Make Life Easier by Learning to Love Labels
Submitted by: Jodi LynnDo you feel that life is moving so fast that sometimes it’s difficult to keep track of everything?
Whether you are single, married, a parent or a student being organised means less stress. Labelling is the greatest secret and a fantastic way to keep organised. GLAD has the perfect range of products to suit all your organisational needs; their Zip Seal Resealable products will be your new best friends!
In and Around the House:
- Herbs can be put into individual GLAD Zip Seal bags and then labelled according to type and date. Save space and keep herbs fresh
- For meal parcelling and planning, GLAD Zip Seal bags can be labelled by day and date, with the name of the meal and when it was made so that it can used before expiring. Stick these in the freezer and defrost when necessary
- Going away? Keep pet food in GLAD Zip Seal bags for the pet-sitter and label them according to their eating routine
- Organise documents like manuals, warranties and receipts to make your life easier
- Use small GLAD Zip Seal bags to organise and label medication – what it’s called, what it’s for, when to take it and expiry date
- Those pesky extra wires and adapters that you’re tempted to toss out but know you’ll need them as soon as you do – place them into separate large GLAD Zip Seal bags and label them. Time and space saved!
- Organise the odds and ends in your toolbox with small and medium GLAD Zip Seal bags and label away!All GLAD products are made for your convenience with the purpose of keeping your food fresh for longer.
GLAD – Making Life a Little Easier.
Please visit for more information and follow ‘GLAD SOUTH AFRICA’ on Facebook; Available in the GLAD aisle of most supermarkets.