16 February 2017

Charming New Consol Tvc Warms Hearts And Minds while Revealing That Precious & Unexpected Things Can Be Stored In glass

Submitted by: MyPressportal Team

The Challenge

  • Consol’s campaigns are constantly working on changing the perception that Consol is a “vessel brand” and instead positioning it as a recognisable part of the consumer’s everyday lifestyle. The challenge with Consol’s new TVC was to demonstrate this idea while affirming the versatility of glass packaging in a memorable and unique way.
  • Further, glass is a part of our everyday lives so we tend to take it for granted. So Consol had to find a way to create an emotional connection with the consumer and convince them that glass is special.

The Solution

  • To achieve the predetermined ideal, Consol decided not to limit glass to its ordinary uses, but instead opted to take viewers on a journey of magic, intrigue and imagination and in so doing, capture the pure essence of glass in a way that would grab attention and draw in viewers.

The Story Line

  • The new Consol advert tells the charming story of the beauty and versatility that only comes in glass. A six-year old girl, her grandmother and Consol’s iconic preserve jar hero in the story.
  • It starts with the young girl in a park; she radiates joy, purity and the innocence of childhood. She purposefully empties her Consol preserve jar of its wholesome treats – delicious homemade biscuits. Taking her now empty jar with her through the park, she holds it in a way that’s intriguing but clearly indicates she is filling it with the sounds of the park. From the flicker of a playing card on bicycle spokes, to the infectious laughing of children on swings and merry go rounds. She carefully captures each moment in time.
  • By capturing all the sounds and experiences from her day in the park, filling her jar with memories, she is able to share the highlights of her outing with her blind grandmother who awaits her granddaughters’ return. It’s a bittersweet ending that will leave consumers more connected to glass than ever before.
  • Clearly Consol’s glass jar doesn’t just preserve food in this story – it preserves memories, precious moments, and good feelings…which is what the wholesomeness of glass is all about.


  • Clever casting – each character was perfect in their role – solid performances and an unpretentious storyline – the Consol advert is as moving as it is memorable. It evokes emotion and is sure to get viewers thinking about the intrinsic qualities of glass. It really is a feel good advert.


  • The choice of music in an advert is one of the most common ways of connecting with the audience and the Consol advert is no exception. The music, which sets up an emotional connection, is sure to give viewers goose bumps; its congruence is a perfect match and it creates a halo of engagement. It was created by Audio Militia, while the sound design, arguably one of the most crucial elements of the story, was perfected by Louis Enslin at Produce.


  • Consol’s message is: “The best things come in glass”, because only glass can store precious things, while protecting and preserving them. Whatever is stored in glass will never be contaminated because glass contains no chemicals and is completely inert.

Research & Review

  • While developing its new creative, Consol carefully considered the safety aspect of the advert and tested it extensively with parents.  Some highlighted concerns about a child running with a glass bottle and what message that might send viewers. But, on balance, the overwhelming majority loved the story and when probed, felt the responsibility for managing a child’s safety lay with each parent individually.  As with most things on television, Consol’s intention is not that the ad be taken literally, but that it evokes emotions in the viewer and that those emotions allow consumers to suspend reality for a few seconds and be carried away.

The Take Outs

  • The advert is an artistic expression of the concept the best things come in glass and its treatment is real and human; it transcends cultural and social barriers in a way that makes everyone able to identify with the sentiment. It stirs up an emotional response, in a manner that is both refreshing and heartfelt because of its genuine approach.
  • It serves as a creative metaphor for demonstrating how glass is timeless and trustworthy – preserving more than just its contents. The ad’s simplicity, honesty and authenticity confirm how memories are made with glass packaging and the point is well made.
  • There is a real and raw poignancy about the act of capturing, storing and sharing the special memories from the young girl’s visit to the park. This serves to further touch and encourage the viewer to consider more than just glass packaging and to look beyond the preserve jar. In so doing the abundant benefits of glass packaging becomes the focus.
  • The advert also has the ability to take audiences back in time to their childhood which gives a feeling of nostalgia to the communication piece.
  • The best things come in glass is a concept that shows how glass adds quality to life across generations. The advert drives home this message and ends with a close up of a Consol preserve jar and the bold statement: The best things come in glass. The perfect end to an original and inspired story.
  • Consol believes that the style of shooting, the emotive script and careful casting of the characters and choice of music, has culminated in an advert that will connect with a diverse audience in a meaningful way.


  • The advert began fighting on 30 January on SABC, eTV and DSTV channels.


The new commercial was conceived by Grey Johannesburg, and Dean Blumberg from Bouffant films directed it.

  • Client: Consol Glass
  • Brand: Corporate
  • Creative agency: Grey
  • Executive Creative Director: Fran Luckin
  • Creative Director: Glenn Jefferey
  • Copywriter: Toni Cheiman
  • Art Director: Bethea Polatinsky
  • Strategic Planner: Jessica Wheeler
  • TV Production: Bianca Du Plessis
  • Client Partners: Michelle Pereira/ Yonda Siwisa
  • Media Planners: Mediology
  • Production Company: Bouffant
  • Director: Dean Bloomberg
  • Post-production: Tessa Ford
  • Audio: Audio Militia

View the advert on https://www.facebook.com/pg/ConsolGlass/videos/?ref=page_internal Or for more information on the goodness of glass, visit the website www.consol.co.za, or go to Facebook (Consol Glass) or Twitter (Consol_Glass), or mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..