09 November 2016

MyGate E-receipts: A Win-Win Solution for Merchant and Customer

Submitted by: MyPressportal Team
MyGate E-receipts: A Win-Win Solution for Merchant and Customer

Some of the biggest companies globally have benefitted from email receipts (e-receipts). E-receipts are used when customers can opt to add their email address while doing an online payment in order to receive a payment confirmation. As a result, companies gain access to their inbox, avoid paper wastage, and have an opportunity to enhance its marketing.

For companies that want to make the switch from paper receipts to electronic, MyGate’s e-receipt offering, can be easily activated and configured from within the MyGate Web Console. It has customisable fields for social media and company details and both the customer and merchant will benefit from this integrated email transaction system.

The benefits of emailed receipts

  1. It’s all about the marketing. As a merchant you will be collecting valuable data in the form of email addresses which can be used when you are marketing a new product or service, or if you have any upcoming specials. And the hard work will already have been done as you will not be trying to convince new people to buy from you. Instead you will be reaching out to people who have already supported you in the past.
  2. You can improve your company’s social media. With MyGate, you have the option of including your social media links, helping you to build up your online reputation through your social media.
  3. An e-receipt gives you the perfect opportunity to add a call-to-action; those few words that could be key to boosting your company sales. A call-to-action could be a discount coupon or it could be something as simple as adding your newsletter sign-up link. Small, but effective.

With online shopping becoming increasingly popular because of convenience and deals offered, the merchant must focus on improving communication and customer loyalty. Email receipts are the ideal way to start developing better relationships with existing customers and grow sales because the likelihood of selling to an existing customer is 60% to 70%.

“Every company is unique, even if they happen to be in a saturated industry.” Says Dan Edmiston, CEO of MyGate, “So we don’t expect you to use the same receipt style as your industry competitor. When you opt for our e-receipts, you can configure the style as you see fit. This could mean adding your company logo, adding your preferred call to action or adding anything else you’d like to use to make that impact.”

Furthermore, a company can boost its online exposure with a post or tweet, decrease its marketing costs and reach out to its customers in a way that will make them want to return.

“Not yet sure if this is something you will benefit from?” says Edmiston “Just take a look at Uber. Each year, Uber spends very little on their marketing. Instead, they rely on word of mouth and, more recently, a great looking emailed transaction receipt. Basically, they have hacked traditional marketing and along the way they have become a great example of how a little bit of simple marketing can go a long way towards helping you build a successful company.”