10 October 2023

Cape Town Gin celebrates breast cancer awareness month

Submitted by: Sibabalwe Phathani
Cape Town Gin celebrates breast cancer awareness month

Breast Cancer Awareness has always been a cause that our local brand Cape Town Gin has aligned themselves with. This Pinktober, they are once again standing in solidarity and support of our incredible breast cancer warriors.

With every floral sip, The Pink Lady Gin is reminiscent of South African summer, and memorable sundowners with friends. Experience its floral flavour with this recipe:

The Classic Lady


  • 50ml Cape Town The Pink Lady Gin
  • 100ml Indian tonic
  • Strawberries or raspberries
  • Sprig of thyme
  • Ice


Combine the gin and tonic water into a tumbler glass and stir. Add ice, and raspberries or strawberries to enhance the flavour of the gin. Garnish with a sprig of thyme.

Inside tip: pair with some Turkish Delight!

For more recipes follow Cape Town Gin on our social media platforms, Facebook @capetowngin, and Instagram @CapeTownGin; and for more information about Cape Town Gin visit our website www.capetowngincompany.co.za

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Issued by: Paul W. ReynellPaddington Station PRPaul@paddingtonstationpr.co.za | 021 447 0564

On behalf of: Jaco BoonzaaierCape Town Spirits Co. (Pty) LtdJaco@capetowngincompany.com | 021 593 6422 

About the Cape Town Gin & Spirits Company:

The Cape Town Gin & Spirits Company (est. 2015) launched the super-premium Cape Town Gin brand as a truly South African gin. Distilled and bottled locally, our gins have a distinctly South African flavour and celebrate the vibrant diversity and inspiring creative energy of Cape Town. The award-winning range of Cape Town Classic Dry Gin, Cape Town The Pink Lady Gin, Cape Town Rooibos Red Gin and Cape Town Black Rhino Gin have captivated the palates of South Africa.

Total Words: 445
Published in Food & Beverages