05 December 2008


Submitted by: Nikki Botha
{pp}South African Seal Saving Initiative (SASSI) and The Aljama Political Party (ALJAMA) will be hosting a large beach clean up operation on the 13th of December 2008 and wish to encourage our communities to participate in this worthy cause.

The event will start at Strandfontein at 14:00 and volunteers will be walking along the coast all the way to Muizenberg, while collecting as much trash as possible. The aim of the event is to educate the public of the importance of keeping the marine environment free of litter and debris and the disastrous consequence of our continued negligence and or ignorance It is estimated that approximately 200 volunteers from Aljama’s Youth movement and supporters will participate in the event.

They are supported by the newly registered SASSI. SASSI Statement: “It is important to look after our oceans as they are a living resource. Each marine organism, no matter how big or small, has a role to play in keeping the eco-system healthy and in balance.

Debris and litter harm and kill these organisms and thus pose a significant and negative threat to a system that supports the human race. Prevention is the best solution and education is the best prevention,” says Nikki Botha, Founder and CEO of SASSI.

Nikki is contactable at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ALJAMA Statement: “We are proponents of the philosophy that says” we may not destroy that which we cannot create”. As our Party’s foundation is based on faith, we unequivocally support and advocate the protection of our eco-system. We welcome this opportunity to join SASSI and call on all like minded organisations to collaborate accordingly” says Aslam Salie, ALJAMA Director of Communication – Western Province Bi-election.

Contact Information:
Aslam is contactable at 082 775 1528
Nikki Botha
South African Seal Saving Initiative
P.O. Box 16218
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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