Box it, move it tips
Submitted by: Bridgette DonnellyAre you about to move or store your stuff in a self-storage unit? We know moving and packing is stressful – hair pulling stressful. Are you scratching your head and wondering where to start? Read these tips and we might save you some stress. Think StorTown before you start to pack.
Boxes: Firstly you will need LOTS of boxes more than you imagine! Keep at least 5 empty boxes aside for last minute items on moving day e.g. clothes and bedding. PS. StorTown sells storage boxes so give us a call if you need some.
Small in big, big in small: When packing your boxes for self-storage, try to pack the small things in the large boxes and the large things in the small boxes. As those very heavy items might fall through the middle of a large box. Pack heavier books at the bottom of the box and lighter items toward the top of the box. It is a good idea to line the bottom of each box with newspaper.
Stack em: To aid in stacking in your storage unit use same-size boxes where possible. When you do stack put the boxes with the heaviest items at the bottom of the pile.
Box those books: Books are the exception when packing - if you fill a big storage box with small books, the weight will be too great and the box will be too heavy to carry. A heavy duty box is best here - remember to pack books flat.
Too heavy? If you're battling to pick up a box it probably contains too many heavy items and it could break. Listen to your back and unpack a few items.
Seal that box: Buy strong tape to close boxes securely. Remember to tape the seam on the bottom of the box and across it. When you have filled the box, tape it firmly shut.
Pack ahead of time: There are items that you can pack well before – i.e. winter clothes, crockery that is seldom used etc. This will make the whole process far less stressful.
We have loads more storage and moving tips, so readiour blog on for more handy tips.