18 July 2023

Fundi supports blanket drive to keep children warm and learning

Submitted by: Leigh Callipolitis
Fundi supports blanket drive to keep children warm and learning

As temperatures across the country plummet, Fundi has reached out to support Sibonile School of the Blind’s call for help this winter – providing much-needed blankets for the children in their care. The welcome donation will help learners to stay warm and to keep focused on their studies, not on the cold!

With icy weather fronts causing temperatures across the country to drop, many learners currently face the challenge of keeping themselves warm in class and while studying at home. The rising cost of electricity also means that fewer schools can make use of conventional heaters – forcing teachers to look for alternative ways to help the children they teach.

These challenges are often made that much more difficult when caring for children with special needs – as is the case at Sibonile School for the Blind, which caters for blind and other disadvantaged learners in Kliprivier, Gauteng. Having supported the organisation previously with the purchase of a braille machine, Fundi immediately stepped up to assist with the blanket drive!

“The moment we knew they needed help, we got ready,” says Sphiwe Masuku, Marketing Manager of Fundi. “We immediately rallied our internal team – inviting staff to either make a donation or support the campaign with blankets.”

The results were overwhelming, with over R10 000 raised and 65 blankets purchased. “Contributions were split equally between the company and team members,” explains Masuku. 

Sibonile School supports students from disadvantaged backgrounds and home environments with the loving care they need to overcome their challenging start to life.

“We remain humbled by the work that is done here – with such great love, selflessness and compassion,” says Masuku. “This is one of the reasons it was so critical for us to mobilise and respond. We’re so happy that we got everything to the learners before the next cold fronts that are forecast.”

The blankets were also handed over by the team in person; giving them an opportunity to thank the school’s staff for the remarkable work they do.

“We encourage individuals and like-minded organisations to play their part in similar winter initiatives across the country – especially in the wake of the bad weather we are currently experiencing. If each of us gives what we can, we’re sure to make more of an impact than we know,” concludes Masuku.