30 August 2021

2021 Marks A Unique Women’s Month

Submitted by: MyPressportal Team

August 2021 - This year marks 65 years since the watershed 1956  women’s march to the Union Buildings. Every year, in August we place our gauge on women’s month as our country commemorates Women’s Month to pay tribute to the more than 20 000 women who marched to the Union Buildings on 9 August 1956 in protest against the extension of Pass Laws to women.

Women’s Month is such a beautiful gift and vivid reminder that allows us to look back on how far we have come in transforming society, particularly the the transformation of unequal power relations between women and men. The COVID-19 pandemic has truly impacted our nation and her people in so many countless ways. Daily the pandemic continues to forge new fears and challenges to our nation. What was initially a health crisis has impacted the economy, health, education, food security and gender equality.  What can be done to support women? 

Women also face as a result of the pandemic more now than ever before gender-based violence, as well as the economic impact of COVID-19, and the recent civil unrest which engulfed KwaZulu-Natal and parts of Gauteng. “I strongly believe that women are creators of their own destiny, and creating a conducive environment which enables women to take control of their lives is one of the key responsibilities leaders should focus on,” says Nadia Hearn founder of EntrepreneursColab and owner of Get Published. 

The year 2021 also marks the twenty-sixth anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action, which created a platform for greater gender equality. “This August 2021, women all over South Africa proudly are coming together to stand strong in challenging times, offering useful opportunities and motivation to support other women. As women we create the space and support for other women to follow, we learn by example and need more women mentors to step up,” says Hearn. 

With this in mind the EntrepreneursColab opens up the Women’s Entrepreneurs Summit 2021 hosted on 31 August 2021 virtually on Zoom - to all women entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs. Also inviting all women looking for new ways to grow in their work lives to achieve more of what they truly want in new opportunities and success. 

EntrepreneursColab creates a collaborative space, featuring business summits and conferences for entrepreneurs and industry professionals. At the Women’s Entrepreneurs Summit 2021 female speakers are coming together to stand strong in challenging times offering useful motivational tips to propel others forward! 

“As women we create the space and support for other women to follow. Join us at this women’s summit to hear first-hand from top SA women, as they share their life stories and business lessons and tips – I have experience in my own life and business; nothing changes until you change and this is an opportunity to step in to creating your own success,” Hearn concludes. 

Register at no cost for an complimentary ticket here:   https://www.entrepreneurscolab.co.za/women2021-summit/ - apply one of these codes: WE2021 or GP2021 - or for more information mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Summit Programme: 

Session 1, 31 August 2021
Welcome Message
Zoom Nadia Hearn

How to keep redesigning yourself and your business to stay motivated and relevant.
Zoom Shanaaz Trethewey - CEO of RentMaster and Leading Businesswoman

How to believe in yourself and your dreams.
Zoom Jessica Molebatsi - Creative Fashion Designer, Entrepreneur

Steps to renew your sense of style and boost your self-confidence!
Zoom Jill Hector - Property Specialist, Personal Stylist and Entrepreneur

Secrets on how to create your own successful, abundant and happy life
Zoom Margaret Hirsch - Executive Director of the Hirsch’s Homestore Group, A Leading Example to Businesswomen in Southern Africa

Comfort Break (10min)
Session 2, 31 August 2021

How to stay positively focussed on business and what you create!
Zoom Grace Stevens - Award-winning TV chef, Cookbook Author, Mom-Entrepreneur

Grow and scale with your business, lessons on how to grow from local to national.
Zoom Debra Matake - Local Success Story Founder of Eden All Natural, Entrepreneur

How to keep energised and motivated in your home and work space
Zoom Kim Williams – Creative entrepreneur in combining design and behavioural strategies

Closing Message by Nadia Hearn

Hang Out Session (30 mins)