to future pandemics."

Strengthening African Health Systems

The conference stressed the need for African nations to prepare for future pandemics, calling for stronger regional health systems and improved research and development capabilities. AHF and its partners encouraged the South African government to lead efforts that ensure equitable access to life-saving treatments and support regional health systems.

As the WHO Pandemic Agreement negotiations continue, AHF calls for a global health system where African countries are equipped to protect their populations independently, rather than relying on wealthier nations.

Total Words: 561

Published in Health and Medicine